Rev's dog'S bollox on telly again
fiLTH !!!
Rev's dog'S bollox on telly again
fiLTH !!!
That dog is flashing it's genitals yet again !!!
stop channelling Rents.
Apparently I was channelling you
The dog's an exhibitionist if you ask me.
The dog's an exhibitionist if you ask me.
Appears on "Dog's Bollox Weekly"
Saint Dennis !!!!
Me thinks NOT
Saint Renton - y-e-s !!
An NVQ in Customer Service for JAY !!!
I have been served by the likes of JAY many, many, many times
Watched this for the first time last night.I'm sure I know the posh bloke from somewwhere, I spent the whole show waiting for him to be on screen, to try and establish how or if I knew him.
Caroline Aherne is a very irritating voice over person.
Watched this for the first time last night.I'm sure I know the posh bloke from somewwhere, I spent the whole show waiting for him to be on screen, to try and establish how or if I knew him.
Caroline Aherne is a very irritating voice over person.
Nearly caught me out.
I mean 'bump'
Eyup all
Another reason not to watch BGT.
HEllo all
Where have all the newcomers gone?
Seems to be all the regulars
Jen always forgets and comes late.
Are they told to overreact and scream these days?
Are they told to overreact and scream these days?
It is rather contrived isn't it? Who sits sipping wine all dressed up with lippy perfectly applied in their own front room?
I'm waiting for the Exhibionist Filth Dog belonging to Mrs Rev
Are they told to overreact and scream these days?
It is rather contrived isn't it? Who sits sipping wine all dressed up with lippy perfectly applied in their own front room?
I could believe the posh couple do.
Silent Jay must have the record for the least words said for the most amount of TV air time
I'm waiting for the Exhibionist Filth Dog belonging to Mrs Rev
Yeah it get's it's bits out every week.
The new people got ONE show and seem to have been removed
I'm expecting Exhibitionist Filth Dog to turn up on the Health Clinic
Leon -
I am having a good old chuckle at some comments tonight.
"You don't want to go on TV and get yer knob out" says Posh Guy
He aint met the Rev's dog
"You don't want to go on TV and get yer knob out" says Posh Guy
He aint met the Rev's dog
True Dat.
There you go - the dog's bits !!!
Filth Dog
Ho-ho-diddly akimbo !!
The Guess List - bet they hate this, it was rubbish.
The Guess List - bet they hate this, it was rubbish.
Never saw it
Rev Kate's dog is called BUSTER
aka Buster Bollox
The Guess List - bet they hate this, it was rubbish.
Complete Blankety Blank rip off from that clip.
Oh maaaan they're really going for FILF tonight
"this is disgusting"
"it is"
"you seem to be enjoying it"
"I am"
Silent Jay said something
DID YOU SEE IT !!!!!!!
Silent Jay said something
DID YOU SEE IT !!!!!!!
Did he?
No way !!!!!
Wha he say?
Silent Jay said something
DID YOU SEE IT !!!!!!!
EC ... is you messing with us?
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