Baz posted:Dame watched part of this's rude
It was a bit..
Baz posted:Dame watched part of this's rude
It was a bit..
Kaffs posted:I watched Versailles Seriously bad acting.. and very bad hair. LOL'd at the final scene though.. I don't know my French history obviously
I like my history without the romping
Kaffs posted:Baz posted:Dame watched part of this's rude
It was a bit..
Must have been bad ...Dame switched off
Kaffs posted:I watched Versailles Seriously bad acting.. and very bad hair. LOL'd at the final scene though.. I don't know my French history obviously
I missed it. Looking at these clips, I'm glad!
Baz posted:Kaffs posted:I watched Versailles Seriously bad acting.. and very bad hair. LOL'd at the final scene though.. I don't know my French history obviously
I like my history without the romping
Oh.. some serious romping.. watch this
PMSL all over again...
Kaffs posted:PMSL all over again...
Baz posted:Rofl Be sure your sins will find you out .
@ Jenny
Baz posted:I saw this ....
Flippin' heck!
Baz posted:Fancy having to live like that
The new flat looks nice
The second Michael's daughter doesn't say much.
Yogi19 posted:The second Michael's daughter doesn't say much.
Probably all those years competing with the loud brother - she's given up trying to be heard.
Kaffs posted:Yogi19 posted:The second Michael's daughter doesn't say much.
Probably all those years competing with the loud brother - she's given up trying to be heard.
Could be
Kaffs posted:Yogi19 posted:The second Michael's daughter doesn't say much.
Probably all those years competing with the loud brother - she's given up trying to be heard.
He's done like a kipper!
"Cagney and Lacey"
Baz posted:Yogi19 posted:He's done like a kipper!
Yep ...plonker !
Baz posted:Yogi19 posted:"Cagney and Lacey"
Miss Marple and Poirot
I like Jenny and Lee
Yogi19 posted:Baz posted:Yogi19 posted:"Cagney and Lacey"
Miss Marple and Poirot
I like Jenny and Lee
Yes , they seem to get on well
Naughty Johnny!
Baz posted:This was a turn up,
Johnny Depp has the look of a man who's coming out of a mid life crisis and thinking WTF... I binned Vanessa Paradis for this....
lol She'd never throw her phone as it is too precious.
Kaffs posted:Johnny Depp has the look of a man who's coming out of a mid life crisis and thinking WTF... I binned Vanessa Paradis for this....
OH.. squeaky sister is fairly interchangeable with the brother..
Kaffs posted:Johnny Depp has the look of a man who's coming out of a mid life crisis and thinking WTF... I binned Vanessa Paradis for this....
Spot on
Yogi19 posted:lol She'd never throw her phone as it is too precious.
I understand that .
Baz posted:Yogi19 postedNaughty Johnny!
Told you I didn't like him
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