I can see your voice -looks trashy
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:I can see your voice -looks trashy
@Baz posted:Yes
@Baz posted:500 miles
@Baz posted:I didn’t think he was very good
shall we fast forward the adverts bazzy-right button at the top-
@Baz posted:Shrewsbury
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:shall we fast forward the adverts bazzy-right button at the top-
Yes, but I ain’t there yet
it does look a bit like him
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:it does look a bit like him
fancy paying £160 pounds for that
@Baz posted:Adverts
shall we fast forward bazzy-is it the button at top right with two arrows like side on triangles
@Baz posted:Say go when you’re ready Ros
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:shall we fast forward bazzy-is it the button at top right with two arrows like side on triangles
Yes Say Go when you are ready
awww doggy
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:gooooo
@Baz posted:Yes
Say Go when you are ready
goooo on the two men
@Baz posted:Giles
Charlie and Ra Ra
omg he doesn't look 70
he must have had work done
@Baz posted:Never heard of this
nor me
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:he must have had work done
he looks much younger than 70 trying to look like Rod Stewart
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:he looks much younger than 70 trying to look like Rod Stewart
@Baz posted:How come we’ve missed this
god knows-when is it on bazzy?