there isn't a toilet roll left in sainsbury's - no hand gel for three weeks or more no Antibac soap
I went into the ASDA near work. All of the shelves of soap are empty. Idiot panic buying.!!
Crazy ! No lack of loo paper here in hospital ....but I brought my own anyway
Are you in hospital?
Yes Ec ....had a fall on Saturday ....ankle broken in three places ...op postponed 4 times so far scheduled for Tuesday 

Really sorry to hear that Baz. I hope you are being treated well and they are keeping you as comfortable as possible.
I’d like to say yes , but
When you have had the op are you allowed to go home?
As long as I can manage on my own EC ....which I bliddy well will be come hell or high water
But I have to be no weight bearing for another 6/8 weeks , so ....
Sounds like you may need a little bit of help, but nice to be back in your own home as soon as possible.
Fingers crossed for a very speedy recovery. 
Yes , I’m working with physio at the moment , using a darn zimmer ...and they have registered me for a care package to activate when I get the Ok