Mary is such a misery
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:ok bazzy
any ND or First dates on
I’ll check it out
this quiz is stupid
@Baz posted:I’ll check it out
love trashy tv
@Baz posted:Mary is such a misery
just a foil for Giles - he is constantly winding her up
awwww dave the dog is cute -he was waiting for a treat
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:
love trashy tv
Me too By the way …Springwatch starts next week …..but I won’t be able to join you and Yogi on Tuesday cos it’s Bake Off Professionals ….but I’ll join you Wednesday , Thursday and Friday
these two girls are annoying
@Baz posted:Me too
By the way …Springwatch starts next week …..but I won’t be able to join you and Yogi on Tuesday cos it’s Bake Off Professionals ….but I’ll join you Wednesday , Thursday and Friday
aww that s fine -bazzy
omg can't touch Olive Oil
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:these two girls are annoying
omg just couldn't
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:omg can't touch Olive Oil
I like it …..but can’t take much these days
bliddy Greg
@Baz posted:I like it …..but can’t take much these days
never liked it -can't take the capsules either
@Baz posted:What a load of crap
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:never liked it -can't take the capsules either
That’s castor oil