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Go on folks, give Live Cloud a go.. (If you haven't already...) Smiler I joined about 3 weeks ago, and thought 'I am not liking this at all, as it's so confusing,' and I only posted several messages on it. But then I realised that this forum is going soon, so I better give it a go, or lose touch with the lovely and funny and amazing folk on here.

The forum members on here make me laugh out loud at times, and they share their stories about their life and their baby pics and so on, and when I have ever had any issues or problems, I have posted them on here, and loads of people respond with really helpful and kind replies... I mean, you guys helped me pick the name of my new kitten! Smiler And you're all so funny and sweet and we all get on so well and this forum - even though it's full of cyber friends - is such a cool place to be. Smiler

I know some people only want the FORUM, and I think that this is what most people 'do' want, but there will be one over there soon. When you join, where it says 'sites' (on the black bar on the top of the page,) there will (so I have been told LOL,) an icon to click for gagajoy, and it should take you straight to a forum like this one...) Not yet, but soon...

I have been posting on these 2 places so far.

On the second link, (the support one,) you should see a page where all the posters online are showing. If you click on their name, it should give you an option on the right hand side of the page, to add them as a buddy. If you see someone you know, (and you will I am sure,) just add them as a buddy. If you click on 'add dialog,' you can send them a Private message.

THEN roll your mouse over the 'ticker' on the black bar on the far left... and 2 options drop down 'my ticker' and 'my alerts.' Click on 'my alerts' and it will let you know who has accepted you as a buddy and who is requesting you to be THEIR buddy, Smiler

If you click on dialogs, (also in the black bar at the topWink you can see if anyone has messaged you. Smiler

And if you click on 'me' at the top of that black bar, and click on 'my buddies,' you will see all your buddies there and you can talk to them via PM as you can on here. You can fill in your profile there too, like your birthdate and location and stuff and put an avatar up...

Finally, if you click here:

You will see a forum called 'The Sinking Ship:' click onto that and quite a few people from here are in THE BAR, which is a sub-forum, halfway down the page... You can also get to that 'sinking ship,' by going back to the black bar along the top again, and clicking on 'explore' and 'groups' and it was in there. Smiler

If you go into the BAR, you should find people from here in there too, and you will soon get the hang of where you mates are. Smiler And where most others are too.

It's a bit weird at the moment, because people are dotted about a bit forum-wise, but after a wee while, we will all start to figure out where we are meant to be. Just join up and add a few buddies, and then you can message them if you are worried or confused, and can't figure out where you should be.

So go on, join up, don't be scared or worried or daunted, and don't be sad or upset. No-one likes change; I know I hate it, but at least give livecloud a go; we dont want to lose anyone.

I have heard several people I like a lot, saying they have no intention of coming over, and I'm not posting this to try and moan at people or anything; it's just to encourage people I like and many others like too, to come over so we don't lose contact with you!

See you there.. (hopefully...) Wave

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by 15:10:
Thanks for that CP. I'm signed up and have only posted once so far.

I might check it out after this place closes but might not be on it as much.

*Warning, Warning* Ninja YOU HAVE ALL BE WARNED: I might add buddies to names I recognise. Big Grin Wink
You're welcome Valentine As several people on here have already said, (on various threads,) we don't want to lose peope. Feel free to add me a a buddy if you want Smiler That goes for anyone else too Valentine
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
How do you post a new thread, Cheeky? Confused

This is how I did it ...

On the forum that quite a few people seem to be posting on (I saw the link to it on here several times) You have to 'join the forum;' there should be a little option button to join the forum, and then it will give you an option to 'post new topic.' Hopefully that works for you. But you can't post new topics til you join that forum, as far as I am aware...

Here you go: Smiler

See if you can click on 'join forum' and you should be able to post.
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
How do you post a new thread, Cheeky? Confused
If you have joined the group then you post blog to add a new thread.
what am I doing wrong? Frowner I clicked on "blog" but all that came up were postings from other ppl. Did not see how to post a new thread? Confused
I have joined 2 groups and if i want to start a thread i go to one of my groups and in the right hand corner it says post blog that starts a new thread.
Originally posted by RENTON:
Holy Sh*t PIXIE - i think your post may hav scared off more than it encouraged!!

See how it all comes across as unecessarily complicated

I'm just trying to help people Renton. Sorry if you thought it was unecessarily complicated. Guess you can't please everyone. Frowner I was just explaining how there WILL be a forum there soon, and how to get to buddies and send private messages and suchlike. I just think it's a shame that people don't want to move over, but it's up to them I guess. Like I said, you can't please everyone. I was just trying to be helpful, that's all.
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by 15:10:
Thanks for that CP. I'm signed up and have only posted once so far.

I might check it out after this place closes but might not be on it as much.

*Warning, Warning* Ninja YOU HAVE ALL BE WARNED: I might add buddies to names I recognise. Big Grin Wink
You're welcome Valentine As several people on here have already said, (on various threads,) we don't want to lose peope. Feel free to add me a a buddy if you want Smiler That goes for anyone else too Valentine

Thanks CP. Valentine Smiler
Originally posted by 15:10:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by 15:10:
Thanks for that CP. I'm signed up and have only posted once so far.

I might check it out after this place closes but might not be on it as much.

*Warning, Warning* Ninja YOU HAVE ALL BE WARNED: I might add buddies to names I recognise. Big Grin Wink
You're welcome Valentine As several people on here have already said, (on various threads,) we don't want to lose peope. Feel free to add me a a buddy if you want Smiler That goes for anyone else too Valentine

Thanks CP. Valentine Smiler

You're welcome 15:10. Valentine Glad to know someone finds the information somewhat helpful Laugh
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
How do you post a new thread, Cheeky? Confused
If you have joined the group then you post blog to add a new thread.
what am I doing wrong? Frowner I clicked on "blog" but all that came up were postings from other ppl. Did not see how to post a new thread? Confused
I have joined 2 groups and if i want to start a thread i go to one of my groups and in the right hand corner it says post blog that starts a new thread.

I think the button is Post New Topic, but don't forget everyone that you need to have joined the group and be signed in otherwise you won't even see the Post New Topic button.
Originally posted by RENTON:
Hunny i know

Don't think i'm not ungrateful cos i am

but its all too much - your post is great but ... its just the site is overly complex - too big - it scatters people rather than bringing them together

I did not mean to criticise - honest
I know sweetie Valentine It's OK. Smiler

I am totally in agreement with you, but I think that it would be best if everyone joined and just added a few people they recognise, so we don't lose anyone. Then as soon as the gaga forum kicks in over there, we can all get together. I just posted that big post, to explain to people how to add buddies and send PMs and so on, so we didn't lose anyone. TBH, I shall be using the forum about 90% of the time once it kicks in, and won't be doing much more, at least not to start with. Smiler

I just really don't wanna lose anyone from here Frowner
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
How do you post a new thread, Cheeky? Confused
If you have joined the group then you post blog to add a new thread.
what am I doing wrong? Frowner I clicked on "blog" but all that came up were postings from other ppl. Did not see how to post a new thread? Confused
I have joined 2 groups and if i want to start a thread i go to one of my groups and in the right hand corner it says post blog that starts a new thread.

I think the button is Post New Topic, but don't forget everyone that you need to have joined the group and be signed in otherwise you won't even see the Post New Topic button.
Sorry yes its post new topic. I was in a different place Confused
Originally posted by RENTON:
SQIGGLE - i cn't see the POST NEW TOPIC - explain again wot i have to do cos i AM signed in
Wot GROUP do i have to join?

That is the one I have been posting on. But once the gaga forum kicks in, I am sure everyone will post on there Smiler

The 'post new topic' button is in the middle, but you do have to join it first Smiler The join button is over on the right somewhere...
Originally posted by RENTON:
AWWW thank you

And deepest apologies if i came across as ungrateful xxxxxx

i get spooked easily
That's OK darlin' Valentine Glad you found it ok, and managed to post and I am sorry to you and anyone else, if my post seems long-winded, I just wanted to explain everything I had found out so far, to see if people may change their minds and come along and join. Smiler Catch ya all later Hug
Bless your heart for that info Pixie. Although
I registered there the other week I've not been
there much cos I didn't quite know what I was
doing ~ even when I'd done something I couldn't
do it again. Big Grin I'm not that computer savvy in
case you hadn't already guessed. Smiler

I'm not yet wholly convinced that I will like
the new place but I'm willing to give it a try.
I don't want to lose touch with the lovely fms
I've found on Ch4 and here. Thanks again hun.
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Go on folks, give Live Cloud a go.. (If you haven't already...) Smiler I joined about 3 weeks ago, and thought 'I am not liking this at all, as it's so confusing,' and I only posted several messages on it. But then I realised that this forum is going soon, so I better give it a go, or lose touch with the lovely and funny and amazing folk on here.

The forum members on here make me laugh out loud at times, and they share their stories about their life and their baby pics and so on, and when I have ever had any issues or problems, I have posted them on here, and loads of people respond with really helpful and kind replies... I mean, you guys helped me pick the name of my new kitten! Smiler And you're all so funny and sweet and we all get on so well and this forum - even though it's full of cyber friends - is such a cool place to be. Smiler

I know some people only want the FORUM, and I think that this is what most people 'do' want, but there will be one over there soon. When you join, where it says 'sites' (on the black bar on the top of the page,) there will (so I have been told LOL,) an icon to click for gagajoy, and it should take you straight to a forum like this one...) Not yet, but soon...

I have been posting on these 2 places so far.

On the second link, (the support one,) you should see a page where all the posters online are showing. If you click on their name, it should give you an option on the right hand side of the page, to add them as a buddy. If you see someone you know, (and you will I am sure,) just add them as a buddy. If you click on 'add dialog,' you can send them a Private message.

THEN roll your mouse over the 'ticker' on the black bar on the far left... and 2 options drop down 'my ticker' and 'my alerts.' Click on 'my alerts' and it will let you know who has accepted you as a buddy and who is requesting you to be THEIR buddy, Smiler

If you click on dialogs, (also in the black bar at the topWink you can see if anyone has messaged you. Smiler

And if you click on 'me' at the top of that black bar, and click on 'my buddies,' you will see all your buddies there and you can talk to them via PM as you can on here. You can fill in your profile there too, like your birthdate and location and stuff and put an avatar up...

Finally, if you click here:

You will see a forum called 'The Sinking Ship:' click onto that and quite a few people from here are in THE BAR, which is a sub-forum, halfway down the page... You can also get to that 'sinking ship,' by going back to the black bar along the top again, and clicking on 'explore' and 'groups' and it was in there. Smiler

If you go into the BAR, you should find people from here in there too, and you will soon get the hang of where you mates are. Smiler And where most others are too.

It's a bit weird at the moment, because people are dotted about a bit forum-wise, but after a wee while, we will all start to figure out where we are meant to be. Just join up and add a few buddies, and then you can message them if you are worried or confused, and can't figure out where you should be.

So go on, join up, don't be scared or worried or daunted, and don't be sad or upset. No-one likes change; I know I hate it, but at least give livecloud a go; we dont want to lose anyone.

I have heard several people I like a lot, saying they have no intention of coming over, and I'm not posting this to try and moan at people or anything; it's just to encourage people I like and many others like too, to come over so we don't lose contact with you!

See you there.. (hopefully...) Wave

see you there Pixie Big Grin Hug
Great job Cheeky. Clapping

I'd just like to add to Cheeky's amazing post.....

It may seen like people are scattered over there at the moment but that's only because it's supposed to be like that. There are many choices of ways to connect with others over there, personal pages, blogs, groups etc. These are the added extras we are getting by migrating to livecloud.

BUT once THIS forum is over there.... there will a central place for us all to be, and only those that want to can wander "outside".

Can I just say too, that I highly recommend the wandering! When it first opened I went a little crazy and posted anywhere and everywhere. Because of this I now chat to people from here I rarely posted with before, but also a few people from the Groupee site that has migrated there too. There are some cool new people to meet. Big Grin
Originally posted by Duckypup:
Great job Cheeky. Clapping

I'd just like to add to Cheeky's amazing post.....

It may seen like people are scattered over there at the moment but that's only because it's supposed to be like that. There are many choices of ways to connect with others over there, personal pages, blogs, groups etc. These are the added extras we are getting by migrating to livecloud.

BUT once THIS forum is over there.... there will a central place for us all to be, and only those that want to can wander "outside".

Can I just say too, that I highly recommend the wandering! When it first opened I went a little crazy and posted anywhere and everywhere. Because of this I now chat to people from here I rarely posted with before, but also a few people from the Groupee site that has migrated there too. There are some cool new people to meet. Big Grin
Thank you Duckypup! Smiler

Yes I agree. I only just started really getting into it this past few days, because I was a bit daunted and thought 'don't fancy this much,' but like you, I have found I am communicating with folk I never really spoke to before LOL. Not by choice I might add, but I just never got round to communicating with them.

And much to my absolute delight, when I logged on yesterday, and started having a look at the black band at the top of the page with all the options, like 'home,' ticker, dialog and so on, I saw that TEN people had asked me to be their buddy.., I was so chuffed Laugh So I accepted them all, and then asked about another 12 or 13 or so if they wanted to be my buddy, and most have accepted.

Then today, ANOTHER 5 or 6 had requested me to be buddies. People are being really friendly and it's nice. Smiler But yes it will be nice when the forum opens, then people who only want to be on the forum and don't want to interact any other way, can do so ... Smiler
Originally posted by Aquarius 11:
Bless your heart for that info Pixie. Although
I registered there the other week I've not been
there much cos I didn't quite know what I was
doing ~ even when I'd done something I couldn't
do it again. Big Grin I'm not that computer savvy in
case you hadn't already guessed. Smiler

I'm not yet wholly convinced that I will like
the new place but I'm willing to give it a try.
I don't want to lose touch with the lovely fms
I've found on Ch4 and here. Thanks again hun.
Thanks Aquarius Valentine Hope to see you there. Smiler
Excellent post Pixie. It is daunting there at first, when we first went over I even put a post on here telling people they could find me on DS. It seems I'd been on the wrong page over there and thought I would never get to grips with it in a million years.
It's just a matter of bumbling around and pressing every button available. James Vip was an enormous help by setting up the pub for us ' The Sinking Ship' it's a good place to go for a laugh and get a feel for the place. I hope every single FM here gives Cloudy a try. Big Grin

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