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A bit like the gorilla playing the drums on the Cadbury's Dairy Milk ad? It didn't make me want to go out and buy a bar either

One ad I thought was pure genius was the T-mobile one last year when they were in a London station (cant remember which one) and this music comes on and 1 by 1 people started dancing (a pre-choreographed routine with dancers and members of the public in on it). Absolutely brilliant

I prefer adverts to programmes most of the time, cos the ones I like I wonder where the creativity comes from cos some of them are amazing. (I'm a bit odd like that )
Ad companies have cracked onto the 'Cadbury Effect'. 'Totally random' / bizarre may bemuse, disconcert, evoke rage....but it certainly makes you remember it.Not sure whether when you remember the product you want to buy it though..

And just to be awkward, I'd say it was Cadbury who cottoned on to that from watching the mobile phone industry.   The early 3 ads.....remember the Chinese cowboys with the giant jellyfish?  Orange did the floating baby..  Love it or loathe it,  adverts get people talking.

T-mobile ad was really effective.

And the Virgin ad (with the airhostesses walking through the airport) hit home once they used 'Relax' for the soundtrack.

Lots of clever people in the ad business these days.
And a lot of idiots too (See Halifax FM for example).  But that's the fault of those doing the hiring of the ad agency; they play lazy and get a naff promo ad.

I still miss the PG Tips chimps.

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