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OK, just because no-one is with me and I'm so gob-smacked.... I've got GMTV on at the moment, they seem to be searching for a talented family.  At the moment I'm listening to a group of gospel singers who make the cats yeowling outside at 3 a.m. sound fantastic.   They are finalists.  Praise the Lord I never heard the ones that didn't make the final.  Has anyone seen these people.  I'm gobsmacked.    (Oh, and 8th October is just a tad early to be listening to 'Oh Come All Ye Faithfull)

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You're lucky you've only caught this mornings show. I watch GMTV every Morning and it's been going on for weeks, even worse, they've had screachy high ptiched kids on for the last few days....
Agreed!  Today's lot were enjoyable by comparison to the squeaky kids we've been subjected to.  And stop with the Christmas crap!  Why bother taking the decorations down, just leave them up all year 

Gawd, I'll be bursting kids footballs if they come into my garden next

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