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Wotcher! I couldn't come and yell MARYBEEE at the stone circle as I was stuck at the frickin rail station for 6 hrs in a jampacked queue, only got the tent up as the sun set in my Dragon field but had to totally squash in beside some posh kids yelling 'HARRY'S GOT THE MDMA' in REALLY annoying voices. However we did have a top time after that, Did you get razzed on strawberry/pear and apple cider and go to Shangri La in a drunken stupor?

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Yooo yo!

I have no recollection of Wednesday night at all, I was blind drunk on a litre of gin and white wine and only remember lying next to the massive wooden dragon with a strange man bent over me checking my pulse who then carried me to find my friends. I lost them again ofc and had to spend the night in that Welfare place right up on the farm. Good times.

Shangri La scared the hell out of me, has to be said, the night I went there we were hunting for a secret Fatboy Slim gig in Trash City but we couldn't get inside Frowner

And oh godd, we were stuck forever in the Bath and West field as well! There was like...1 bus an hour!

What was your highlight?!
and also were you in a reet haze when the 'Jacko is dead' business started? I was having a poo in Arcadia toilets and got a text then went to the diner and told all the barstaff then drank cocktails and danced to some Jacko hits for a bit then woke up the morning and forgot all about it till some geezer wandered by in a 'I went to Glasto when Jacko died' t shirt at 11am on the Friday.
Originally posted by jonono:
and also were you in a reet haze when the 'Jacko is dead' business started? I was having a poo in Arcadia toilets and got a text then went to the diner and told all the barstaff then drank cocktails and danced to some Jacko hits for a bit then woke up the morning and forgot all about it till some geezer wandered by in a 'I went to Glasto when Jacko died' t shirt at 11am on the Friday.

I was getting back from Beardyman in the dance lounge and we were making up rumours that Ant n' Dec had died, and shouting it, someone shouted back that Jacko had died and we thought they were joining in, then some girl opposite us rushed up to us when we got back and showed me the text on her phone so we actually believed it. Wasn't it mad?
We are just sayin we spent too much time at the Pyramid stage but I did LOVE the Specials and Madness and lots of the acts there including Tony Christie and also even little Lily Allen, but I also LOVED some mad jazz band in one of the scary side rooms in Shangri La at 3am but I must say I kept thinking what happens if there is a fire/fight in here as it was very closed in though brilliantly done. I think my musical highlight was Animal Collective at the park on the Fri/Sat night (me drunk again lol) I have to pop out now for bit but would love to resurrect the chat in about an hr!
Lol at your tale, sounds pretty Glasto, did you see Rolf?
Originally posted by jonono:
We are just sayin we spent too much time at the Pyramid stage but I did LOVE the Specials and Madness and lots of the acts there including Tony Christie and also even little Lily Allen, but I also LOVED some mad jazz band in one of the scary side rooms in Shangri La at 3am but I must say I kept thinking what happens if there is a fire/fight in here as it was very closed in though brilliantly done. I think my musical highlight was Animal Collective at the park on the Fri/Sat night (me drunk again lol) I have to pop out now for bit but would love to resurrect the chat in about an hr!
Lol at your tale, sounds pretty Glasto, did you see Rolf?

I was mainly at the Other stage, I hardly went to the Pyramid apart from to see the Abba tribute and Regina Spektor. I did see a bit of Madness actually but I got a bit bored, to my shame Blush

I didn't see Rolf no, but most of my friends went and said it took them half an hour to leave the crowd!!

My musical highlight was probably Bon Iver, I was in tears watching him, heh, and also Prodigy/Pendulum. Oooh good times.

And yes, I look forward to your return! Big Grin
Originally posted by mary_bee:

I have no recollection of Wednesday night at all, I was blind drunk on a litre of gin and white wine and only remember lying next to the massive wooden dragon with a strange man bent over me checking my pulse who then carried me to find my friends. I lost them again ofc and had to spend the night in that Welfare place right up on the farm. Good times.

As a responsible mother of 3 I shouldn't laugh but Laugh Laugh Laugh

You still wanna go back too. Good stuff. Be careful though Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by mary_bee:

I have no recollection of Wednesday night at all, I was blind drunk on a litre of gin and white wine and only remember lying next to the massive wooden dragon with a strange man bent over me checking my pulse who then carried me to find my friends. I lost them again ofc and had to spend the night in that Welfare place right up on the farm. Good times.

As a responsible mother of 3 I shouldn't laugh but Laugh Laugh Laugh

You still wanna go back too. Good stuff. Be careful though Thumbs Up

My mother doesn't know ofc Ninja

And yeah! It was the best 6 days ever Big Grin And I don't plan on getting that bad next time, the poor bloke who looked after me must have wondered what the hell he'd let himself in for, plus I'd rather remember the experience than just...remember a few minutes Laugh
Hi Mary Bee I'm back. It was my 6th one the first was 93 so I have seen it change over many years, in some ways since they got all more organised and legal (heh heh) it's lost lots of it's spontaneity over the years but there was plenty madness this year and I reckon it was one of the best ones I've been to in yonks. As I'm guessing I'm prob of a diff generation from you I didn't really spend any time in the dance tent however I have been plenty in the past, but I did wander down for a look and some of it smelled like poo lol! We left at 6am on the Monday morning and walked by the dance tent and there was no music and there were still a few hundred dancing in there to nothing - classic! (and no it wasn't a silent disco) where were you camped? I was just at Arcadia/stop nearest Shangri La just up the hill from the 50's diner.
Ah wow, you've been loads of times then! And yeah, we only went on the Thursday night and it was packedddd, it was good though. And we were righttt next to the John Peel stage, we were so lucky to get the space, we got there really late Wednesday and JUST found the space, it was a great little spot though, no mud at all. How were you off for mud?

Omg you were reallly far away then! I nearly died walking there Laugh
We got a space but just. It was fine for mud as it's on a hill it's where I prefer to camp plus I love the adventures you get wandering home through there as it's invariably 2 - 3am and all sorts is going on so we went home via Shangri La every night, it means walking about 6 miles a day probably but I love finding some mad ballroom dancing jive session going on on the way home, one night I found Billy Bragg singing round a campfire!
Originally posted by jonono:
We got a space but just. It was fine for mud as it's on a hill it's where I prefer to camp plus I love the adventures you get wandering home through there as it's invariably 2 - 3am and all sorts is going on so we went home via Shangri La every night, it means walking about 6 miles a day probably but I love finding some mad ballroom dancing jive session going on on the way home, one night I found Billy Bragg singing round a campfire!

I FOUND HIM THERE TOO!! That was mental.

I got so lost when I tried to get back from there, I walked the entire Shangri La/Arcadia bit like 3 times trying to get out of the bloody place. I had to cut right up through the healing fields in the end and then down.

I had great fun chasing a paper lantern until it landed as well but it died in the rain Frowner
Originally posted by jonono:
Though I must say it is a bit noisy there, the 50's diner kicked off with a disco at 5am every morning as that end kicks off I guess as the dance tent winds up to give all the freaks some place to go! There was a bit stage that just lit up with flames out there as well I found it when I tried to chase Billy Bragg!

Yeah I went past that too, we left one of my friends there on one of the platforms dancing away until around 5, his plan was to stay there until he was unconcious then he'd come home Laugh
Originally posted by jonono:
and also were you in a reet haze when the 'Jacko is dead' business started? I was having a poo in Arcadia toilets and got a text then went to the diner and told all the barstaff then drank cocktails and danced to some Jacko hits for a bit then woke up the morning and forgot all about it till some geezer wandered by in a 'I went to Glasto when Jacko died' t shirt at 11am on the Friday.

do you remember phoning moi to confirm it Laugh
Originally posted by jonono:
Originally posted by Gypsie:
ohhh yes, yes you did Laugh i thought you might have been merry as a newt Big Grin

no wonder my phone battery went dead! I called a few folk in my maddness I only remember a bit of our 'chat'

I lost my phone on Wednesday, gutted I was.

And slowly all of our batteries ran out so on the Monday we were all sat in the collection field just sort of...relying on a parent to maybe come and get us. We figured that as long as we got there we could cross the bridge of getting home when we came to it Laugh

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