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Originally Posted by squiggle:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Danielle and Ashleigh are driving me speaking on behalf of the viewers now

Without Danielle and Ashleigh Helen would have it all her own way   I can't say they are my favourites but someone needs to stand up to her and it certainly isn't going to be her new 'best buddies' Jale and Kimbot.


I agree but I'd like some of the controversial characters to stay a while (to laugh at when they kicked out) than have weeks watching Ashleigh and Danielle with faces like a wet weekend

This is something i thought i would never say, last week i would have choked if i was told i'd come to this, but I dislike Ashleigh almost as much as i dislike Helen, the girls face would shatter if she tried to smile. She is a bratty little biatch of the first order and for that reason i hope Ash stays. I want Steven out, the arrogant tosser. His sense of entitlement is doing my head in.... and if Ash staying brings Ashleigh down a peg or two, i'm for that. She thinks because we boo him she's untouchable.... about time the uppity little princess gets put in her place. 

Originally Posted by Bethni:


This is something i thought i would never say, last week i would have choked if i was told i'd come to this, but I dislike Ashleigh almost as much as i dislike Helen, the girls face would shatter if she tried to smile. She is a bratty little biatch of the first order and for that reason i hope Ash stays. I want Steven out, the arrogant tosser. His sense of entitlement is doing my head in.... and if Ash staying brings Ashleigh down a peg or two, i'm for that. She thinks because we boo him she's untouchable.... about time the uppity little princess gets put in her place. 


I feel the same, Steven out I'm out if Ashleigh and Danielle get their own way with this
Originally Posted by erinp:

Ash out but if not then Steven, but that snake seems to wiggle out of being put up for eviction . Ashleigh is a moaning kid but she doesn't kiss Helen's ass and for that she gets my vote .

Last week Erin, I would have agreed completely with you, However, Ashleigh being a 'kid' is no excuse, she's well educated and smarter than most in there. This constant need to sit in the pod with Danielle, looking down on the others from on high, sitting on the stairs griping and biatching.... if she's so big let her say it out loud to Helen, she was all for confronting Helen the other day, In fact she discussed with Danielle a scenario where they could goad helen into a fight so she would get thrown out! I find that disgusting. I want Helen booed out the front door when her pass is revoked, i don't want some silly little girl, who doesn't know how to have fun, getting her own way just because she's spoilt little brat.

I don't like Ash, infact i don't really care one way or the other about him, he's just so insignificant, but Steven, he is an arrogant, obnoxious snob who thinks he's doing US a favour by being in the house.

If Helen was up i would still be voting her out, but now i would also be throwing a few votes Ashleigh's way as well.


I honestly never believed i would say this. 

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Ash out but if not then Steven, but that snake seems to wiggle out of being put up for eviction . Ashleigh is a moaning kid but she doesn't kiss Helen's ass and for that she gets my vote .

Last week Erin, I would have agreed completely with you, However, Ashleigh being a 'kid' is no excuse, she's well educated and smarter than most in there. This constant need to sit in the pod with Danielle, looking down on the others from on high, sitting on the stairs griping and biatching.... if she's so big let her say it out loud to Helen, she was all for confronting Helen the other day, In fact she discussed with Danielle a scenario where they could goad helen into a fight so she would get thrown out! I find that disgusting. I want Helen booed out the front door when her pass is revoked, i don't want some silly little girl, who doesn't know how to have fun, getting her own way just because she's spoilt little brat.

I don't like Ash, infact i don't really care one way or the other about him, he's just so insignificant, but Steven, he is an arrogant, obnoxious snob who thinks he's doing US a favour by being in the house.

If Helen was up i would still be voting her out, but now i would also be throwing a few votes Ashleigh's way as well.


I honestly never believed i would say this. 

But Bethni , last week you were desperate to get Ash out ....and now , because C5 are editing things the way they are we are all turning on Ashleigh , and thereby perhaps saving the very people we have wanted out previously  


I agree with you about Ashleigh but she doesn't kiss Helens ass like the rest who run scared of her, with Ash gone Helen loses her mouthpiece and she needs Ash because she has had her formal warning and BB have put her on notice.

When we see Ashleigh bitching in the pod ,Helen and Co are bitching in the garden ,bedroom , in fact any room they sit in ...and have done since day one

When it comes to bitching they are as bad as one another.

When it comes to support... Ashleigh any day of Helen.


Originally Posted by erinp:

I agree with you about Ashleigh but she doesn't kiss Helens ass like the rest who run scared of her, with Ash gone Helen loses her mouthpiece and she needs Ash because she has had her formal warning and BB have put her on notice.

When we see Ashleigh bitching in the pod ,Helen and Co are bitching in the garden ,bedroom , in fact any room they sit in ...and have done since day one

When it comes to bitching they are as bad as one another.

When it comes to support... Ashleigh any day of Helen.


That's how I feel too Erinp . ....truth is all the girls are dreadful's just a matter of degree  


That's what makes it so bad,Baz. I was all for getting rid of Ash last week, i was livid when he stayed.

BB edit 24hrs of footage down to 1 hour, i realise that, but they can still only show what actually happens. If you take a look at the twitter feed over there>>

Ashleigh and Danielle are yet again in the pod. They live in it now since before Toya left. I haven't seen a smile on either face in..... well have we ever seen them smile? 

Helen is vile and odious and i really want her out to boo's and hisses, Ash's bad points are his treatment of Jale and things he's called her.... which she seems to be ok with now that she's sucking up to Helen. They at least have a fun, even if it's not my idea of fun.

Ashleigh and Danielle look like mood hoovers... they remind me of the two old cronies in the Muppet's, who sat on the balcony,when they're in that damn pod. At least the old puppets had a laugh.

Originally Posted by Bethni:

That's what makes it so bad,Baz. I was all for getting rid of Ash last week, i was livid when he stayed.

BB edit 24hrs of footage down to 1 hour, i realise that, but they can still only show what actually happens. If you take a look at the twitter feed over there>>

Ashleigh and Danielle are yet again in the pod. They live in it now since before Toya left. I haven't seen a smile on either face in..... well have we ever seen them smile? 

Helen is vile and odious and i really want her out to boo's and hisses, Ash's bad points are his treatment of Jale and things he's called her.... which she seems to be ok with now that she's sucking up to Helen. They at least have a fun, even if it's not my idea of fun.

Ashleigh and Danielle look like mood hoovers... they remind me of the two old cronies in the Muppet's, who sat on the balcony,when they're in that damn pod. At least the old puppets had a laugh.

Yes , but the Twitter is also decided by C5 I am pretty willing to bet they could equally put ... Helen and Kimberly , or H and Ash are baitching in the garden .....but at the moment they don't want to. I reckon they are actually trying to deflect things off H , who I think they want to go right through to the finals ....and even if Ash goes I doubt H will walk  

Originally Posted by Bethni:

This is something i thought i would never say, last week i would have choked if i was told i'd come to this, but I dislike Ashleigh almost as much as i dislike Helen, the girls face would shatter if she tried to smile. She is a bratty little biatch of the first order and for that reason i hope Ash stays. I want Steven out, the arrogant tosser. His sense of entitlement is doing my head in.... and if Ash staying brings Ashleigh down a peg or two, i'm for that. She thinks because we boo him she's untouchable.... about time the uppity little princess gets put in her place. 

I like your alternative views on things, Bethni - gives me food for thought.... and that's a rather jolly idea you have there...

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

The critical question is - do any of the normals have anyone of the girls to stick their neck out  and save them?


I think not, so looks like Ash,Marlon,Steve and Peabrain to be saved.The only room for manouevre  that I can see is them not saving Peabrain and  choosing one normal.

I couldn't think who you meant there!   I'd rather they saved Mark than him.  So it'll be Chris, Christopher and Peabrain or Mark then?  


Christopher could be on a sticky wicket

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

The critical question is - do any of the normals have anyone of the girls to stick their neck out  and save them?


I think not, so looks like Ash,Marlon,Steve and Peabrain to be saved.The only room for manouevre  that I can see is them not saving Peabrain and  choosing one normal.

I couldn't think who you meant there!   I'd rather they saved Mark than him.  So it'll be Chris, Christopher and Peabrain or Mark then?  


Christopher could be on a sticky wicket

Yes I think the only way to save the * normals* is having either Ash or Steven in the mix ....but I'm not sure that will happen  

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Chritpoher has always been the fall guy for  any of them.


I think he's probably a gonner, this week.

I hope not  

I hope not too... Chris and Christopher are still my favourite two.

The girls get to save 4, which is what i thought it would be, if it was 5 it would be one each and they couldn't have that. No arguments there 

So ideally, for me , the 4 up would be Steven, Winston, Mark and Marlon. More chance of getting rid of Steven that way

Which means it will probably be Chris, Christopher, Matthew and Ash ...and the Petulant Princess will get her way. 


Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Chritpoher has always been the fall guy for  any of them.


I think he's probably a gonner, this week.

I hope not  

I hope not too... Chris and Christopher are still my favourite two.

The girls get to save 4, which is what i thought it would be, if it was 5 it would be one each and they couldn't have that. No arguments there 

So ideally, for me , the 4 up would be Steven, Winston, Mark and Marlon. More chance of getting rid of Steven that way

Which means it will probably be Chris, Christopher, Matthew and Ash ...and the Petulant Princess will get her way. 


Ditto  Missed you in the CDWM thread.....

Last edited by Baz
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Ash out but if not then Steven, but that snake seems to wiggle out of being put up for eviction . Ashleigh is a moaning kid but she doesn't kiss Helen's ass and for that she gets my vote .

Last week Erin, I would have agreed completely with you, However, Ashleigh being a 'kid' is no excuse, she's well educated and smarter than most in there. This constant need to sit in the pod with Danielle, looking down on the others from on high, sitting on the stairs griping and biatching.... if she's so big let her say it out loud to Helen, she was all for confronting Helen the other day, In fact she discussed with Danielle a scenario where they could goad helen into a fight so she would get thrown out! I find that disgusting. I want Helen booed out the front door when her pass is revoked, i don't want some silly little girl, who doesn't know how to have fun, getting her own way just because she's spoilt little brat.

I don't like Ash, infact i don't really care one way or the other about him, he's just so insignificant, but Steven, he is an arrogant, obnoxious snob who thinks he's doing US a favour by being in the house.

If Helen was up i would still be voting her out, but now i would also be throwing a few votes Ashleigh's way as well.


I honestly never believed i would say this. 

But Bethni , last week you were desperate to get Ash out ....and now , because C5 are editing things the way they are we are all turning on Ashleigh , and thereby perhaps saving the very people we have wanted out previously  

Well said Baz.  The thing is we don't know how the house would be without Helen's constantly dripping poison.  Just as Pauline dragged the house down, so is Helen.  I think to judge Ashleigh too soon is a mistake, I don't say she would ever be a favourite of mine but Helen is unbalancing things in there and is sucking all the fun out of the house unless she gets her own way all the time.


Yes BB could be bias with the edit, lets face it, when haven't they been, but the same could be said for last week too and it could have suited BB to edit Ash in a bad way. Not that i think they could have made him any worse than he is. BB couldn't show Ashleigh and Danielle always off biatching on their own if they weren't. They never join in, and when they have a task to do it SEEM'S like, as soon as it's over, they're off again to find a sly wee corner.

As for judging Ashleigh too soon, it's taken 3 weeks to see anything of her at all and now what i do see i don't like.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Ash out but if not then Steven, but that snake seems to wiggle out of being put up for eviction . Ashleigh is a moaning kid but she doesn't kiss Helen's ass and for that she gets my vote .

Last week Erin, I would have agreed completely with you, However, Ashleigh being a 'kid' is no excuse, she's well educated and smarter than most in there. This constant need to sit in the pod with Danielle, looking down on the others from on high, sitting on the stairs griping and biatching.... if she's so big let her say it out loud to Helen, she was all for confronting Helen the other day, In fact she discussed with Danielle a scenario where they could goad helen into a fight so she would get thrown out! I find that disgusting. I want Helen booed out the front door when her pass is revoked, i don't want some silly little girl, who doesn't know how to have fun, getting her own way just because she's spoilt little brat.

I don't like Ash, infact i don't really care one way or the other about him, he's just so insignificant, but Steven, he is an arrogant, obnoxious snob who thinks he's doing US a favour by being in the house.

If Helen was up i would still be voting her out, but now i would also be throwing a few votes Ashleigh's way as well.


I honestly never believed i would say this. 

But Bethni , last week you were desperate to get Ash out ....and now , because C5 are editing things the way they are we are all turning on Ashleigh , and thereby perhaps saving the very people we have wanted out previously  

Well said Baz.  The thing is we don't know how the house would be without Helen's constantly dripping poison.  Just as Pauline dragged the house down, so is Helen.  I think to judge Ashleigh too soon is a mistake, I don't say she would ever be a favourite of mine but Helen is unbalancing things in there and is sucking all the fun out of the house unless she gets her own way all the time.

 I agree, on all points.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Ash out but if not then Steven, but that snake seems to wiggle out of being put up for eviction . Ashleigh is a moaning kid but she doesn't kiss Helen's ass and for that she gets my vote .

Last week Erin, I would have agreed completely with you, However, Ashleigh being a 'kid' is no excuse, she's well educated and smarter than most in there. This constant need to sit in the pod with Danielle, looking down on the others from on high, sitting on the stairs griping and biatching.... if she's so big let her say it out loud to Helen, she was all for confronting Helen the other day, In fact she discussed with Danielle a scenario where they could goad helen into a fight so she would get thrown out! I find that disgusting. I want Helen booed out the front door when her pass is revoked, i don't want some silly little girl, who doesn't know how to have fun, getting her own way just because she's spoilt little brat.

I don't like Ash, infact i don't really care one way or the other about him, he's just so insignificant, but Steven, he is an arrogant, obnoxious snob who thinks he's doing US a favour by being in the house.

If Helen was up i would still be voting her out, but now i would also be throwing a few votes Ashleigh's way as well.


I honestly never believed i would say this. 

But Bethni , last week you were desperate to get Ash out ....and now , because C5 are editing things the way they are we are all turning on Ashleigh , and thereby perhaps saving the very people we have wanted out previously  

Well said Baz.  The thing is we don't know how the house would be without Helen's constantly dripping poison.  Just as Pauline dragged the house down, so is Helen.  I think to judge Ashleigh too soon is a mistake, I don't say she would ever be a favourite of mine but Helen is unbalancing things in there and is sucking all the fun out of the house unless she gets her own way all the time.

 I agree, on all points.

Moi aussi 

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Damn, I was hoping for a triple eviction of Ash, Marlon and Steven.



Bloody BB not doing an Android app 

With or without the girls saving anyone, I doubt BB would do a triple eviction!


They would do a triple eviction if they read the comments on this forum 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Damn, I was hoping for a triple eviction of Ash, Marlon and Steven.



Bloody BB not doing an Android app 

With or without the girls saving anyone, I doubt BB would do a triple eviction!


They would do a triple eviction if they read the comments on this forum 

 They'd do a mass eviction! Taxi for the lot of em! 

Originally Posted by Bethni:


That's what makes it so bad,Baz. I was all for getting rid of Ash last week, i was livid when he stayed.

BB edit 24hrs of footage down to 1 hour, i realise that, but they can still only show what actually happens. If you take a look at the twitter feed over there>>

Ashleigh and Danielle are yet again in the pod. They live in it now since before Toya left. I haven't seen a smile on either face in..... well have we ever seen them smile? 

Helen is vile and odious and i really want her out to boo's and hisses, Ash's bad points are his treatment of Jale and things he's called her.... which she seems to be ok with now that she's sucking up to Helen. They at least have a fun, even if it's not my idea of fun.

Ashleigh and Danielle look like mood hoovers... they remind me of the two old cronies in the Muppet's, who sat on the balcony,when they're in that damn pod. At least the old puppets had a laugh.


Ashleigh has just become Toyas mouth piece

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