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Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Do we know if the girls know they can only save one yet? 

From what they were saying on tonight's HLs (i.e. yesterday) they've definitely been considering it as a possibility, but they didn't actually know. TBH I suspect BB has only recently decided on one save themselves...

It gives them options. Plus i think they maybe like a "big field" this series for the 90 minute eviction show.

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

So if they can only choose one between them there will be normal nominations as well but they can't nominate the saved that right, I'm confused

No. There are no normal nominations this week. As it stands all the boys are up for eviction right now. What the girls have to do is choose one of them to take off the eviction list, but all the rest of the boys will still be up for eviction. All the girls are immune - even Jale.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

So if they can only choose one between them there will be normal nominations as well but they can't nominate the saved that right, I'm confused

No. There are no normal nominations this week. As it stands all the boys are up for eviction right now. What the girls have to do is choose one of them to take off the eviction list, but all the rest of the boys will still be up for eviction. All the girls are immune - even Jale.

Aha, thanks Fluffs with all the twists and turns I'm losing the plot lol

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

So if they can only choose one between them there will be normal nominations as well but they can't nominate the saved that right, I'm confused

No. There are no normal nominations this week. As it stands all the boys are up for eviction right now. What the girls have to do is choose one of them to take off the eviction list, but all the rest of the boys will still be up for eviction. All the girls are immune - even Jale.

Helen will save Ash even if she has to knock the other girls out to make sure of it.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I've voted for Chris.

you mean we have voted Chris

*Goes off to unload and reload app to vote for Erin.*


Edit: it's done.

Ahem, hate to be a nuisance, but.....   (thanks Yogi )

 Done another vote for Chris for you.


Now it's four guys

Which 4 do they save from nomination - Todays Task Details....

As the final part of ‘Girl Power’ the male housemates will show off their talents one by one to the female Housemates, who are sat behind an X Factor/Idol-style desk.


Big Brother tells the male Housemates that this is their final chance to impress the girls before they all nominate. One by one they come to the Living Area, which is set with the girls behind a large desk. The girls will ask them to show off their talents or party tricks and give them a final grilling.

We give the boys an hour’s notice and tell them they need to prepare a party trick or impressive feat to show off to the girls using only items within the house.

The girls will also ask each boy questions related to their time in the house in a final grilling. It’s a chance for the boys to defend themselves and for us to reveal some additional biog details to the rest of the house.

Then the girls will discuss the 8 boys and make a final decision – which 4 do they save from nomination


The Big Brother Power girls got together this morning to discuss nominations.


Although perhaps controversially, Helen Wood wasn’t invited as Ashleigh Coyle and Danielle McMahon took charge.

Tonight will see the girls chose which of the boys to save from facing the public vote, with all eight currently up for eviction.

And it’s not looking good for Ash Harrison.

While we know Ashleigh and Danielle want him out, now Jale does too after he apparently went through her things.

She said: “The main issue I’m annoyed with is that my boundaries have been crossed. You’ve gone into my personal things and think that’s acceptable and then you’ve denied it and try to pass the buck.”

Big Brother Summer 2014

Danielle helped to persuade Jale against Ash with feedback from her task with him yesterday.

“When I watched the film back with Ash, regardless of what he said about the pool or maggot comment, maybe he should learn to say things in a more appropriate manner,” Danielle told Jale “As far as I’m concerned and you were concerned, it came across very offensive.”

Jale agreed: “The way I see it is the vote to save is, someone who’s redeemed themselves and done nothing since. With Ash, it’s up down, up down, up downâ€Ķ”

Ashleigh encouraged the group: “We need to save people who effect everyone in the house. We can’t save Ash just because he’s very close to Helen. What does he do for me? What does he do to you?

“If I’m upset, he’s not going to come over to me.”

Kimberly was slightly on the fence still but it seemed she was coming around to the same viewpoint that Ash needed to face eviction.

She told the girls about she had with Helen: “I made the point that, if you’re [Ash] saying something that’s being misconstrue, maybe you should learn from it.”

Ash Helen in garden

As the meeting was adjourned for lunch, Kim concluded: “I think we’ve all made valid points.”

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