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Originally Posted by Aimee:

Hazel has said she works hard for her money were as Gina doesn't but has a better life style than Hazel, that's were the problem lies between them, if you remember at the beginning of the show Gina wouldn't pull her weight in the house, would only wash a glass if it was for herself, she wouldn't even eat what they had cooked but she still took more than her share of the wine, personally I think this is why they don't get on 

she used to hide her full jam jar under her bed and cover the top with cling film then sip it thru the following day til the next lot of booze arrived ..she a lush that one for sure, goes thru at least 2 bottles of wine a night.. ..



Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Hazel has said she works hard for her money were as Gina doesn't but has a better life style than Hazel, that's were the problem lies between them, if you remember at the beginning of the show Gina wouldn't pull her weight in the house, would only wash a glass if it was for herself, she wouldn't even eat what they had cooked but she still took more than her share of the wine, personally I think this is why they don't get on 

she used to hide her full jam jar under her bed and cover the top with cling film then sip it thru the following day til the next lot of booze arrived ..she a lush that one for sure, goes thru at least 2 bottles of wine a night.. ..



She said today, we'd better not lose the task because of her I want MY cigarettes   if Hazel goes Friday then she really be queen bee 

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

As the friendship between Hazel and Gina was shortlived I think the show would be more interesting next week if Hazel was to stay instead of the twins Sophie or Charlie...totally bored with her me me me diatribe.


Interesting to observe that the hm's felt sorry for Charlie when she felt ostracised, now that Hazel is they couldn't care less, perhaps she should have gone to all the hm's next day and cry and protest her case like Charlie did.

I think their distrust and dislike of Hazel is from hearing the  huge baying mob week in and week out, they must have thought' why is she getting that, what is/has she done?' and they all carry on nomming her because it's  an easy one and  she gets more booos.They wouldn't be normal if they didn't question it.

Then the  F&F's noms and they are saying Hazel is bad , then Gina's b/f telling Gina to keep away from Hazel, You'd have to be mad not too think she's a massive gameplaying, calculating bitch, apart from  Charlie's friend saying it was the Daley thing, which was immediately dismissed and rationalised by Charlie, they all have it wrong, none of them think it's the Daley thing, they all think that Hazel has mugged each one of them off, because they are only seeing it  as it affecting them, so they have all taken a step back from Hazel.

And now she is fair game , they think, because they are only defending themselves...


Even Charlie' Hazel's best friend,lol,  showed that only last week she thought Hazel had 'taken Daley out' , which is why she is now rambling on about  Hazel saying she would take people out one by one, because it's what she  believes now.

Originally Posted by Baz:

I'm with YR on this one ....Charlie's *butter wouldn't melt in my mouth* ...and *foot in mouth * excuses don't wash with me ....and find her * sneaky* nastiness more annoying than Hazel's * in your face * nastiness .... As for Gina, I agree that ( as I believe JB said) she is in danger of blowing it !

That was exactly how I saw her portrayed on the psych part of bbbots the other night... and while I accept that the guests are experts in varying fields of human study i'm just not willing to buy it.

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I don't watch it CS ...were they saying she was * naive* or not ??

Nobody appears to pick up on how Charlie stomps off with the tears flowing... but then comes back and re-ignites the argument all over again.

I don't buy the 'foot in mouth' excuse Charlie has, it's more than that, she doesn't just say the wrong thing, she says the worst possible thing.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I don't watch it CS ...were they saying she was * naive* or not ??

Nobody appears to pick up on how Charlie stomps off with the tears flowing... but then comes back and re-ignites the argument all over again.

I don't buy the 'foot in mouth' excuse Charlie has, it's more than that, she doesn't just say the wrong thing, she says the worst possible thing.

yes she does. The very worst was after Hazel had talked about an ex commiting suicide, Charlie asked if she thought it was because she left him....what sort of person would ever say that to someone!!!!!

Yellow Rose

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