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Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

absolutely soopes...hi btw xx


i still maintain if giggs was stupid enough to drop his keks and sleep with her he has to have an idea it would end like this...he had no intention of leaving his family....though he allegedly told her he surely it would go through his mind she may run to the press when it ended........he's had his fling and now he's covering it up...i still say it's to protect his image and sponsorship deals..........he wasn't thinking of his missus and family in the 6 months he was sleeping with imogen thomas.....he certainly wasn't bothered about hurting them then......if he had...he wouldn't of done it

Hiya Spongey, maybes, just maybes they really 'fell for each other' and 'trusted' each other? I don't think she has a track record for kiss and tell stories does she? So why would he think she'd do that? I'm not excusing either of their behaviours btw, but lets face it, it's far from uncommon for people to have affairs, yeah they take BIG risks in doing so but tbh I don't blame him for trying, (monumentally unsuccessfully!) to keep his name out of the press, whatever he's trying to protect in doing so, if I were him I'd be doing the same.....Suppose I just get a bit more with the gutter gossip press than I do with either of them tbh 

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Renton:



RIGHT . . . have you all seen Imogen's sex tape (the filthy mare)

No, nor would I have any desire to...wasn't that released by her ex boyfriend? Oh and why filthy  weren't they engaged in consensual sexual acts

Well i blushed LOL

its filthy cos Imogen knew fine well that this probably wasn't gonna be the man of her future children and was simply a seedy tape made with noteriety in mind.

Don't think she aint the bringer of her own misfortune.

Other than that the tape was great  - ha ha ha!!

Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

spot on soopes......she made a mistake admitting it.......badly advised?..keen to sell the story?.we can only guess.....

Dunno Spongey, only time will tell I suppose, she did seem genuinely upset on This Morning, but then again, maybe she's just devastated if she's been 'dumped' and accused of blackmail etc. if that's not true. She claimed that she had no legal advice/money for injunctions, but she did seem to hot foot it to Max Clifford's door pdq. She also had advance warning that the press were outside of her place but still went home.....We're all different I know, but if it had been me, I know what I'd have done, not gone home, rang a lawyer and pleaded the Fifth!

Originally Posted by Renton:

Well i blushed LOL

its filthy cos Imogen knew fine well that this probably wasn't gonna be the man of her future children and was simply a seedy tape made with noteriety in mind.

Don't think she aint the bringer of her own misfortune.

Other than that the tape was great  - ha ha ha!!

Firstly, how can you possibly know what she was thinking?


Secondly, that's a very misogynistic and hypocritical attitude you have there! 


A Scottish newspaper has named him - English law doesn't count over the border. He has apparently already confessed to his wife, so all he's really trying to protect are his lucrative sponsorship deals. Not a good enough reason, pal. If he's getting sponsors on the strength of his clean-cut image, the people paying the dosh deserve to know if he's really a lying, shagging hypocrite.


They're making the law up as they go along, and the real law-makers (MPs) ain't happy. There's nothing in the statute book to allow any of these super-injunctions, but most M'Luds are probably the types with so many mucky goings-on in their own private lives, they're automatically on the side of other wealthy scumbags.


There is a sort of precedent about this though - John Terry failed to keep his dirt out of the papers, after arguing it would damage his commercial interests, rather than saying it would affect his family.


The judge in that case said JT losing money wasn't a good enough reason - and if this latest shagger's missus now knows all about it (as we're told she does) all he can be really trying to safeguard is his sponsorship cash too. But if JT couldn't, this one shouldn't either.


If an average person did the same dirty deed and got caught out they wouldn’t be able to afford protection. The ability to use money to suppress the truth creates a level of unfairness between social classes.

Super-injunctions favour the rich and famous and leave the poor to fight the consequences alone. In a supposedly democratic society, how is this fair?


And they may be able  to trace a mobile tweeter and  his isp, but only if he resides here.


Originally Posted by jacksonb:

If an average person did the same dirty deed and got caught out they wouldn’t be able to afford protection. The ability to use money to suppress the truth creates a level of unfairness between social classes.

Super-injunctions favour the rich and famous and leave the poor to fight the consequences alone. In a supposedly democratic society, how is this fair?


And they may be able  to trace a mobile tweeter and  his isp, but only if he resides here.


Hiya JB, I asked this somewhere else 'cos I really don't get it: Why would an 'average person' need to 'afford protection'..surely the press/twitterers etc. would have no interest?


Giggs and Imogen have become a bit of a sideshow now. The main debate centres on the freedom of the press and free speech and who exactly is making the laws in this country now.

The judges and lawyers seem to be manipylating the 'uman rights act to allow various very wealthy people to protect their own interests. Kerching for the lawyers...they are the true winners, everyone else loses out


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