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I can't understand why the sis-in-law is doing a tell all to the papers?  Would she not just go up to Giggs' wife on the quiet and say....look he's been fooling about with me too, sorry about that, but you really should kick him out.  Rather than going to the local rag and selling it to them?  Unless of course she hates the wife, but even still, to go have an 8 year affair with your brother in law and then to sell your story, disgracing yourself and your whole family, makes you a bit of a skank.


*skates around on the moral high ground*

Originally Posted by Temps:

I can't understand why the sis-in-law is doing a tell all to the papers?  Would she not just go up to Giggs' wife on the quiet and say....look he's been fooling about with me too, sorry about that, but you really should kick him out.  Rather than going to the local rag and selling it to them?  Unless of course she hates the wife, but even still, to go have an 8 year affair with your brother in law and then to sell your story, disgracing yourself and your whole family, makes you a bit of a skank.


*skates around on the moral high ground*

Well i thought that... all some of these women are out for, is to make some money.  Imogen is exactly the same.  Remember her face on that pic with Max Clifford last week?






I wasn't really following the Imogen one I have to say   Not that I'm really following this one either, but I thought that there were rumours flying about, and she had already been named?  So her take on it was, if I'm going down you're coming with me kind of deal (no innuendo intended )  I just think for a family member to do it and blow the whole family out of the water in public is a bit much (again no innuendo intended )


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