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Back home just, we saw loads of Spirits in the hotel bar, none at all at the ghost hunt...Hoochie should be home shortly...  Corin, Mario and Sunshine were lovely, lovely people...really nice, Steve stayed in out hotel and he was in the ghost hunt group with us, Steve was Steve  Morel later, I need a shower.... fantastic 24 hours , and I gather the link wasn't working  You missed nothing I can promise you, apart from the laughs we've had 
Sorry the live feed wasn't on for you lot, but honestly there was nothing to see, hear or be spooked about 

We were in Steve and Sunshine's group, and I can honestly say and believe she was voted out way to early  Steve was a believer, Sunshine not....she was funny, Steve was not ! 

We stood in the first hall in a circle and hold hands, Hoochie was next to Sunshine I think, she was chatting away to us and I'm assuming she was next to Hoochie, it was dark . My cousin was next to one of Steve's friends, who had artificial arms and legs and he informed her his arms were false, she asked if he wanted her to link him...he told her ok, but if his arm fell off she would have to pick it up for him

Some said they could see a man walking about, Steve said he could see a child following about...we saw nothing, heard nothing, felt nothing and to be honest I doubt very much if there was anything there.; 
We then went upstairs, and from then on got totally bored with it all, we were stuck in a upstairs room with Steve and a few others. The only funny part was Hoochie sitting on the floor in the dark and the girl leading our group asking me if that was one of the group lying on the floor, I said yes, now I really wish I'd said no, she was crapping herself 

We were supposed to swap groups, it was in two different locations Mario, Corin and the others had gone to the other location, it was then we decided we'd had enough and made a sneaky getaway. We would have had to transfer to the other location and doubt very much we would have swapped the Z listers... sharp taxi back to the hotel, where this very nice gorgeous young  night porter kindly went behind the bar for us a nightcap 

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