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Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
get well soon everyone xxx

i'm off to the quacks this afternoon.....don't feel too clever....i don't think it's swine flu but i dunno.....i've got nagging pains down my arms and she asked me if i had chest pains as well..but i haven't..... ache all over really...but it's down my arms and in my fingers that's the worst..have got the sniffs and a bit of a sore throat though....haven't got a temp....feel a bit hot but i put that down to me age.....

tbh...i'm completely unaware of what swine flu symptoms are...i thought it'd be like flu but worse??

tbh my symptoms were completely differentto *flu* symptoms and good luck at the docs, I have sentyou a PM explaining some of the symptoms that are not publicised..or they may be now Valentine
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
I asked for a appointment because it started like gastric flu and was asked if I had any flu like symptoms, I said headache and coughing and next thing I knew my GP was on the line talking to me asking me symptoms and then told me I had the swine flu. I had to nomimnate a flu buddy to collect my perscription, and Mr PB had to collect it and fetch anything else I needed.

The whole of my body ached, even my fingernails(!), feeling better now, but have a dreadful cough and no energy at all.

I didn't send my my two youngest kids today (they still have 2 days at school) but my son was off last week and my daughter had been doing work experience for 2 weeks, so didn't see the point in exposing them to the lurgy. Eeker I'm glad I didn't because my son has just heard from a friend that 3 teachers have it now.
thanks again all...I am feeling lots better now but still having to rest a lot and am still in captivity till Wednesday... Wink theres quite a bit about this swine flu that is not in the open and I feel extremely sorry for GPs who have to assess a paitent before giving out the tamiflu, I believe the Goverment are putting money before our health
Originally posted by Bagel Queen:
well the bliddy trolls could not get us down so they sent the pigs in..swines!! Laugh I hope Karma is ok. Valentine..this is the longest I have not seen my Mama..she is diabetic and I will not go anywhere near her until Friday Shake Head..she tried to hoover and had to stop as she is elderly and has very bad blood circulation...I want to rush round there but dare not...this has a knock on effect you know Frowner

It was kind of the other way round for me. My daughter called me to say not to come anywhere near them because my granddaughter's best friend came down with it. 2 hrs later it started. I had been with the kids for 2 days because it was their last week at primary and lots of stuff was going on. So now at least my daughter can help me when I need it. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel. Smiler
cologne 1

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