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I am utterly sick and tired of Josie.  She doesn't deserve to be involved in the final.  Her apparent popularity is due solely to the fact that she has latched herself onto John James (the known favourite).  As an individual housemate she offers us nothing.  She spends vast quantities of time festering under her duvet, which is filthy dirty, as she often wraps it around herself and walks around the rain soaked garden.  Her thumb sucking is probably the most annoying trait of all.  She was offered some cream which apparently stops her from sucking her thumb but she has chosen not to use it.  She is unhygenic.  Her horrible greasy hair looks like it has never been washed in weeks.  She laughs while she bitches so as to make it seem like she's not being nasty even though she is probably the worst housemate remaining for bitching.  I can't think of a single good quality about her.  She is disgusting.  She will continue to lord it over the rest of the house until she's kicked out.  Hopefully this will be sooner rather than later.

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I don't think she acts like a Queen Bee, at all.

I think the women in there see each other as equals and have good relationships with each other.

It's the men who are behaving like strutting tossers, calling themselves 'the big players' and bitching incessantly.

I can see that the duvet disappearances have annoyed people, but she's fallen for the biggest player in there, and it's really messing with her mind.
Last night, she tried to move beds, but he was having none of it and used more emotional blackmail to keep her close.

She has been out and about a lot more, recently, and I hope she stays out of his bed, at least during the daytime, but I still see the funny, friendly woman, who hates bitching and arguments, despite Sam trying his best to out the 'real' Josie!
Her apparent popularity is due solely to the fact that she has latched herself onto John James (the known favourite)
Strange how people see things so differently, that imo is the thing that people she is popular with least like about her ,  (and isn't it Corin who is the known favourite?)
Her horrible greasy hair looks like it has never been washed in weeks
She's always washing her hair
I like her too....   and I am starting to think that in an indirect way Sam going in the house is going to work in Josies favour.    This is not me condoning Sam's behaviour...  I can't stand the little sod, but the effect he has had on Josie is going to get her more support I think.

She's looking quite unhappy in there (therefore getting those that think she was giving it the big I am on back on board), as Blizzie said, she tried to move beds last night (getting those that were fed up with her being under the duvet with JJ back on board).

Some of the stuff that Sam has said to her has been that OTT that she is getting some sympathy from those that don't usually like her.

These are just my observations.... Sam being in the house hasn't changed how i feel about Josie, I have always liked her, faults n all...    but I like the idea that Sam's insults will actually increase her popularity with the viewer! 
She very seldom has a conversation with any of the others, unless she's talking about herself, but she makes a point of saying 'all roight luv'  to one of her favourites if they are close by,  then gives them a false smile (because she really doesn't care if they're all right or not) then her face goes back to looking empty.
Last night, she tried to move beds, but he was having none of it and used more emotional blackmail to keep her close.
She said she wanted to sleep somewhere else because she couldn't trust her sexual urges/ frustration. JJ1 said he felt uncomfortable just sleeping in his boxers beside her. Which one of them sounds like the tease?
cologne 1
Reference: cologne
She said she wanted to sleep somewhere else because she couldn't trust her sexual urges/ frustration. JJ1 said he felt uncomfortable just sleeping in his boxers beside her. Which one of them sounds like the tease?
He does.

He knows exactly how she feels and still persuades her to carry on sleeping and cuddling in the same bed.

He's playing a strange and sinister game.
If the pair of them would stop their stupid annoying giggling, and for once listened when task rules are being read out, then maybe they wouldn't keep having to ask the others what the rules are. He sets great store by being a team player - he isn't!   She just coasts along, doing her own selfish thing,  knowing that whatever she does wrong he won't call her on it, the way he jumps down everyone else's throat for their failings!
He's playing a strange and sinister game.
They're both playing a game Blizzie, she knows he doesn't want to be without her for whatever reason and so she tips her toe into the water when she feels she needs to tighten the apron strings. He should just be honest once and for all and tell her how he feels (although she knows), kiss the big tabloid story good bye and have a bit of fun for the last couple of weeks.
cologne 1
He knows exactly how she feels and still persuades her to carry on sleeping and cuddling in the same bed.
He seems somehow emotionally dependent on her  'though Blizzie. Tell ya what, if I was in her position and snuggled up to and being constantly stroked etc. by someone I fancied for this long, I'd be chewing my bloody arms and legs off! Which reminds me: socks, I may have to start a new thread
But if she doesn't see the brush-off after all these weeks, she must be incredibly stupid. She's 25, not 15.

I've said for weeks he's giving mixed signals, but you're right, after all these weeks, you'd have to be pretty stupid not to realise he's using her.  I think Josie realises "the truth" but chooses to go along with the FAKE romance.  You can almost see the ÂĢÂĢÂĢ signs in her eyes.
Reference: Supes
He seems somehow emotionally dependent on her 'though Blizzie. Tell ya what, if I was in her position and snuggled up to and being constantly stroked etc. by someone I fancied for this long, I'd be chewing my bloody arms and legs off! Which reminds me: socks, I may have to start a new thread
Yes, he does, which only adds to her confusion.
Josie for the win she does not pretend to be something she is not I would say the most genuine HM in there, she is not trying to impress the public cant say that really about the others,Sam should get  a warning for the way he has got so personal in his non stop insults to Josie, it is not funny she is his biggest target I admire her for not going into the diaryroom  crying, at least she is not looking for the sympathy vote like many before her have done.
You can be fooled at any age, by affairs of the heart.
Sorry, but I'm not accepting Josie to be that naive.
Imo HIM! He doesn't appear to be interested in anything sexual, she clearly does
He has shown no sign of any sexual interest whatsover. For some reason (probably financial) he's interested in cuddling, but that is as far as it has gone after all this time. She tries to kiss him, he avoids, avoids, avoids unless she manages to get a smacker anywhere, then he wipes it off. These are two people hellbend of playing a charade.
cologne 1
She did use the lotion BB gave her for her thumb sucking,she put it on Sams toothbrush.
Yes that was a joke and he found it funny by getting his own back stuffing garlic down Josie's pillow in the bedroom but John James noticed it while Sam disappeared and swapped Sam's pilliow with Josie's.

About Josie I'm liking her more each day, she's got her faults and flaws but i've seen her good and bad side which is the purpose of the BB environment, she makes me laugh some don't find her funny or can't stand her fair play. I do think Josie is fun but she has her down days, she isn't a bad person deep down.

Also Josie can be lazy with the lying in bed etc but i've seen her doing cooking for the housemates and sometimes they haven't even said thank you or noticed how long it's taken her to do it, she's also cleans the bathroom so she is pulling her weight in some way.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Yes that was a joke and he found it funny by getting his own back stuffing garlic down Josie's pillow in the bedroom but John James noticed it while Sam disappeared and swapped Sam's pilliow with Josie's.
He was doing her a favour with the garlic,it may have helped mask the stink of JJ's hair which was unwashed for 8 weeks.
He's playing a strange and sinister game.
She's not stupid though. If she was genuinely thinking JJ was genuine before Sam's arrival, then surely the stuff he's said to her regarding her and JJ's relationship must have given her some food for thought? She strikes me as wanting to be in denial of anything slightly controversial said to her about the relationship or anything that could make her think it's not as genuine as she'd like to imagine.

It's like she's encased in this little bubble with him in the make-believe world in the house. Good luck to her if it makes her happy, but I've said before I don't think she's anyone's fool (especially where fellas are concerned). And it's not like he's guaranteed her a relationship or marriage or anything like that. Yep, he's playing a good game but she's a willing participant.

I just hope that if this doesn't continue outside the house that JJ gets all the blame and she gets all the sympathy as the woman scorned or led on, cos from where I'm sitting she's had his not so positive reactions to their relationship blatantly said to her face and if she chooses to ignore it then that's up to her, but it takes 2 to tango.
Reference: Karma
She's not stupid though. If she was genuinely thinking JJ was genuine before Sam's arrival, then surely the stuff he's said to her regarding her and JJ's relationship must have given her some food for thought? She strikes me as wanting to be in denial of anything slightly controversial said to her about the relationship or anything that could make her think it's not as genuine as she'd like to imagine. It's like she's encased in this little bubble with him in the make-believe world in the house. Good luck to her if it makes her happy, but I've said before I don't think she's anyone's fool (especially where fellas are concerned). I just hope that if this doesn't continue outside the house that JJ gets all the blame and she gets all the sympathy as the woman scorned or led on, cos from where I'm sitting she's had his not so positive reactions to their relationship blatantly said to her face and if she chooses to ignore it then that's up to her, but it takes 2 to tango.
Sam has insinuated that he feels she is being false, which she knows is not true, and he has said that he thinks John James has genuine feelings for her.

So, if she believes Sam at all, she may think that John James could have feelings for her.

More confusion.

She has voiced her doubts about what will happen, eventually, but she is still holding out some hope.

I think even the most mature and intelligent people can be fooled in the love stakes.

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