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The first round of noms Aaron went with the plan as did Louise BB then stopped them and restarted the noms .Tom then said to everyone just remember the two you were supposed to vote.Tom then went and nomed differently as did Jay BEFORE Aaron made his noms.


First round of noms Tom should have gone to his left and nomed Alex/Jay

He actually nomed Jay/Louise( off plan)

Jay should have nomed Aaron/Louise but he nomed Aaron/Faye ( off plan)

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Renton:

You were right and i scoffed at you for being neurotic

Aaron is a snake in the grass - a schemer and a player

Sorry GEM - you were right - i was wrong

He's a traitor with no morals

Jem was a bitter and twisted individual and a jealous biatchy sister ,she made Faye's life hell in that house.Jem was a waste of space and a lousy Hm .Like Anton she was obseeesed with Aaron .


IMO - Aaron was gonna stick with the plan when he was first to vote - when they were reshuffled he got himself into the last seat deliberately so that he could scupper the plan (as it turned out there was one vote after him) he was devious and calculating - all this talk of saving Alex is a smokescreen. He's a scheming, conniving, selfish, self centred individual. If Jay had reneged on the plan and given Faye or Aaron three votes this forum would be in uproar - because aaron did it - it's all suddenly about how principled he is.


I'm really not feeling the aaron love at all.

Soozy Woo

Jem, who effectively put her sister up for eviction, by walking two days before?


Jem who, when asked who she'd like to win, says Alex, or Tom, and when prompted by Emma Willis, says that Faye wasn't going to last much longer anyway?


All Aaron has done is try to save Alex from being up. How does that make him a 'snake'?

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

It could be argued the gameplaying in the voting scenario was orchestrated by Jay who's snide plot to have everyone up was about self-preservation.


Tbh this has been blown out of all proportion - all Aaron did was have the balls to nom as he saw fit in a face to face when the others basically hid.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

It could be argued the gameplaying in the voting scenario was orchestrated by Jay who's snide plot to have everyone up was about self-preservation.


Tbh this has been blown out of all proportion - all Aaron did was have the balls to nom as he saw fit in a face to face when the others basically hid.

Bang On. You'd think he'd comitted feckin' murder the way some are foaming at the mouth,over on DS,just too funny.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Jem, who effectively put her sister up for eviction, by walking two days before?


Jem who, when asked who she'd like to win, says Alex, or Tom, and when prompted by Emma Willis, says that Faye wasn't going to last much longer anyway?


All Aaron has done is try to save Alex from being up. How does that make him a 'snake'?

And Louise says she did the same and she is a heroine?  Some twisted logic going on in there.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

IMO - Aaron was gonna stick with the plan when he was first to vote - when they were reshuffled he got himself into the last seat deliberately so that he could scupper the plan (as it turned out there was one vote after him) he was devious and calculating - all this talk of saving Alex is a smokescreen. He's a scheming, conniving, selfish, self centred individual. If Jay had reneged on the plan and given Faye or Aaron three votes this forum would be in uproar - because aaron did it - it's all suddenly about how principled he is.


I'm really not feeling the aaron love at all.

i thoughts they got reshuffled by igor

Originally Posted by duchess:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

IMO - Aaron was gonna stick with the plan when he was first to vote - when they were reshuffled he got himself into the last seat deliberately so that he could scupper the plan (as it turned out there was one vote after him) he was devious and calculating - all this talk of saving Alex is a smokescreen. He's a scheming, conniving, selfish, self centred individual. If Jay had reneged on the plan and given Faye or Aaron three votes this forum would be in uproar - because aaron did it - it's all suddenly about how principled he is.


I'm really not feeling the aaron love at all.

i thoughts they got reshuffled by igor

BB gave them numbers. Aaron was number 1 -Jay last at number 6.BB then aked Aaron to nom (first round) .The noms were stopped at Louise and when they were restarted BB went to Tom first.

Second round went like this








Originally Posted by duchess:

i thoughts they got reshuffled by igor

Yes, Igor told them where to sit, for the second round.


Quite frankly, it was all a total shambles. Making them vote one by one and face to face, either makes it stupid (as they indeed tried to fix it for all of them to be up), or totally unfair, as those voting later on in the process were at an unfair advantage. 


I think channel 5's BB is being run by, and presented by, complete morons.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by duchess:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

IMO - Aaron was gonna stick with the plan when he was first to vote - when they were reshuffled he got himself into the last seat deliberately so that he could scupper the plan (as it turned out there was one vote after him) he was devious and calculating - all this talk of saving Alex is a smokescreen. He's a scheming, conniving, selfish, self centred individual. If Jay had reneged on the plan and given Faye or Aaron three votes this forum would be in uproar - because aaron did it - it's all suddenly about how principled he is.


I'm really not feeling the aaron love at all.

i thoughts they got reshuffled by igor

BB gave them numbers. Aaron was number 1 -Jay last at number 6.BB then aked Aaron to nom (first round) .The noms were stopped at Louise and when they were restarted BB went to Tom first.

Second round went like this








So Alex, Jay and Louise voted for Faye, so why is Aaron getting blamed for Louise also getting 3 votes?

Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

He's a scheming, conniving, selfish, self centred individual.


Indeed he is ..... I'm just amazed it's taken folk this long to see thorugh him .... He showed himself last night .... Now hopefully people will have seen the true Aaron .... a truly  despicable human being

How is trying to save Alex from eviction, being a 'truly despicable human being'?


I don't get it! 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

He's a scheming, conniving, selfish, self centred individual.


Indeed he is ..... I'm just amazed it's taken folk this long to see thorugh him .... He showed himself last night .... Now hopefully people will have seen the true Aaron .... a truly  despicable human being

How is trying to save Alex from eviction, being a 'truly despicable human being'?


I don't get it! 

That's if you believe that's why he did it? I don't believe it for a second - I think he relished ensuring Louise get three nominations and as for the Tom nomination - it was incredibly harsh of him to tell Tom that he would have nommed him anyway - he has told Tom more than once that he really wants him to be there in the final week. I think it was a bit spiteful TBH - I'm obviously not seeing the side of Aaron that most others are. 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

He's a scheming, conniving, selfish, self centred individual.


Indeed he is ..... I'm just amazed it's taken folk this long to see thorugh him .... He showed himself last night .... Now hopefully people will have seen the true Aaron .... a truly  despicable human being

Steady on lol.

Originally Posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

He's a scheming, conniving, selfish, self centred individual.


Indeed he is ..... I'm just amazed it's taken folk this long to see thorugh him .... He showed himself last night .... Now hopefully people will have seen the true Aaron .... a truly  despicable human being

Steady on lol.


I can't believe how I've got sucked into it - I swore I wouldn't this year 


When I read back some of my responses I'm like  - . Don't like Aaron though. Think I'll keep my trap shut tonight.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Just been on DS,looks like Anton,Aden and Rebekah are having a handbag fight via twitter.

whats the thread called, i can't find it  just been reading about Alex and her website over, seems she's not as sweet as she makes out and she's going to be 20 next not 19 

I think Alex is the biggest and obviously the best game player of them all. She fooled them all.

Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

He's a scheming, conniving, selfish, self centred individual.


Indeed he is ..... I'm just amazed it's taken folk this long to see thorugh him .... He showed himself last night .... Now hopefully people will have seen the true Aaron .... a truly  despicable human being

He's still topping the polls....



Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Renton:

You were right and i scoffed at you for being neurotic

Aaron is a snake in the grass - a schemer and a player

Sorry GEM - you were right - i was wrong

He's a traitor with no morals

Jem was a bitter and twisted individual and a jealous biatchy sister ,she made Faye's life hell in that house.Jem was a waste of space and a lousy Hm .Like Anton she was obseeesed with Aaron .

  Yes, Jem was a total bitch, and I can't believe that people are going on about Aaron like he is some kind of monster.    If it had been Harry that had played a game or a prank or done things to suit himself, then those same people berating Aaron so savagely, would have thought was he did was hilarious.  So Aaron chose to not play the game and voted how he saw fit.  So what? 


I dont understand the continued outrage now it is known that he wasnt the only one 


Sneeky Tom changed his - the Vile disgusting one changed his - Louise changed hers and  lied about it straight away - Aaron is getting all the flack when actually 4 did it not just him 


I hope they show Louise's confession tonight but somehow I doubt it 


If Aaron wasnt still in the house I would have switched off weeks ago 

Originally Posted by MrsH:

I dont understand the continued outrage now it is known that he wasnt the only one 


Sneeky Tom changed his - the Vile disgusting one changed his - Louise changed hers and  lied about it straight away - Aaron is getting all the flack when actually 4 did it not just him 


I hope they show Louise's confession tonight but somehow I doubt it 


If Aaron wasnt still in the house I would have switched off weeks ago 

      Totally agree.  He is funny, and a really nice guy IMO, even if he is a bit of a fusspot... and he has good manners and doesn't wipe his shitty arse on his girlfriend's pillow or drop foul farts in the bed or burp violently in peoples' faces... Anyone who actually still likes Jay after he was seen wiping his fat shitty arse on Lou's pillow, must be MAD IMO.  He actually makes me feel physically sick... He is a pig.  And Louise must be seriously deranged, if she attracted to him! 

Originally Posted by MrsH:

I dont understand the continued outrage now it is known that he wasnt the only one 


Sneeky Tom changed his - the Vile disgusting one changed his - Louise changed hers and  lied about it straight away - Aaron is getting all the flack when actually 4 did it not just him 


I hope they show Louise's confession tonight but somehow I doubt it 


If Aaron wasnt still in the house I would have switched off weeks ago 

No they were all ensuring that each HM got two - they didn't stick to the original format cos BB had got that sussed. Instead of carrying on with the plan of ensuring each HM only got two votes Aaron gave Louise a third vote.


i'm so amazed people can't see this and on that note I really am saying no more.


Apologies if I've offended anyone but's as plain as the nose on your face - it would have been two each if Aaron hadn't reneged!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

I dont understand the continued outrage now it is known that he wasnt the only one 


Sneeky Tom changed his - the Vile disgusting one changed his - Louise changed hers and  lied about it straight away - Aaron is getting all the flack when actually 4 did it not just him 


I hope they show Louise's confession tonight but somehow I doubt it 


If Aaron wasnt still in the house I would have switched off weeks ago 

No they were all ensuring that each HM got two - they didn't stick to the original format cos BB had got that sussed. Instead of carrying on with the plan of ensuring each HM only got two votes Aaron gave Louise a third vote.


i'm so amazed people can't see this and on that note I really am saying no more.


Apologies if I've offended anyone but's as plain as the nose on your face - it would have been two each if Aaron hadn't reneged!

Oh who cares, seriously, who cares.


Aaron is a hero, he went against the sheep like mentallity and voted how he saw fit, he has gotten up for eviction boring Louise, who lets face it, has had an easy ride and a longer run than she deserves in the show.


Im amazed that so many do gooders hate Aaron for DOING THE RIGHT THING and nominating in the correct way.

Originally Posted by Videostar:

When I read the title of this thread I assumed it was going to be about Jem (With a fecking J) apologising for being harsh and wrong about Aaron. 

Yep she sure was.  The silly cow is just soooo jealous that her prettier, younger sister has managed to snare a decent good looking bloke.  He is the best man in the house IMO.  Personally I prefer a well mannered and polite gentle man to a revolting, farting, belching, hideous, grotesque pig of a man who wipes shit on his girlfriend's pillow.  But hey, each to their own eh?!

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

I dont understand the continued outrage now it is known that he wasnt the only one 


Sneeky Tom changed his - the Vile disgusting one changed his - Louise changed hers and  lied about it straight away - Aaron is getting all the flack when actually 4 did it not just him 


I hope they show Louise's confession tonight but somehow I doubt it 


If Aaron wasnt still in the house I would have switched off weeks ago 

No they were all ensuring that each HM got two - they didn't stick to the original format cos BB had got that sussed. Instead of carrying on with the plan of ensuring each HM only got two votes Aaron gave Louise a third vote.


i'm so amazed people can't see this and on that note I really am saying no more.


Apologies if I've offended anyone but's as plain as the nose on your face - it would have been two each if Aaron hadn't reneged!

Oh who cares, seriously, who cares.


Aaron is a hero, he went against the sheep like mentallity and voted how he saw fit, he has gotten up for eviction boring Louise, who lets face it, has had an easy ride and a longer run than she deserves in the show.


Im amazed that so many do gooders hate Aaron for DOING THE RIGHT THING and nominating in the correct way.

Originally Posted by sparkles:


Oh who cares, seriously, who cares.


Aaron is a hero, he went against the sheep like mentallity and voted how he saw fit, he has gotten up for eviction boring Louise, who lets face it, has had an easy ride and a longer run than she deserves in the show.


Im amazed that so many do gooders hate Aaron for DOING THE RIGHT THING and nominating in the correct way.

my point is - if Jay had done it and Aaron was up there would have been a public outcry! If Jay had claimed it was 'principles' he'd have been rubbished.


people see what they want to see and say oh dear - who cares etc. when it suits. I'm certainly no Jay fan but I can imagine if the boot was on the other foot.


And now I really will say no more!


Soozy Woo

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