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Except it's not much of a shock at all really, is it? Out goes Sam and Corin, now we're left with Josie the duvet dweeb, Mario The Desperate (to win) and also desperately boring, JJ2 The World's Most Boring Inconsequential Individual, Andrew the man on a journey, a journey to say nothing of consequence unless absolutely forced, and Skunk Dave, a real-life conman whose main contribution to BB was not reading a bible while revelling fake glory.

Nice one, well done folks you've excelled yourselves this time

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does this mean....shock horror.....that Mario, JJ2 and Andrew were kept in for other reasons aside from being boring?
When it's vote to evict the big characters always go. The public are too thick to realise that voting out the interesting ones leaves them with all the dull ones. It wasn't rigged in any way, just the BB production team being just as thick as most of the voters on this occasion.
OP, as you say, no shock at all.  Same old insipid housemates flying under the radar as usual and a guaranteed boring finale. 

JJ2 is a typical coasting pretty boy who does sod all but is a guaranteed final week housemate.  JJ2 is on par with BB4's Goss.  Andrew, well haven't we had the innocent abroad virginal housemate done so many times on BB?  Bless him, he likes the ladies but they don't like him as much as he'd like and TBH, who can blame them!  A nice every-man guy adolescent nerd but BB finalist, not really!

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