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I am a non-believer, but some of what is said and preached in the lord's name is not as I would understand religion.
Where do these people get their strange ideas from?
Some of them actually seem to think you can wake up one day and say to yourself "Ok then I think I'll turn straight from now on."
They can't even show respect in death to this man.
Apparently she was on the plane when the injunction was granted allowing a reprieve.
Curious that an immigration judge had previously declared there was no evidence to prove that Miss Namiggade was a lesbian.
Now I wonder ---how on earth do you prove that.
I am pleased I signed the petition. Uganda doesn't sound like a secure place to be.
My son is gay, as a result I know many gays & lesbians, All I can say is they tend to be better people. Different yes but nicer to know.
My son has never had any of that type of literature to my knowledge. That is just rubbish. The best way to find out if a person is gay (besides trusting them) Look on their FB account. You will know within seconds..

Religion has a lot to answer for simply because it is too easy to miss-use it.
I bought that diva magazine when shabby from BB did her interview in it. What a pile of crap it was! I dont see what possible interest it would have for anyone, lesbian or straight, it had about two articles and the rest was filled with adverts. Dont blame her for not buying it!

Never heard such a ridiculous reason in my life.

Ive never watched harry potter or read the book, i cant alive!
Originally Posted by brisket:
You're very welcome Yogi.

I've just read the preview again in The Guardian's Guide section.
One sentence says:
"When Mills meets with one MP in particular, his indignance gets the better of him, sending proceedings down a very dark road indeed."
No doubt I'll be angry, but I'll have to watch.
I suspect that's the MP who is behind the original "death sentence for homosexuals" bill.
mugabe keeps the whole  hatred of gays going,ive heard his rants about british politicians, all being gay and corrupt, hes right  with the corrupt  statement, but ranting at  full volume that george brown is  tony blair's  wife is taking  the  whole believability thing  a bit too far.

we all know they destested each other. 

but the masses believe it and it keeps the attention off  the mess his govt. has created.
I was really shocked to listen to interviews this morning with some people in Uganda who said that gays should be killed!! What are these people indoctrinated by? Is this a legitimate reason to sweep in and control another country or are these people not worth saving because Uganda has been bled dry in the last 2 centuries and has nothing to offer this country? Cynical? Not much.
cologne 1
Very noticeable how the majority of those spouting against homosexuality could not justify their point of view. They didn't even try - just stated it as fact.
Some came at it from a religious point of view.
I simply cannot understand how human brains can hold such views as these.
They seem to be burdened with unbelievable ignorance.
Jaw-dropping statements and opinions.
Still very angry.
More later perhaps.

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