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This has been going on for a while sometimes in the name of christianity
But putting someone to death is not in keeping with christianity as it should be practiced IMO.

It all comes down to that infamous verse in Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13 where such people "shall surely be put to death". But just before then verse 10 makes the same requirement for adulterers. Leviticus is part of the Old Testament which forms the basis for the Jewish faith.

But after the Old Testament was written, Jesus came along, and although Jewish was a bit of a rebel and many of his teachings rewrote the rulebook and eventually the New Testament was created based on those teachings. And Christians should follow the New Testament in preference to the Old Testament. The Gospels in the New Testament form the core of Jesus' teachings, so what do they say about homosexuality? Nothing.

But Jesus does say something about adultery. From John chapter 8 (in the King James version):
3And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, 4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. 5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? 6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. 7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. 8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. 9 And they who heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. 10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? 11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

And I have no reason to doubt that Jesus would have said something similar if it had been a homosexual, though the question of sin is one which only God can confirm one way or the other.
El Loro
In the case of Uganda, most of this is coming about because of one particular American Christian sect which the President's wife belongs to. They're an obscure little sect (name escapes me at the moment) who make a speciality of spreading their poison in Africa.
Obama himself is (allegedly) affiliated to an undesirable arm of the Christian faith, is he not?
cologne 1
Reference: cologne
Obama himself is (allegedly) affiliated to an undesirable arm of the Christian faith, is he not?
I don't know about Obama, but I think his predecessor George W Bush was. If I remember correctly his particular church believed that Jesus's second coming was soon and that it was their duty to support Israel to make it ready for that coming.
El Loro
I don't even want to get started on this subject, it winds me up so much. The likes of Pat Robinson and satellite tv stations spouting utter tosh and people believing it  These people flaunt themselves as Christians, I'm not knocking anyone's beliefs, but to blame gays for hurricanes, terrorist bombings and Scotland is a dark place overrun by homosexuals  I have smoke coming out of my ears when I think of these so called preachers who encourage the likes of what this newspaper did.
I don't even want to get started on this subject, it winds me up so much. The likes of Pat Robinson and satellite tv stations spouting utter tosh and people believing it These people flaunt themselves as Christians, I'm not knocking anyone's beliefs, but to blame gays for hurricanes, terrorist bombings and Scotland is a dark place overrun by homosexuals I have smoke coming out of my ears when I think of these so called preachers who encourage the likes of what this newspaper did.
Religion relys on blaming somebody, that's how they used to keep people under the yoke, not just with one god, but one for every occasion.  I remember having to do an essay about the 'Just War' and I decided to go back to the crusades, which were the most cruel thing in history, but all in the name of God. Crap, all of it. IMHO.
cologne 1
Reference: cologne
None of this is illegal, but you have to wonder if the Leader of the Western World (with the finger on the button) should be connectected to a church which seems to be completely subversive
But after Obama's ex-pastor spoke out (as per your link), Obama severed his links with that church. He now goes to the non-denominational Evergreen Chapel at Camp David (where the presidential country retreat is).
El Loro
I always gasp at the attitude from religious extremists, towards gay people and people who have 'sex out of marriage.'  I went to a Christening last year and the mum was an umarried mum of 19, and the way the priest went on, as if she had committed some kind of pure evil, was sickening.  (Especially when you know the kind of things THEY get up to!

What I want to say about religion, be it Catholics, Christians or muslims (or any religion that has these thoughts and this kind of attitude) is that they seriously need to get into the 21st century and get rid of all these dated and frankly rather extreme set of beliefs, and accept that not gay folk are not evil, and not everyone outside their religion is unworthy.  And they CAN be friends or have a relationship with someone who is not of their religion. 

And the 'elders' need to slacken the rules of marrying within the religion, and allow their offspring to marry who they LOVE and not who has been chosen to them - (if they WANT) without the offspring living in fear of being cast out from the family and even worse (and I think most people know what I am on about...)  And they seriously need to slacken the rules on using birth control!

Organised religion is not for me: it's just a form of political control.  ANY movement or religion or belief that totally controls you and the way you live your life, and pushes you out of the religion if you don't toe the line, and shows such contempt for gay people, and anyone who doesn't believe the same as them is not for me!  JMO, and not intended to offend anyone.
But after Obama's ex-pastor spoke out (as per your link), Obama severed his links with that church. He now goes to the non-denominational Evergreen Chapel at Camp David (where the presidential country retreat is).
But that's exactly why I don't trust him anymore because it was a political decision rather than an ideological one.
cologne 1
Religion relys on blaming somebody, that's how they used to keep people under the yoke, not just with one god, but one for every occasion.  I remember having to do an essay about the 'Just War' and I decided to go back to the crusades, which were the most cruel thing in history, but all in the name of God. Crap, all of it. IMHO.

Totally agree Cologne with all of the above, but they can come up with an answer for everything. Children dying, hurricanes, murder....oh but god gave us a will do make the right or wrong decisions. Utter, utter bollocks!!
But that's exactly why I don't trust him anymore because it was a political decision rather than an ideological one.
But you don't know that, cologne. If he'd just been a private citizen and had severed ties with that church, you might think it was an action to be applauded. You can't tell whether or not he was doing it because he didn't agree with the pastor's stance, therefore you can't say for certain that it was political.
But you don't know that, cologne. If he'd just been a private citizen and had severed ties with that church, you might think it was an action to be applauded. You can't tell whether or not he was doing it because he didn't agree with the pastor's stance, therefore you can't say for certain that it was political.
You might be right PC, but he was married in that church and his two children were baptised there, so I assume, rightly or wrongly, that he has an affiliation to that particular church/minister.

PS. Thank you for my wishes.
cologne 1
Sadly since this thread was posted in October David Kato, who featured in that article, has been beaten to death.

The Pink Paper
New York Times
USA Today

(This follows the story in the "Girl jailed for homophobic attack/murder"  thread on this forum of a teenage girl convicted of manslaughter in a homophobic attack in this country.)

The Ugandan story is abominable. How dare the paper deny they did not intend this to happen to him. That  is meally-mouthed of them. Of course they intended a lot of harm should befall gay poeple.
It appalls me.
Last edited by brisket
I watched the news last night and they were reporting on a stoning of a man and  woman for adultery in Afghanistan,it was a Taliban held village and the couple were lured back with a promise of no retribution,the man was married,the girl was not,after "stoning" her the poor woman was still alive so they shot her three times,the man was also stoned to death.The absolute  blood lust and glee on the faces of the men doing the stoning was sickening,thankfully they stopped short of showing the  worst of it.The Afghan govt stated those carrying it  out would be punished when the Taliban were driven out...looked like most of the men of the village to me....human barbarism.
There is a piece in today's guardian about a young lady who is being deported to Uganda. She will he OK if she repents and reforms according to one of their MP's. For lesbianism is learnt behaviour! You couldn't make it up could you? As for Afghanistan, I trust the people who aided the Taliban against the Russian modernisers are proud of themselves.
Garage Joe
The woman in question is Brenda Namigadde. She will be deported in 48 hours if Theresa May doesn't step in. I would ask all of you to please sign this urgent petition to stop her deportation:

As for the murder in Uganda, I'm so angry about it that I'm beyond words. I'm anti-violence and anti death penalty, but I get so upset about the vile people who spout so much hate against LGBT people that I find images going through my head of blowing them all away with a machine gun
I'm struggling to understand not only homophobia but racism too. And whatever the "ism" or "phobia" is about religions.  What anyone else does or doesn't do in the privacy of their home is really no concern of anyone's as long as the people are consenting adults.

I must have aged far more than one year because I'm becoming less and less tolerant of people who refuse to let people live their lives the way they want to live.  Homosexuality, the colour of person's skin, religious beliefs - none of it is important except to the person dealing with their everyday life.
Gawd it makes you so depressed really, human beings really are fecked in the head.Animals, which we call folk that commit crimes are much more worthy to be on this planet than we are.Shame on us that we kill ourselves in the millions etc and them.
We really are killing the world with our actions.I  was watching a show about the crocodiles in the rivers of India "Muhgers" they are called that's where we get our word "mugger" from.On the planet since dinosaur times,hundreds of millions of years and they may be wiped out in a decade or so due to us....for shame.
Yep, kattymieoww, sometimes our intelligence seems to make us more stupid!

When hatred and intolerance is intellectualised, that is what you get.  To my mind, all religion amounts to is the intellectualisation of the superstitions and prejudices of iron age people interspersed by a bit of self help advice to sugar the pill.

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