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14 years with hard labour!
For being gay.

For loving each other.

Gay people forced underground in Africa are unlikely to seek counseling and treatment for AIDS, activists say.
In Malawi, nearly 1 million people — an estimated 12 percent of the population — are living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. 
In Uganda, lawmakers are considering a bill under which homosexuals could be sentenced to life in prison and "repeat offenders" could be executed.

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In Uganda, lawmakers are considering a bill under which homosexuals could be sentenced to life in prison and "repeat offenders" could be executed.
This particular slant was featured on the tellybox news. The worst end of the christianity spectrum appeared to be involved... again.
Garage Joe
It's quite shocking to think that Homosexuality was only decriminailised in this country in 1967 ...................i know to younger FM's this seems a lifetime ago but it is well within living memory to me. Homosexuals (if found guilty of the act) were actually imprisoned.
Soozy Woo
It's ironic that aids is so endemic in Africa due to hetero sex etc..however this includes rape as a weapon .I watched that show "The most dangerous country for a woman" ..tragic , rape is commonplace.
A few extracts from an article in today's Guardian on this subject:-

"Homosexuality," says Pastor Mario Manyozo of the Word of Life Tabernacle Church in Malawi, "is against God's creation and is an evil act, since gays are possessed with demons." The Anglican bishop of Uyo, Nigeria, the Right Rev Isaac Orama, believes homosexuals are "inhuman, insane, satanic and not fit to live".

 "In .... Iran, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen, as well as in parts of Nigeria and Somalia, gays and lesbians can be put to death."

"In Nigeria, where former president Olusegun Obasanjo believes homosexuality "is clearly unbiblical, unnatural and definitely unAfrican", anyone who "has carnal knowledge of any person against the order of nature" is punishable by up to 14 years in jail (that's in the Christian south. In the 12 states that have adopted sharia law, same-sex activity is punishable by stoning to death)."
It's disgusting .... this is something I could get really annoyed about

I happen to work for 2 gay couples and they are the nicest people you could ever wish to meet. I don't know why some folk seem to be so against it? ... Imo, fair enough if it's not for you but live and let live I say. Who has the right to say what is right? .... I can only guess that alot of the prejudice goes back to the bible and religion. The year is twenty ten fgs!!! ... it's time to move on!!
If I may...

Although this couple were tried,convicted, and sentenced to 14 years with hard labour, as a gay couple under Malawi law, neither of them are homosexual.
Tiwonge Chimbalanga is a trans woman; Steven Monjeza is her (straight) boyfriend. They were arrested for holding a private engagement party. Malawi's government, as well as criminalising homosexuality, refuses to accept that transgender people exist.
Everything always boils down to some misinterpretation of some religion or other...perhaps it's organised religion that should be banned before anything else.
Very true, I was going to say that this is our legacy (in the so called first world). If we hadn't forced christianity on anybody else, we wouldn't have this attrocity now.
cologne 1
I have a massive interest in this, having a gay daughter, and for some Christians to say this is a choice in life they choose... bloody rubbish. I was the one that sat on suicide watch when my daughter was 19 and was so unhappy, depressed and so very unsure of how WE would accept her, that wasn't a choice she made. Even rumours that my marriage break up was because my ex couldn't accept our daughter, that was also rubbish! It didn't matter one jot to me, I'm just happy that she's happy now, my ex is also not one bit bothered, in fact he's been helping her and partner move flats.

So many wars and prejudices are started in the name of religion   
Reference: Sarum
Tiwonge Chimbalanga is a trans woman; Steven Monjeza is her (straight) boyfriend.
Blimey, I hadn't heard that in any of the news reports!

I've just read this article, which does, sort of, mention it:

'Chimbalanga often wore women's clothing. He called himself Auntie Tiwo, and was, until the article appeared, accepted as a woman by his employer, cooking and cleaning at a local lodge. He insists he did nothing wrong but fall in love.'

Although, it still calls her 'he'.

It also mentions colonialism and religion and how homosexuality and transgender identities used to be far more accepted in some African cultures.
Blimey, I hadn't heard that in any of the news reports!
Doesn't surprise me, Blizzie, but I read different news reports. Like this one;

The Malawi government and media don't want it mentioned; after all, jailing a straight couple for 14 years because they held an engagement party would make them look barbaric and backward. Oh, wait....
Malawi's President has pardoned these two men and ordered their release. This was announced at a press conference in the presence of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.

That's brilliant news, Brisket.
That's great news....but in the light of David Laws (a clever, privileged man in power) feeling the need to hide his sexuality in this free and fair country...I feel I must take issue with those of you that have called Malawi or all Africans barbaric...I have an African mother, and I was born in family are of the 20th and 21st Century.
I understand that Africa has a way to go to catch up with the West....but seeing as Homosexuality was still a crime in the UK as recently as 1967, and has been decriminalised in Eire since 1993...go easy on the use of terms such as barbaric. Thanks 
suzy, if you read the link I posted above (, it does talk about how homosexuality was widely accepted in Africa before colonial times!

"It's important to remind ourselves," Tendi says, "that the issue of gay rights isn't fully settled here in the west either. There are still major contradictions in many countries; this is not something that we should feel we have completely resolved ourselves."

But the most common explanation many anti-gay Africans give for their stance, he says, is that "homosexuality is not African: it was introduced to the continent by white European colonialists." In fact, he points out, anthropologists have shown that homosexual practices were perfectly accepted in many African cultures in the pre-colonial era.

Most of the posts have mentioned religion as being the culprit, suzy, and I can't see any that have called all Africans 'barbaric'.

And, as others pointed out, we're not that far ahead of other countries, and still have plenty of barbarians alive and kicking in our own country.
I am, of course, delighted that Stephen and Tiwo have been released, but they're not out of the woods yet; there is a lot of homophobic sentiment in Malawi, and unless a 'safe house' can be found for them, their physical safety is very uncertain. There are calls for them to be offered asylum outside of Malawi, and enquiries are being made,but nothing is definite yet.

And yes, I have noticed that Tiwo is still being misgendered by the various news agencies; I've just written to the BBC to point this out.

Suzybean; it was I who used the word "barbaric"; I was referring to the behaviour of the Malawi government and legal system. I didn't intend to apply it to all Malawians, and certainly not to all Africans.
I know that intent is not magical -not meaning to cause offence doesn't mean that offence won't be caused - so  I offer no excuse, but I sincerely apologise for causing you offence.
I am also sorry for being upset...I'm not even from Malawi...I have no idea what goes on there. This is my friend's take on things (via a facebook thread). He is a Human Rights Lawyer based in Zambia (not far from Malawi) so I think he is more informed than me....Dr. Bingu wa Mutharika is the Malawian President.

 "Bingu wa Mutharika did try to understand the situation ... this was not about Gay rights it was about cultural imperialism .... people are arrested and ridiculed in the West for polygamy (common in Malawi) which is a cultural belief. No one makes mention of the fact that this was a traditional wedding ceremony attended by many others .... the Malawians only lost the plot when they were TOLD what to do. A polite request in person by Ban ki Moon and it was all over! although Zim does have a slightly different perspective"

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