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Baz posted:
kattymieoww posted:

Didn't have any rarer species,I think it depends how the winter is .I remember a few years back during a bad winter we had loads of gold finches at the feeders,not seen them for a few years.

Ours are mostly robins , sparrows , blackbirds and wood pigeons  

I’ve got a little wren which visits my garden. Tiny, shy little bird.

kattymieoww posted:

Green finches are in trouble they say,numbers crashing there is a disease affecting them.I've seen the odd one now and then.Seen bull finches too but very rarely,beautiful birds.

Yes, greenfinches have been in trouble for a couple of years. Saw some chaffinches today but there don’t seem to be so many around as there used to be.

kattymieoww posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Was a young child with my dad when I saw my first lapwing, which he calls a peewit

My old grandad called them peewits too.The sound of their call.Years ago we used to holiday in Millport,Isle of Cumbrae.There would be lapwings in the fields and we always heard skylarks too.


My boys went to Millport on a school (geography) trip. 

Last edited by Yogi19

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