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Yogi19 posted:
Baz posted:

My first husband did a gardening Apprentice with his local council ....he tried to make me learn all the Latin names ....needless to say he failed  

 Latin and I didn't get on. I only took it for a year, then dumped the subject.

I never took it at all ....but funnily enough the first job I got when I moved up here ...part time ...was doing book keeping for a landscaper ...and I was amazed at how many names had sunk in 

Baz posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Baz posted:

My first husband did a gardening Apprentice with his local council ....he tried to make me learn all the Latin names ....needless to say he failed  

 Latin and I didn't get on. I only took it for a year, then dumped the subject.

I never took it at all ....but funnily enough the first job I got when I moved up here ...part time ...was doing book keeping for a landscaper ...and I was amazed at how many names had sunk in 

 Just goes to show, we take in more than we think 

Baz posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Hornets and wasps have scary faces

Not as scary as their bums !!!

Baz posted:

If I see one I'm off !!

Is it a Leo thing? Mr Y runs away, screaming like a big girl!


I have to be careful with wasps, as I have a mild allergic reaction to their sting - and the old pharmacist in the village warned me that the reaction could get worse with each sting!!


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