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If it was fun I would but this thread is purely aimed at certain people who have posted today about the clique that does exist on this forum - it amounts to nothing more than childish bullying and it isn't right.
It wasn't intended as a dig I'm just pointing out how laughable it is that anyone should suggest there is a clique here. Most of us come here because there isn't any kind of clique. The responses on this thread which clearly demonstrate how crap we all are at trying to form a clique is evidence enough that there will never ever be one and amen to that.

We have however got a self confessed gawjuss person, a posh person and some strange woman who thinks this is all about Grease so all is not quite lost just yet 
Reference: Why would I want to be? I have standards you know! I dunno, I'm still confused about this 'clique' business. I think it comes down to people having different sense of humors and not understanding one another
I will give you an example of this clique - a few weeks ago I started a thread the OP of this thread was one of the first people to reply to it and he/she almost agreed with me and a good discussion began - certain ppl then came in to the thread and began with their usual attacks on me and all of a sudden the OP of this thread was also calling me all sorts - now tell me that isn't a clique!!

(BTW before you all start posting "that isn't a clique" it's not funny)
I will give you an example of this clique
That wasn't an example of any kind of clique. I agreed with you on one point, and disagreed on another (your problem with disabled people having work advantages). I disagreed with that right from the very start. You then defended your position in a way that was, well, I'll be kind and say  'controversial' so I changed my mind about your stance on the whole thing.

That was my personal take on it. Nothing to do with any imagined clique at all.
From what I know, a clique is a group of friends (fail numero 1*) who discuss said proposed target off forum somewhere else on t'internet (fail numero 2*) and then pile in en masse to point and laugh and agree with each other at the OP muppet in question (fail numero 3*)

*1. This forum isn't full of friends.
*2. Not everybody here talks to each other in pm or elsewhere like some massive cult David Koresh stylee affair. It's Gaga not the Brady Bunch.
*3. I do not see an influx of 'same' people (think sheep) who magically appear as soon as someone posts something unpopular. (I think that's cos Facebook, Twitter and real life exist)

Based on all of the above, I hereby announce this as a #CLIQUEATTACKFAIL

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