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Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by ~hoochie~:
Smiler I agree with Mofo and cup - i like a gameplayer and he's good .... but he's a fool if he thinks he can play with the GBP for much longer - he should be straight with us and own up to it in the Diary Room like Victor did ... I'd be right behind him then Thumbs Up

He's not playing a game, dont be influenced by the haters of Freddie.

He's clearly being picked on in that house, how is he not meant to look like the victim of nasty people.?
I do not hate freddie but i will post even if it is my favourite housemate if i think imo they are doing something i dont like

I like him want him to outstay the lisa gang no doubt about it

I still say whether you know it or not you slightly have a problem with the way he talks because he's posh, I dont think for one second if he had a cockney accent and "talked down to people" that this thread or your comments would have ever have been made.

no i do not care what accent he has i do not like people who patronise and in tonights show,he was ott in his tone imo and i cannot understand why anyone think it is anything to do with any other accent if people think that so be it i am not going to argue as long as i know what i truly mean myself that will do.

I like marcus want him to be in last three but he can be a complete and utter twat at times i am not going to be a fool to think any of them are perfect even if he was marcus with less hair from the north pole i would still find him a twat dosnt matter to me

Well I dont see this patronising thing, I find Kris far worse, but no one mentions that, I wonder why.

kriss do not get me started on him partronising would be a complement for him when i speak of him


LOL yes we had better not talk about Kris, swear words a gogo. Laugh
Originally posted by amelie:
Originally posted by MoFo:

And no I didnt say that in a whiney voice. Ninja

I know his voice is annoying sometimes - seems mostly when he's feeling a bit stressed which usually is when he's trying to have a reasonble conversation with people who clearly despise him.

Thing is, some people with dyslexia can have speech problems. It's quite common for those so affected to speak slowly or haltingly particularly if they're uncomfortable or feeling stressed. It's a very complex neurological condition and is not just about reading skills. When Freddie is relaxed his voice is more normal. Sadly he doesn't get many relaxed moments in the house having been under the threat of eviction for 4 weeks and a barage of abuse from Team Lisa.

Clapping hear hear.
Originally posted by amelie:
Originally posted by MoFo:

And no I didnt say that in a whiney voice. Ninja

I know his voice is annoying sometimes - seems mostly when he's feeling a bit stressed which usually is when he's trying to have a reasonble conversation with people who clearly despise him.

Thing is, some people with dyslexia can have speech problems. It's quite common for those so affected to speak slowly or haltingly particularly if they're uncomfortable or feeling stressed. It's a very complex neurological condition and is not just about reading skills. When Freddie is relaxed his voice is more normal. Sadly he doesn't get many relaxed moments in the house having been under the threat of eviction for 4 weeks and a barage of abuse from Team Lisa.

well said amelie
Originally posted by MoFo:
Christ why cant he talk....just properly talk words? Why does he have to wwwhhhiiinnneeee every word.

I get he is trying to portray himself to be all reasonable and earnest....but he IS playing the victim card. Everything he says is totally designed to show himself as the poor hard done by.

Dont get me wrong, I do think he is being picked on in there - but I also think he is relishing it and knows exactly what he is doing.

It does grate on me how his sentances always have to go up a notch at the end! Shake Head But he is getting picked on! Thing is he DOES come across as patronising. His voice is patronising a lot of the time!
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
It's not his accent or enunciation that annoy me at all, it's the way he speaks in that whiney, apologetic.'poor misunderstood me' manner at times. He is hard done by in there, no doubt about that, but beggining to think he's sussed out that people on the outside feel sorry for him for being picked on and he's now playing it for all it's worth

SmilerThat's pretty much what I thinking tonight!
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by MoFo:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by ~hoochie~:
Smiler I agree with Mofo and cup - i like a gameplayer and he's good .... but he's a fool if he thinks he can play with the GBP for much longer - he should be straight with us and own up to it in the Diary Room like Victor did ... I'd be right behind him then Thumbs Up

He's not playing a game, dont be influenced by the haters of Freddie.

He's clearly being picked on in that house, how is he not meant to look like the victim of nasty people.?
I do not hate freddie but i will post even if it is my favourite housemate if i think imo they are doing something i dont like

I like him want him to outstay the lisa gang no doubt about it

I still say whether you know it or not you slightly have a problem with the way he talks because he's posh, I dont think for one second if he had a cockney accent and "talked down to people" that this thread or your comments would have ever have been made.
Then I think that says more about YOU. Seriously, why attack people who are also on his side but just seeing it a different way?

If you really were on his side, you wouldn't be picking on such a flimsy reason as a perceived whiney voice. Why don't you complain about Lisa awful voice or Karly's which really grate.
Probably cos I cant stand Lisa or Karly anyway so anything they do that annoys just feeds my fury nicely. Big Grin

I AM cheering him on from the sidelines but oooooh when he starts whining I get all GAAAAAAAAHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOO. BECAUSE I am on his side and want to like him it grates more maybe, I dont know.
Originally posted by ~hoochie~:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
It's not his accent or enunciation that annoy me at all, it's the way he speaks in that whiney, apologetic.'poor misunderstood me' manner at times. He is hard done by in there, no doubt about that, but beggining to think he's sussed out that people on the outside feel sorry for him for being picked on and he's now playing it for all it's worth

SmilerThat's pretty much what I thinking tonight!

Just wish he'd get some BBauble BBauble sometimes too- one can be assertive without being agressive and nasty.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by ~hoochie~:
Smiler I agree with Mofo and cup - i like a gameplayer and he's good .... but he's a fool if he thinks he can play with the GBP for much longer - he should be straight with us and own up to it in the Diary Room like Victor did ... I'd be right behind him then Thumbs Up

He's not playing a game, dont be influenced by the haters of Freddie.

He's clearly being picked on in that house, how is he not meant to look like the victim of nasty people.?
I do not hate freddie but i will post even if it is my favourite housemate if i think imo they are doing something i dont like

I like him want him to outstay the lisa gang no doubt about it

I still say whether you know it or not you slightly have a problem with the way he talks because he's posh, I dont think for one second if he had a cockney accent and "talked down to people" that this thread or your comments would have ever have been made.

no i do not care what accent he has i do not like people who patronise and in tonights show,he was ott in his tone imo and i cannot understand why anyone think it is anything to do with any other accent if people think that so be it i am not going to argue as long as i know what i truly mean myself that will do.

I like marcus want him to be in last three but he can be a complete and utter twat at times i am not going to be a fool to think any of them are perfect even if he was marcus with less hair from the north pole i would still find him a twat dosnt matter to me

Well I dont see this patronising thing, I find Kris far worse, but no one mentions that, I wonder why.

kriss do not get me started on him partronising would be a complement for him when i speak of him


LOL yes we had better not talk about Kris, swear words a gogo. Laugh

i just looked at your signature lol and we support the same people Laugh
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by ~hoochie~:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
It's not his accent or enunciation that annoy me at all, it's the way he speaks in that whiney, apologetic.'poor misunderstood me' manner at times. He is hard done by in there, no doubt about that, but beggining to think he's sussed out that people on the outside feel sorry for him for being picked on and he's now playing it for all it's worth

SmilerThat's pretty much what I thinking tonight!

Just wish he'd get some BBauble BBauble sometimes too- one can be assertive without being agressive and nasty.

He's always being assertive. Confused
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by ~hoochie~:
Smiler I agree with Mofo and cup - i like a gameplayer and he's good .... but he's a fool if he thinks he can play with the GBP for much longer - he should be straight with us and own up to it in the Diary Room like Victor did ... I'd be right behind him then Thumbs Up

He's not playing a game, dont be influenced by the haters of Freddie.

He's clearly being picked on in that house, how is he not meant to look like the victim of nasty people.?
I do not hate freddie but i will post even if it is my favourite housemate if i think imo they are doing something i dont like

I like him want him to outstay the lisa gang no doubt about it

I still say whether you know it or not you slightly have a problem with the way he talks because he's posh, I dont think for one second if he had a cockney accent and "talked down to people" that this thread or your comments would have ever have been made.

no i do not care what accent he has i do not like people who patronise and in tonights show,he was ott in his tone imo and i cannot understand why anyone think it is anything to do with any other accent if people think that so be it i am not going to argue as long as i know what i truly mean myself that will do.

I like marcus want him to be in last three but he can be a complete and utter twat at times i am not going to be a fool to think any of them are perfect even if he was marcus with less hair from the north pole i would still find him a twat dosnt matter to me

Well I dont see this patronising thing, I find Kris far worse, but no one mentions that, I wonder why.

kriss do not get me started on him partronising would be a complement for him when i speak of him


LOL yes we had better not talk about Kris, swear words a gogo. Laugh

i just looked at your signature lol and we support the same people Laugh

LOL Thumbs Up
Originally posted by ~hoochie~:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
It's not his accent or enunciation that annoy me at all, it's the way he speaks in that whiney, apologetic.'poor misunderstood me' manner at times. He is hard done by in there, no doubt about that, but beggining to think he's sussed out that people on the outside feel sorry for him for being picked on and he's now playing it for all it's worth

SmilerThat's pretty much what I thinking tonight!

me too Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by ~hoochie~:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
It's not his accent or enunciation that annoy me at all, it's the way he speaks in that whiney, apologetic.'poor misunderstood me' manner at times. He is hard done by in there, no doubt about that, but beggining to think he's sussed out that people on the outside feel sorry for him for being picked on and he's now playing it for all it's worth

SmilerThat's pretty much what I thinking tonight!

Just wish he'd get some BBauble BBauble sometimes too- one can be assertive without being agressive and nasty.

He's always being assertive. Confused

Well,'er kind of, that's my point, I think he does so in a kind of: 'sorry but'/'poor me' way, so it ends up not being assertive at all
Is it whiney?
It doesn`t sound whiney to my ear.
But then some people like the music of Beethoven while others like Duffy.
If I was really pressed I could say that all the citizens of the city of _________ sound whiney to me.
If that is his voice he is unlikely to change it after 20-odd years especially to be in Big Brother.
His voice doesn`t bother me at all.
Originally posted by brisket:
Is it whiney?
It doesn`t sound whiney to my ear.
But then some people like the music of Beethoven while others like Duffy.
If I was really pressed I could say that all the citizens of the city of _________ sound whiney to me.
If that is his voice he is unlikely to change it after 20-odd years especially to be in Big Brother.
His voice doesn`t bother me at all.

Thumbs Up A number of other HM's voices annoy me far, far more.
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by ~hoochie~:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
It's not his accent or enunciation that annoy me at all, it's the way he speaks in that whiney, apologetic.'poor misunderstood me' manner at times. He is hard done by in there, no doubt about that, but beggining to think he's sussed out that people on the outside feel sorry for him for being picked on and he's now playing it for all it's worth

SmilerThat's pretty much what I thinking tonight!

Just wish he'd get some BBauble BBauble sometimes too- one can be assertive without being agressive and nasty.

He's always being assertive. Confused

Well,'er kind of, that's my point, I think he does so in a kind of: 'sorry but'/'poor me' way, so it ends up not being assertive at all

I just think he's too polite in that situation and with those people, I'd have told them all to F*** off by now.

But I dont thik he's doing a poor me thing, but thats just my opinion.

If he was he would have been into thr DR to do the dying swan act, and he hasn't.
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Originally posted by MoFo:

And no I didnt say that in a whiney voice. Ninja

I've read on a different thread that it's quite common with dyslexics - I can't remember who said it though :/
I'll have to read up on that - my mate is dyslexic....but I havent noticed her ever whine!! Apart from that I must admit I have no experience! Big Grin
Originally posted by storm:
I disagree with you totally Mofo. The people in the house are VILE to Freddie Mad If I was him I would leave this weekend, if I wasn't evicted this friday. No matter what Freddie does or doesn't do; they are vile to him.

Freddie is playing the game as much as the others are. He is playing the exact opposite game to the others. In fact IMO he's the biggest game player. All he needs to do is give them a right good mouthful and walk away but that isn't the game he is playing as he is definitely playing the victim. I can't stand him and I can't stand the other gang either. They're all a waste of space.
i don't get why people like freddie so much.. its like everyones under his spell. i personally cannot stand him one bit and feel sorry for every single housemate in there because once they all start on him even if it is his fault then they are all bashed and hated. one thing i don't get is that how comes freddie is loved and srees hated when they both annoy the other housemates... its because sree annoys freddie as well.

i have realsied that freddie fans seem to hate the housemates that freddie hates himself. i did like freddie before and i did want him to win but after watching tonights HL i am convinced that freddie is the one with the biggest gameplan and not lisa. lisa is not twofaced and if she dislikes someone then she obviously makes it clear to them, much like most of the public themselves. i don't get why they are being hated for being themselves.

the other housemates are disliked because they nominate freddie week after week so everyone keep him in to annoy everyone. well i for one would like to keep sree in to annoy noirin and marcus and deffinately freddie. i would love to see the look on his face if sree stays. its all getting to his head and its getting bigger and bigger. sree is my favourite HM because he makes me laugh hes good tv and yes he is sleezy but i luv him for him, but why don't people feel sorry for him when he gets bullied and constantly rejected and picked on. its always freddie.

and also in tonights show i felt more sorry for kris karly and rodrigo than i did for freddie. i understand why kris finds freddie so annoying and if freddie told me that i am being influenced by others then i would walk out on him. i strongly feel that the others are not indimidated by lisa but seriously do have their personal reasons of disliking freddie, but that doesn't go through that halfwits head does it. everything that he says about lisa is all about himself. hes influencing siavash marcus noirin. he gives his lectures about how he thinks th HMs are wolves and sheeps and how lisa has the biggest gameplan. hes going around telling evryone and making them consider that maybe it is the truth which i feel is not. I feel that he has influenced siavash. and the way he over analyses things is deffinatley incorrect.

if the housemates were never in big brother and were the viewers instead then i feel that they would have been freddie supporters but watching soemone and living with someone are two completely different things and if you guys were in there with him then you would have hated him to.

seriously viewers because of this spell that freddie has casted on you we are already losing the big characters in the house. sophia, cairon, angel and sree in my view are wayyy bigger characters than freddie and this years series will go down the toilet if he continues to stay in. freddies character is slowly unveiling and you guys will surely see his true self.

now that sree's going to go this week, im rooting for charlie to win! he has the biggest personality (which is no surprise as most of the gay HMs seem to) and i don't care what anyone says but i feel that charlie is really being himself in the house and he understands that he is on a reality show that is going down hill year after year and needs to entertaing so BB does not get boring. so he is not being fake he is just entertaining.
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by taz-mania:
i don't get why people like freddie so much.. its like everyones under his spell. i personally cannot stand him one bit and feel sorry for every single housemate in there because once they all start on him even if it is his fault then they are all bashed and hated. one thing i don't get is that how comes freddie is loved and srees hated when they both annoy the other housemates... its because sree annoys freddie as well.

i have realsied that freddie fans seem to hate the housemates that freddie hates himself. i did like freddie before and i did want him to win but after watching tonights HL i am convinced that freddie is the one with the biggest gameplan and not lisa. lisa is not twofaced and if she dislikes someone then she obviously makes it clear to them, much like most of the public themselves. i don't get why they are being hated for being themselves.

the other housemates are disliked because they nominate freddie week after week so everyone keep him in to annoy everyone. well i for one would like to keep sree in to annoy noirin and marcus and deffinately freddie. i would love to see the look on his face if sree stays. its all getting to his head and its getting bigger and bigger. sree is my favourite HM because he makes me laugh hes good tv and yes he is sleezy but i luv him, but why don't people feel sorry for him when he gets bullied and constantly rejected and picked on. its always freddie.

and also in tonights show i felt more sorry for kris karly and rodrigo than i did for freddie. i understand why kris finds freddie so annoying and if freddie told me that i am being influenced by others then i would walk out on him. i strongly feel that the others are not indimidated by lisa but seriously do have their personal reasons of disliking freddie, but that doesn't go through that halfwits head does it. everything that he says about lisa is all about himself. hes influencing siavash marcus noirin. he gives his lectures about how he thinks th HMs are wolves and sheeps and how lisa has the biggest gameplan. hes going around telling evryone and making them consider that maybe it is the truth which i feel is not. I feel that he has influenced siavash. and the way he over analyses things.

if the housemates were never in big brother and were the viewers instead then i feel that they would have been freddie supporters but watching soemone and living with someone are two completely different things and if you guys were in there with him then you would have hated him to.

seriously viewers because of this spell that freddie has casted on you we are already losing the big characters in the house. sophia, cairon, angel and sree in my view are wayyy bigger characters than freddie and this years series will go down the toilet if he continues to stay in. freddies character is slowly unveiling and you guys will surely see his true self.

now that sree's going to go this week, im rooting for charlie to win!

cologne 1
Originally posted by innais:
Just properly talk words.....?

Freddie is articulate and measured in his responses....I certainly don't hear any whining when he talks.

In fact I think Freddie has a lovely speaking voice which is a pleasure to listen to. I also think that while he understands the fundamental dynamics of the group he is genuinely perplexed by the degree of scapegoating being directed at him.

Excellent post. Clapping
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by taz-mania:
i don't get why people like freddie so much..
now that sree's going to go this week, im rooting for charlie to win!

Blimey, that was a very long first post! Welcome to the forum wavey

lol thank you... i'm really sorry its just that all the forums i go to are being taken over by freddie and it really starting to annoy me. anyway thanx!!!
Originally posted by taz-mania:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by taz-mania:
i don't get why people like freddie so much..
now that sree's going to go this week, im rooting for charlie to win!

Blimey, that was a very long first post! Welcome to the forum wavey

lol thank you... i'm really sorry its just that all the forums i go to are being taken over by freddie and it really starting to annoy me. anyway thanx!!!

You're welcome. Thumbs Up Didn't agree with everything you said, but did some of it. Anyway, glad you've got it off your chest Hug
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by taz-mania:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by taz-mania:
i don't get why people like freddie so much..
now that sree's going to go this week, im rooting for charlie to win!

Blimey, that was a very long first post! Welcome to the forum wavey

lol thank you... i'm really sorry its just that all the forums i go to are being taken over by freddie and it really starting to annoy me. anyway thanx!!!

You're welcome. Thumbs Up Didn't agree with everything you said, but did some of it. Anyway, glad you've got it off your chest Hug

ahh its alright everyones entitled to their own opinions right?
Originally posted by taz-mania:

ahh its alright everyones entitled to their own opinions right?

Absobloodylutely, that's what this place is all about....whole load of different opinions on here, that's what makes it fun/interesting heated Hope you like it here...I'm off to bed, maybe see you again some time?

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