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 Day 18: The Diletter dilemmas

3 hours ago

We teased you earlier with the news that the housemates have been given the chance to win a letter from their nearest dearest. But, as always, there's a snag – in order to receive them, each individual must say 'yes' to a dilemma set by Big Brother.  For every dilemma that is accepted, the housemates will win one letter.
What dilemmas did the housemates face, we hear you impatiently cry? Ey, hold your horses – we were just about to tell you. Here is how the dilemmas went down...
The first housemate to face a dilemma was Tricia, who had the tricky task of putting the housemate's letters in order of importance, ranking from highest to lowest priority. She was told that if any dilemmas aren't completed, then the letters will be destroyed in the order of importance, with the least vital getting the chop first. However, this may not be the truth... (More of this to come!)
Next up was Speidi, who were issued a restraining order and told that they must not be seen in the same room as each other. Considering they haven't left each other's side today, we're guessing they may have incurred a fail on this one, which is going to go down really well with the other housemates. *Ahem*...

Frankie and Razor were more willing participants, whole-heartedly saying yes to the offer of becoming a racing partnership for the day.  While Frankie, not surprisingly, plays the role of jockey, Razor has drawn the short straw and is now a rather dashing stallion. We're not sure how he feels about the situation, but watching Frankie ride around on Razor's back has amused us to no end.

As for Ryan, he has sacrificed his identity and has become Toadie for the day. Dressed in a fetching toad costume, he must remain on a lilly pad at all times and start every conversation with 'ribbit'. We must admit, watching him act as Toadie has been ribbiting stuff... (Sorry, we couldn't help ourselves).

As for our last two, Claire has to walk up and down the steps in the living room every time she hears Steps fans scream and Rylan has sacrificed 50% of his facial hair. And he'd just about got over the dye-job error as well...

So apart from Speidi, the others seem to be putting in a good effort and it's looking likely that they'll win most of the letters.

But, one definitely won't and that is sure to nark off one housemate. Stick with us to find out the results of the Diletter task – it's set to be an interesting reveal.


The housemates have received their results from the Diletters task, but  although with only one fail for Heidi and Spencer, the atmosphere is as frosty as the weather outside. After Razor and Frankie spent all day riding each other in respective horse and jockey outfits, Ryan spent the majority of the day dressed as a toad, confined to saying "Ribbit" before sentences, Rylan sacrificing his facial hair, and Claire stepping up (to the steps) every time BB pumped in Steps' fans screams. But their hard work has gone amiss upon hearing the news that because Tricia picked Clare's letter from home to be the most important, due to Speidi's refusal to be separated for a day, BB's trickery has meant it is actually she who lost her letter. Inevitably, this left a bitter taste in everyone's mouth. Nobody likes being duped by Big Brother after all. On learning the news, Speidi disappeared into the bedroom conveniently, and Rylan was vehement about Claire's loss. Although upset, Claire held her own and said it didn't matter – but the HMs united with her like true solidarity sisters and all ended up giving their letters. Whilst Razor gave Claire a big reassuring hug this was the right decision, Rylan was less than pleased with Speidi's tepid reaction to the results, and took to the garden to air his grievances. Frankie and Ryan in particular looked a little disheartened at losing their letters, but Ryan made sure that he told Claire he was happy to do it and it was time to move on. Meanwhile in the bedroom, Speidi kept their heads down. "I didn't mean to laugh, it just came out!" Heidi admitted, on hearing the results, and in the living room, Tricia started singing Perfect Day. What a nice song to sum up the situation.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Again I can't see it Erinp, but Rylan is going to blame Speidies for everything from here on in

From the blurb below it sounds like they were the only ones who didn't play along.... but then I'd have bet my last quid on that happening.

They were to stay apart ,they didn't so a HM did not get a letter.Tricia had put the order of who should get a letter and she put Claire first,BB destroyed the first letter and not as I guess the rest hoped the last ,which I assume would have been the order that Tricia would have put Speidi.

I know what I mean

Originally Posted by erinp:

There will be a task to get Claire her letter ,there always is .Usually the person who had the fail resulting in a HM not getting their letter does  a secret task .I have a feeling that Rylan might get the 'secret' task to get Claire from Steps her letter .

Yes they always get their letters and I hope they make Speidi read it out to her...then again they're so heartless whatever's in the letter won't mean a thing to them.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Again I can't see it Erinp, but Rylan is going to blame Speidies for everything from here on in

From the blurb below it sounds like they were the only ones who didn't play along.... but then I'd have bet my last quid on that happening.

They were to stay apart ,they didn't so a HM did not get a letter.Tricia had put the order of who should get a letter and she put Claire first,BB destroyed the first letter and not as I guess the rest hoped the last ,which I assume would have been the order that Tricia would have put Speidi.

I know what I mean

I do..Trisha did'nt get it, she thought the order she'd put them in that Speidi's letter would go first, she thought she was prioritising Claire's as most important to be saved....


Day 18: A frosty front

2 mins ago

Oh the drama, oh the tension...

Last night, we had the fall-out from the Big Blogger task and tonight it's the turn of the Diletter task. If there was any hope of the bridge between Speidi and the housemates being gapped, we think that opportunity may have sailed after tonight's events.
While an unrepentant Speidi have sought refuge in the bedroom, the housemates have taken the opportunity to rant and rave about the controversial reality TV stars.

"I want nothing more to do with them anymore" said Tricia, a sentiment that seems to be popular amongst the rest of the housemates.

"I'll only talk to them if they talk to me, but I won't make any effort" Claire threatened feebly.

The incensed Rylan wasn’t quite so diplomatic, calling on his fellow countrymen for support.

"The British public won't keep them in after this" he stated, adding later, "If you spend your money keeping them in, you're heartless".

We have a feeling their ranting will continue into the night, but how will they be able to move on from this incident? With five days left in the House, they're going to have to work out a way to live with the couple, otherwise it'll be a very awkward five days indeed.

Originally Posted by Baz:
The amusing thing is that had they done the task and got her the letter everyone would have then been screaming that they were only doing it to try and win votes

It was BB that spoiled that most important letter picked by Tricia,Speidi would have been her last choice and if BB had spoiled the last choice not one HMs would have given a Rat ass.

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Not a hope of people thinking that at this stage YR

They've just gone too far last couple of days Baz. I said to you the other day I didn't mind them being there or even getting to the final - as long as they don't win - I've changed my mind, I really hope they go on Wednesday

Speidi have done what BB paid them to do ,now we are in the final week I think they could easily leave o Wednesday

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Not a hope of people thinking that at this stage YR

They've just gone too far last couple of days Baz. I said to you the other day I didn't mind them being there or even getting to the final - as long as they don't win - I've changed my mind, I really hope they go on Wednesday



I really wish it was the Final on Wednesday - Friday cant come quick enough 


I have lost count of the posts I have written and decided not to post today and FB has just gone crazy - scripted or not I think Ch5  have gone too far  

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Not a hope of people thinking that at this stage YR

They've just gone too far last couple of days Baz. I said to you the other day I didn't mind them being there or even getting to the final - as long as they don't win - I've changed my mind, I really hope they go on Wednesday

Speidi have done what BB paid them to do ,now we are in the final week I think they could easily leave o Wednesday

If they don't it says a lot about the kind of people who are keeping them in

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Not a hope of people thinking that at this stage YR

They've just gone too far last couple of days Baz. I said to you the other day I didn't mind them being there or even getting to the final - as long as they don't win - I've changed my mind, I really hope they go on Wednesday



I really wish it was the Final on Wednesday - Friday cant come quick enough 


I have lost count of the posts I have written and decided not to post today and FB has just gone crazy - scripted or not I think Ch5  have gone too far  

Me too Mrs H - I have to keep reminding myself it;ll all be over soon!   

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Not a hope of people thinking that at this stage YR

They've just gone too far last couple of days Baz. I said to you the other day I didn't mind them being there or even getting to the final - as long as they don't win - I've changed my mind, I really hope they go on Wednesday

Speidi have done what BB paid them to do ,now we are in the final week I think they could easily leave o Wednesday

If they don't it says a lot about the kind of people who are keeping them in

Maybe they will walk


Day 18: Have Speidi left the Big Brother House?

5 mins ago

After tonight's drama Speidi are in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother whilst their housemates discuss the possibility that the American duo have in fact left the Big Brother House. Have they??

Originally Posted by erinp:

Day 18: Have Speidi left the Big Brother House?

5 mins ago

After tonight's drama Speidi are in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother whilst their housemates discuss the possibility that the American duo have in fact left the Big Brother House. Have they??

If only - although I do think it's distinct possibiity that they'll manufacture a reason to walk rather than not win.


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