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its a nightmare.... the variety of names for a partner that has decided to stay at home and keep the home fires burning has a variety of names...

stay at home mother
full time mum

out of them... I like full time mum best.   And I have been a working mum too.... when I worked my preschool kid went to creche & my school aged child was picked up from school and given her tea by my parents... so there was someone else doing the mum work for me.
Despite having three children under 5 at the time (and no one to look after them even for and hour for me to have and evening job for my hubby to get home and take over) I took up full time 'registered child minding' and while I loved it and had the maximum children to look after including my own, no one ever thought that I was a working Mother, not even my hubby - he still doesn't even though this was years ago. I was home so not working ( despite the fact I was earning about ÂĢ20 a week less than him - he went out to work)!
omg GMA! I used to say I would rather be a hooker than a childminder! So you have my respect! When I did go out to work full time (I had to pay my ex to look after the kids)... I used to leave the house with a massive smile on my face.... I never took sick leave.. it was easier to be ill at work than at home.
It wasn't too bad DPT, a lot of responsibility and book work but fine as I couldn't go out to work. (My in-laws live in Turkey and my late Mother refused to look after my three for an hour even though she lived 5 doors down from the school - she never went out and her plea was 'I don't want to be tied' (not forgetting my grandmother looked after my brother and I so she could go out to work evenings)! My late Dad was henpecked, he would have done it, I know bless him,he loved having the children around and they loved him too.

As a child minder, I had good children to look after, one is still my next door neighbour's son! He's 20 in April! there was a couple who had an 18yr old and then decided to have another so I had their daughter from 6 weeks old until she was three. Great people and child - except they failed to turn up on time to pick her up and never paid me overtime! I was too soft!
out of them... I like full time mum best. And I have been a working mum too.... when I worked my preschool kid went to creche & my school aged child was picked up from school and given her tea by my parents... so there was someone else doing the mum work for me.
thats a good point Ditty, I'd never thought of it like that.... the term seemed a bit harsh to mums that work I thought, like it was looking down on them? If that makes sense?

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