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Adult ones here are ÂĢ3.30 and children are ÂĢ2.40 for any bus in Birmingham, Coventry or the Black Country however many times you want to use it within 24 hours?
A peak-time daily travelcard for me that will take me across London is ÂĢ15, after 9.30 it drops to ÂĢ8

If you get a black taxi from Waterloo/inner London then before you've even plonked your arse on the seat there's a ÂĢ3 charge just for the privilege.

Overall the transport system in London is great, especially the Underground, I can get anywhere in London within an hour. But it's bloody expensive and don't get me started on the lack of personal space and some of the personalities you have to endure on your travels
Overall the transport system in London is great, especially the Underground, I can get anywhere in London within an hour
Not in South london it's not.

Son has just started work near canary Wharf which as the crow flies is about 2 miles (if that)...he has to leave by about 7.20am to ensure getting there for 8.50.

And the minimum fare in a black taxi is ÂĢ2.60...I think in a miniscab the minimum fare is ÂĢ4.50/ÂĢ5 so a lot of time black taxi is cheaper.
LOL. I more or less said that Karma and then implied that perhaps there was some Daily Mailitis going on here. At this I was told.. "We do not have newspapers in this house". Further tongue biting ensued..
What is a middle class area these days anyway? My mate lives in a council flat in Chiswick (which is supposed to be a middle class/higher end area) - her flat was offered to her for 70k 5 years ago, it's now been offered again at 210k (reduced market value for council tenants), for a 2 bed council flat on an estate that's riddled with crime, all because of her postcode
Son has just started work near canary Wharf which as the crow flies is about 2 miles (if that)...he has to leave by about 7.20am to ensure getting there for 8.50. And the minimum fare in a black taxi is ÂĢ2.60...I think in a miniscab the minimum fare is ÂĢ4.50/ÂĢ5 so a lot of time black taxi is cheaper.
Bloody hell it takes him that long to get to work for such a short distance? I used to work in Camden and I could get there in 50 minutes from here, same when I worked in Marylebone.

And the ÂĢ2.60 thing I rounded off to 3 quid cos I knew it was there or there abouts, but the clock does tick a lot faster!
I don't know Marg - I do not consider 60 old at all and I know that many 60 year olds would take great offence, 60 is the new 50 and we are all living longer.
people of 60 and on the basic state pension + pension credit = ÂĢ130 a week, get as cold as  people of 65 or 70 on the basic state pension + pension credit.
I don't think it's that easy for older people to find work  once they are  in their mid 50's.
B & Q can't employ them all,lol 
And most of  these people retiring at 60(soon to be raised to 62 and then 68) have paid national insurance contributions for 40 years
And the winter fuel allowance was introduced in lieu of a rise in  pension rates.
A woman at 60 won't get her state pension though till her husband retires at 65 i mother in alw retired at 60 about 4 years ago but only got her works pension till her hsuband reached 65 and got his pension (even though he actually retired when she did and they moved to the coast, they just used her pension till they got the state one too).
A woman at 60 won't get her state pension though till her husband retires at 65 i think....m
i think that is dependent on which national insurance the woman paid, if any, if she paid the regular  national insurance stamp she qualifies in her own right, if  she paid none cos she didn't work, or paid the married womans one at a reduced rate she  doesn't qualify for the  full rate of state pension, but has to be assesed  on her hubs one when he reaches 65.

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