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HE IS HERE!!!!  I hope you all like the new Forum puppy.

He is a real snuggler!!  He has been here about half an hour now and has made his "inspection"!!  He seems pleased with himself and has eaten and had a drink of water and gone and done his business in the garden - so he is making himself at home already.  He loves to be cuddled and YES - he has washed my face!!

He is not too sure of the camera - and I am not good at taking photos - so this is the best I could do, to start with.

I don't know which end of me is up right now - but it is WONDERFUL to have Dante here and have all the cuddles and kisses again.


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I just can't believe he is here.  I am in a right state - laughing and crying all at the same time.

He is following me everywhere, which is fantastic.  He has also hopped into Remy's little bed here, beside the computer, and, for such a small little fellow, he can manage to jump up onto the couch.

We are going to have some fun watching him grow up!!  There is devilment in those eyes of his.  What will he be like when he is rested!!
ANNOCA 216 Forum Posts Today at 16:21 HE IS HERE!!!!  I hope you all like the new Forum puppy. He is a real snuggler!!  He has been here about half an hour now and has made his "inspection"!!  He seems pleased with himself and has eaten and had a drink of water and gone and done his business in the garden - so he is making himself at home already.  He loves to be cuddled and YES - he has washed my face!!
Oh Annoca I am so pleased for you, and the pictures show how cute Dante is. He is doing amazingly well settling in so quickly, he must like you. 
Hi Dante, you have found yourself a lovely mistress who is going to love you as much as you will love her. Try not to make too much mess or damage in the house
Thank you all for your good wishes for Dante.

I am amazed that he is settling in so well.  He has only had one "panic" moment where he thought he had "lost" me!!  I went to the bathroom - he thought I had gone to the bedroom and shot out of the livingroom - past the bathroom - down the hall and into the bedroom, found that I wasn't there and galloped back up the hall - past the bathroom again - and into the livingroom.

When he couldn't find me he stood in the doorway and made a sort of yodeling noise!!  I called him and he followed my voice and was very relieved to "find" me.

His little tail wagged furiously and he jumped up and down giving little squeaks of delight.

This forum has been a lifeline for me and I am SO grateful for the friends I have made here.  I have met a lot of people during my life but NONE as caring and supportive as you all have been.

I hope and pray that these friendships continue for many years and that perhaps some of us may actually meet in real life at some point.

Dante sends snuggles, hugs and Brabancon kisses to all his other Mums and Dads!!!

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