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I have been back and forth all afternoon collecting faxes, signing them and sending them back.  It is now OFFICIAL!!!  Dante is coming to Ireland!!!

He begins his journey from Boston in the USA on Saturday and will arrive in England on Monday.

He will have to spend approximately two weeks there - until all the shots and blood tests are done and the results are back - then he can come home to me, all done and dusted.

I promise you will ALL get to see photos from the minute he arrives.

Deman - that poem is fantastic!!

The only reason I have come a long way, in such a short time, is because of all of you.  I never thought, for one moment, that all this could have happened and happened so quickly.

I told you that Remy was my little Earth Angel and I DO believe that she, somehow, played a part in all of this, but she has made it VERY clear that there are TWO legged Earth Angels on this forum to whom I will be eternally grateful.

I have shed a lot of tears today - some of them for knowing that Remy can now rest in peace and some of them for the excitement in knowing that in a matter of a couple of weeks, Dante will be here and taking over her mantle and I will have someone to love, cuddle and cherish.

Thank you all SO much for everything.
have shed a lot of tears today - some of them for knowing that Remy can now rest in peace and some of them for the excitement in knowing that in a matter of a couple of weeks, Dante will be here and taking over her mantle and I will have someone to love, cuddle and cherish

your emotions are gonna be going wild...   which is good..  cos the sadness will be masked a bit by all the other emotions coursing through you, and I do mean all.... I remember this bit... crying & laughing & overcome with pride, with gratitude, bit of guilt (if you are like us, you will quickly shrug that one aside... we had felt guiltier for being too grief stricken to remember Wills the way he deserved).

I am over the moon for you, and for Dante.

(are you ready for this.... puppy!!!!   time to toddler proof the house!)
I am MORE than ready Ditty!!

I have to say that Brabancons are very easy to house train.  Once they know where it is you want them to "go" then they will always "go" there.

They are highly intelligent little dogs and pick up training very quickly.  They don't pull on a lead - they just skip along beside you.

They have one special breed specific trait which is referred to as the "zoom".  They tend to do it if there is some excitement going on OR if they feel you are feeling a bit down.  They will catch your eye, drop down on their elbows with their tail in the air and then take off galloping around the room, finishing up in the same position as they started, with a big, wide grin on their face.  You can't help but laugh when they do it.
(are you ready for this.... puppy!!!!   time to toddler proof the house!)
Oooooh yes, an inquisitive little puppy to snuggle up to....I have been thinking about you all evening ANNOCA, and have re-read the thread back many times, each time makes me fill up with tears of sadness and tears of absolute joy.....

......I just know that Remy has chosen Dante especially for you, and I know already there are lots of special people on this forum whom I'm sure Remy also chose for you.....

I can't wait for your new friend Dante to arrive and I'm sure you'll share a friendship that most of us can only dream of....
The Devil In Diamante
hey have one special breed specific trait which is referred to as the "zoom".  They tend to do it if there is some excitement going on OR if they feel you are feeling a bit down.  They will catch your eye, drop down on their elbows with their tail in the air and then take off galloping around the room, finishing up in the same position as they started, with a big, wide grin on their face.  You can't help but laugh when they do it.
I'm smiling just trying to imagine it
The Devil In Diamante
I am soooo pleased for you Annoca, this was truly meant to be!!

The pictures are lovely, and I can't wait to see the ones when he finally comes home to you.  This has gone from being heartbreaking to heartwarming and uplifting and I am so happy for you, Remy knew and sent you the little one, love his name Dante as well, she could not leave you alone.  Will have to stop now as I am really filling up here.

Can't wait to see the forum puppy! xxx
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!
Annoca said: "They have one special breed specific trait which is referred to as the "zoom".  They tend to do it if there is some excitement going on OR if they feel you are feeling a bit down.  They will catch your eye, drop down on their elbows with their tail in the air and then take off galloping around the room, finishing up in the same position as they started, with a big, wide grin on their face.  You can't help but laugh when they do it."

OK, a less chokey poem in that case:

A flash of tawny fur shoots round the room.
I've come to raise your spirits, banish gloom.
And help to smooth your worried brow of care
Wherever there is trouble, I'll be there.
Don't fret, my pet
For I am always near-o
My name is Dante
Oh Demon - Another fantastic poem - and one, I expect, is very true to "Dante" life""

I am SO sorry, but I don't know what is wrong with me today.  I have been crying non stop.

I don't know whether it is joy, knowing that Dante is coming or whether it is I feel that I am being disloyal to my beloved Remy.

I KNOW, deep in my heart that Remy "organised" some of this to some extent.

I am going to stop now - I know I am not making sense and that I should be jumping for joy.  The best way I can describe it is, that right now, I feel as though I am two separate people - one who is heartbroken at losing a soulmate and the other who is over the moon about Dante coming into my life.

It is okay - you can all sent for the men in the white coats!!!
been crying non stop.
Annocca  so much has happened in the last week your head has been all over the place, you have lost your lovely Remy and now you have got lovely Dante, it has all happened so quickly your emotions are on overdrive,if anything was ever meant to be it is you and Dante and I truely believe Remy has helped make this happen for both of you
Tis ok Annoca...     as others have said its normal to feel like this.

I think its gonna be an emotional rollercoaster waiting for Dante...   but hopefully that "desperate" feeling has lessened... that "what now, whats the point" feeling.

the day we got the new pup ... was bittersweet...   was the day I first really understood the meaning of that word.   it was happy day... I was happy, but with the lead ache in my chest  & tears regularly brimming over.

You are going to be fine....  Dante will help you grieve for Remy in a handleable way, and remember her in a more postitive way, not just with overwhelming loss & hurt.

we're here... you know that.    

You've been busy bee for last few days....  you were bound to slump once the Thurs deadline had been met...

will be ok...  pupppeeeeyyyy...   the puppy Remy is sending...  xxxx
My God!!  I never could have imagined that I would have ever felt this way.

I have been "at sea" with my emotions yesterday/today. . .  (it is almost 5am now) and I have been trying to get a grip on things and as a result, can't sleep.

I wish, with all my heart, that the person who met me in the village yesterday (Friday), had access to this forum and could see what Remy meant to so many people.  People who have never met her.

He greeted me with "Where's your little shadow today".  I told him that she had passed away.

His reply. . . . . . ."Well it was only a dog". 

awww Annoca

it is him you have to pity cos he will never experience the love you, I and lots of others on this forum have experienced

we all know they are not just dogs, cats, rabbits, horses ...whatever .... they are a big part of our family, our life and what we are

how you have described your emotions is perfectly natural, when i have lost pets in the past it has taken me a long time to want another, you dont have that choice, you need little Dante and because of this, I also believe Remy has found him for you, just think ... he is on the other side of the world and he was found within days ... amazing !

you will get there, it is still early days

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