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Oh dear, I have been in floods of tears reading this, silly man that I am

I hope everything gets sorted out for you and dando Annoca. I feel for you,we have loved and lost beloved companions as well, the last we had to let go for the sake of the other one. It was heartbreaking. When you get dando let us see some pics of him. Just think of the incredible journey he is amking to come to you as well. Bless him. Good luck and be
Rev. Dim Dale
Dando does look lovely.

If it were me Annoca.. I would just say yes on Thursday (even if I hadn't quite managed to secure all the money)... I know this is irresponsible, but I know that it is what I would do in your position... I would then continue to scrimp, beg, borrow, sell anything I could on ebay (relatively easy to do from home, only need to get to the post office to send stuff) etc.

When will YOU have to actually hand over the money.   Is someone covering these costs somewhere, and you then have to reimburse them? 

I am not saying don't pay them, obviously...  but if I was still waiting to rake in the full amount, I would just be sending them as much as I could, every time I got my hands on it.
I think I have managed to confuse some people about this puppy so I will try to rectify that now.

A friend in the US actually tracked down this puppy and it turns out that he is related to Remy on his mother's side.

The breeder and owner of the puppy has offered this puppy to me free of charge.

My friend, who sourced the puppy, contacted the ASPCA, who in turn, contacted the ISPCA and between them, and my son, they are paying the cost of the flights to get the puppy to Ireland.

All they have asked me to do is to look after this puppy for it's lifetime and to pay Β£500.00 towards the cost of this puppy getting the required shots and blood tests for the issue of his Pet Passport.

The Pet Passport is a must have for a medical alert dog as it permits the dog to go everywhere with  me, without restriction.

That Β£500 is a drop in the ocean compared with what it is costing to fly the dog here  -  but is a huge amount for me to raise on my disability pension.  If I accept this offer, I have to send a cashier's cheque on Thursday next and then everything will be put into action.

If I don't manage to get the money together, then the puppy will be offered to another person in need of a MA dog.

I think that sorts out any confusion I have caused with my waffling.

I want to thank the two forum members (you know who you are) who have contacted me and offered to send me money towards the cost I have to pay.  This has overwhelmed me totally and goes way beyond friendship and concern.

Everyone's support and friendship on here has been SO wonderful.  I don't know how I would have managed without you all.  I really hope everyone on the forum will accept my sincere and heartfelt thanks for all you have done.

I will keep you posted on how things are going.
Aw Annoca...  I hadn't realised you had to raise a cashiers cheque next thurs.

And yeah... things like that do happen on here (the fm's that pm'd you).

I've had fm's help me through stuff too, not money, but other things... offers that have come out of the blue and have completely floored me with their kindness.

You are soooo close to getting this little dog... I really really hope it comes together for you.  I can't believe that all those things would happen, finding him, his roots, the breeder donating him, getting his transport costs sorted... I don't believe all that could fall into place without somehow this final hurdle being sorted.

Good luck xxxxxxxx  

hope you are doing ok xx
Thank you Arwen, Saz and Ditty.

I am trying my best to get back on an even keel but it is not easy.  I miss little Remy SO much, then the blip with the diabetes, having no power and now we have water restrictions.

The news about the puppy really shocked me as I wasn't expecting it and all the ensuing phone calls and emails and then trying to contact my son to sort out the balance on the flights.  He is in Geneva with his work at the moment and he then goes to Brussels before getting back at the end of next week.  So under the circumstances, I am doing okay.

I hope with all my heart that you are right, Ditty, and that I can make it over this final hurdle.
Dialogue is pretty secure here Norfolk and is probably better than email.

Annoca, hun been reading this thread and contributed a couple of times and just want to say I really hope that you are able to have the puppy, the sheer kindness of people on here to offer financial assistance is incredible, if I was better placed, I would help in some way, all I can do is send positive thoughts and hope that you are able to have this little one to help you.  I hope he is able to join you soon.  He looks lovely by the way.  Thinking of you and sending you all my positive thoughts hun xxx

For all those who say the community spirit is dead here, just read this thread.
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!
Annoca, I'm not religious so my prayers won't help, but I do believe in fate and it seems to me that this little pup is just meant to be yours. I think it's just wonderful that FM's have offered to help you with the costs. I agree with Pinkalicious too, this is an amazing little community and this thread proves how much care and concern we have for each other. This thread is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. Please keep us posted.
Queen of the High Teas
Annoca just been reading about the puppy Are there no charities you would be able to approach for assistance with funding for this? Given your circumstances there must be some kind of official body out there there that can help? (And if there isn't, there blimmin well should be).

Wish I could be more supportive or come up with more helpful suggestions, but just know that everyone is hoping this comes good for you and we've all got our fingers crossed xx

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