I know that some of you don't know the "details" of my life with Remy - and I am happy to share with you if you want - but just to let you all know - the dog that I will get tomorrow (I have just looked at the time - so therefore, later today) will "look after" me but we are both "trained" to know that this is just a temperary thing.
We will not bond - as this is not what the "Stand-in" dog is for - or wants.
This dog will stay with me until another dog "presents" itself to me as a life long, bonded soul. It has to work both ways - or it doesn't work at all.
I know I am waffling on - but to be truthful - I am dreading going to bed, because Remy was always there with a goodnight kiss and a reassurance that all was well.
The strength of feeling you have for your dog, the bond, fairly jumps off this page.
It is of little comfort at the moment but never forget that you gave Remy much love and a happy life.
A new dog will be lucky to come into your life.
Loving a new dog, does not mean you love Remy any less.
Love doesn't have limits.
I am so sorry you are agonizing.
We know it will be devastating when we lose our pets, but that doesn't make it any easier.
You have loving support from this forum.

I agree with what Tequila said.... the bit about Remy 'sending' the right dog to you. It happened with my parents dog. Obviously not a service dog... but when their beloved Wilson was in his last few weeks of live (he was under a year old.. but had an aggresive tumour on his nose... he had breathed a new lease of life into my parents, and though not with us for long, no dog was loved more) I was sat out in the garden with him (I went up to see him every day from the diagnosis, til the day we had to take him for his last visit to the vets)... I talked to him and said I would look after mum & dad... and that I would try to get them to get another dog... so that their life could continue to be what he had made it... he just sat there side by side with me... and put his paw on me knee. Twas very out of character for him. Was a spooky... but memorable moment.
After a very very hard month with my parents following his passing I eventually found them another pup. My mum had insisted it was another cairn.... and we found Chuffley (I hasten to add.. they named him, not me)... Cairns are not lap dogs... but this one was. Chuffley was heaven (or Wilson) sent... he was exactly what they needed to help them get over any feelings of betrayal, and to allow them to grieve, but also to fall in love again too.
I know to some this is all pie in the sky... but was as spiritual as I have ever been.
I still talk to Wilson... I loved him like my own, and his passing hurt me like nothing ever has.
I try to rationalise his very short life, by telling myself he came to the right people... and it was how it was meant to be.
It sounds to me like it was like that for Remy & you also. You were meant for each other ....
I love all our dogs passed.... but Wilson was the one that made me feel there was a bigger picture going on.... your Remy is another.

a cold bed is very empty - practical side - if u can go to bed - warm it first if possible - duvet on a radiator/in front of the fire whatever - hot water bottle or empty plastic bottle filled with hot water as a substitute - it might help
I've just read this thread and am weeping. I'm not a pet type of person at all... but your sadness about Remy leaps out of my screen. You were a lucky woman to have had that love in your life from him is for sure.
Like FMs have said, Remy would not want you to be too sad and will guide your next companion to you.
And in the meantime, thank you for telling us... because if you can't have a cuddle from Remy now, your FMs will be giving you goodnight hugs when you go to bed. And Remy will be giving a wag of his tail to you and all of us wherever he is.

I think Wilson and Remy were on the same wave length - hence the arrival of Chuffley.
I always chatted away to Remy - all day, every day - right up to today and she would "chat" back to me. However, if I ever mentioned something she DISAGREED with - she would let me know in no uncertain terms!!!
I know and understand that there are people who cannot understand this for whatever reason.
Medical Alert dogs all differ in the way they alert their people and it is the people who are trained to recognise the "alert" behaviour of the dog and not the other way round.
Remy's alert was to spin in circles and then jump up and "bat" my chest. She was 10lbs in body weight
If she disagreed with something in my "chatter" to her, she would inhale, snort and sneeze at me!! She was SO adament - it was unbelievable - but true.
I know I am going on and on about my little angel - but to be totally honest - I cannot bear to go to bed as she was always there, waiting to give me that kiss.
Only true animal lovers will understand this - and those of you who have had the likes of Remy in your lives - even more so.
I am going to be COMPLETELY open and honest with you all now - and yes - it is because I am grieving Remy's loss but also to give others hope.
I was lucky to have a "stand in" dog to alert me before Remy came into my life. I suffer from a severe form of diabetes and despite doing everything "by the book" can sometimes experience hypos - hypers etc.
During the time I has this temperory dog, I received a phonecall from a friend in England telling me about a little dog that was being abused
I was very depressed during this time and told my friend that I didn;t want to know - THREE times. I have to explain here that I am an International Judge of pedigree dogs (second generation) and my ACTUAL work was with sick, injured and abused animals.
Then along came this waif - pedigree I might add - looking like NOTHING on Earth!!
On the fourth attempt, I agreed, reluctantly to take this dog from England and to try and get it a good home. I went to Holyhead and collected this little waif and came back on the next ferry. I took her home and because she was smelling so badly, I put her in the bath at home and gave her a shampoo and condition. From what appeared to have been a dark brown "mutt" turned into the most wonderful, shiney jet black Petit Brabancon. I have no need to explain that this particular puppy was authorised to go to my home as a companion dog.
She was so sweet, I couldn't put her into the adoption kennels in the SPCA where I worked, so decided instead that she would stay with me as a pet. I insisted even further that she would go into "assessment" for Medical Alert Dogs.
That was the day my little Earth Angel was born.

Despite the heartache I've been through I still take in those that are sick or homeless and unloved. I know for sure a 100% without needing anyone else's opinion that the kitties who've passed over have sent others to me to take care of because no one else will. I feel Remy will also send you the one you need, maybe not right now, but in the near future. xxxx

Oh Annoca, I'm soo sooo sorry, literally crying here. It is incredibly painful losing someone, and a pet imo is part of our family. I so hope you bond with your new dog and that you love him/her as much as you did Remy

I too hope you got some rest.
Your story on how you and Remy got together... proves it doesn't it? You were absolutely meant to be together... and yeah... she sounds so very very special.
Anyone who knows me on here will know that this is my hercules heel... losing our dogs... and so, I am properly worried about you Annoca. Please, post here as much as you need to, as you have read - we may all be rabble sometimes, but when the chips are down we pull out the stops.
I, and many of the others on here, are thinking of you... you're not alone. And I am happy to read as much about Remy as you want to write... though this whole thread is heartbreaking, your little Remy stories are inspiring xx

Chuffley is now the most spoiled "precious" dog in the world

AJ acts like he's Chuff's Daddy (he is most def pack leader)... but they adore each other.... which again, was unlikely to happen, but it did.
You know I am a nutty dog lady... I can't help being properly upset for Annoca

Remy was lucky beyond words to have found someone who loved her so much and gave her as much devotion as she gave you, and it's comforting to think that she would have missed out on it if you both hadn't been brought together. My little cat is old now, and I dread the day I lose her, but I wouldn't exchange the grief I'll have when I lose her for never having known her.
Big hugs to you, and luck with your new friend when they come into your life.

My baby is 17, going blind and now deaf.I fear everyday maybe his last.
They give us so much and take so little in return,but the loss of them leaves such a gulf in our lives.
What must comfort you is that you gave Remy a wonderful life.Remy was blessed by having you as an owner.
R.I.P Remy.God Bless Annoca.

I hope you get a new companion "sent" to you by your beloved Remy.Take care and bless you.

well done Marge! xxxx
Annoca... if/when you are about... do bump this if you wanna talk..
when I was a teenager I had the most wonderful cat Scrap (PoshPaws), he was almost human the way he was with me and I loved him so much, I lost him in 1990 and it took me 10 years to have another cat, I had two kittens then and the one kitten was the double of Posh, and as she has got older, she has become more and more like him. I often say that Posh has found his way back home to me.
I'm posting this to you in the hopes that it will bring you some comfort in the times ahead. All my love to you xx
Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigour; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
I've only just seen your post,
I hope I don't intrude.
Remy is irreplaceable, but soon, someday, a little person will come along who you will love, my heart goes out to you.


The emptiness was horrendous to the point i doubt i will ever hav another
The house was so quiet without him
My wonderful lil soldier - he was more loyal than most people i know
Rest in peace - though i wish you were with me now . . . .