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Hi Katty  -  Neither are neutered yet but also Dali is too young right now.

Dali will be getting neutered in the near future as there is no way I want a family - especially between Brabancon and Chinese Crested!!!

I would imagine that between them they would produce some very laid back puppies - but sadly, they will have to remain in the imagination.
I thought you might all like to see a photograph of my middle son who got married yesterday.

This is the son that Remy ADORED!!  She loved all my sons - but Simon was special to her.

It was an extremely emotional day.  Quite unexpectedly, Simon spoke about Remy in his speech - and it set everyone off with tears.

Oh. . . and yes!!  Dante and Dali were guests at the wedding but we will have to wait for the professional photographs as none of us got any with them in because we were all in the photographs ourselves!!


Images (1)
  • DSCF7179
This is probably a bad time to post in the forum with BB on but I wanted to let you all know that Dante, Dali and me went to Antrim to collect Remy's ashes and to have them put in the Garden of Remembrance.

She had been put into a beautiful little casket  and when they placed it in my hands, I just knew I couldn't leave it there and decided to bring it home.

Now that we have Remy back home, there is a calm about the house that wasn't there before - and both Dante and Dali seem to sense that she is there.

Although it was very sad, and I was set off crying again, I do have a sense of peace because she is back home where she belongs.
Reference: Annoca
I am glad I didn't upset anyone by posting about Remy while BB is on. I am so very glad I decided to bring Remy home - it is where she belongs - and she will always be around us, in spirit. Thank you all for your lovely comments. xx
I think you made the right decision Annoca, and I'm sure Remy's spirit will be watching over you all.
we lost our family dog 3 weeks ago in a 'hit n run' so to speak - it has devastated all of us, even though we didnt live with her, she was OUR little baby, spoilt little thing, she used to stay with us when my mom and dad went on holiday or whatever, with us she could do what she liked (ie sleep on my bed with me OR sometimes I would put the fold-up bed down in my LJs room so we could all sleep together).  It was devastating when we lost her - the crazy little thing that she was, went chasing after a large van, except she got it wrong and got hit on the head and was gone, there and then - totally TOTALLY devastating for us.
She was part of our family and I feel SO much for others going through the pain of it xxxxxx
Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement.  I can't explain how wonderful it is to share "The Terrible Twins" with everyone here.

BARMIE:  I am SO sorry to hear about your loss.  I know only too well how you are feeling right now.  It is so hard to lose our fur babies. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

At last - here are the promised photographs!!  Haven't they matured?  Dante is now 10 months old and Dali will be one year old next week.

BTW - The last photograph is not ET!!  It is Dante - after having had a bath!!   


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  • DSCF7197: DALI
Glad you liked the photos Brisket and Jenny  -  and also the captions.  I thought it would make more sense of the photos for you all.

Dante was sitting in the shopping bag while I was changing my shoes as he has to come everywhere with me - Dali spotted an opportunity to wangle her way out on a spree, jumped in on top of Dante, but was just that little bit too big to go unnoticed!!

What did you think of Dante after his bath?  He looks just like ET - doesn't he?

I will post some more photos in a few days - after Friday's eviction.  Thankfully I haven't been told off yet for disturbing the BB flow. 
Thanks Lal.  It is just great to be able to share some photographs that depict some of their expressions with you all.

I will have to try and get a photo of Dante soon and let you see his latest trick.  As soon as I get up from the chair at the computer, he hops on to it and stands up to have a close look at what is on the screen.

His function is to keep a watchful eye on my health - NOT what I get up to on the computer!!  
Exactly Brisket!!!  I think he would be totally happy if he could have a clipboard and pen attached to him so as he could make notes!! 

One thing he does do, which Remy never did, is when my phone rings, he gathers it up in his mouth and brings it straight to me.  With Remy, she would run to me and bark up at me in a certain way to tell me it was ringing.

Hmm. . Maybe Dante is monitoring my calls behind my back!! 

Now that I think about it, if I make a call, where will Dante be???  Sitting on my shoulder, earwigging, to see who is on the other end talking to me!!  That is the honest truth.  He does it every time.

Maybe he is confusing Medical Alert Dog with Private Investigator Dog!! 
ello Annoca....

my daughter is home for the summer from boarding school (YAY!!!) ... and I showed her a couple of Dante pics (& then had to tell her the whole story of this thread... the daft girl got all teary eyed when I was telling her about the anxiety of getting Dante here... and then him finally arriving)... anyway...  

She loves Dante & Dali....   she keeps saying "Oooh they are really in love"....

and.... she said this photo (& some of the others) look like they have been taken by a professional

dead impressed she was.

I love the pics... Dante cracks me up...   I can't resist doing my impressions of whats going through Dantes head when I see them.    I love dogs with character and lots of expression... I think Dante steals the biscuit here...  funny little boy he is!

Glad you are well...    Dali is a stunner! 
I know you were a little anxious about posting while Big Brother was at its height.
But I just thought I'd send good wishes to you and Dante and Dali.
Hope you are all doing well.
Please up-date us when you feel inclined - even if means starting a new thread after BB is over.
Would be nice to know how things are sometime.
Aww!!  Thank you all for such lovely comments on the "Terrible Twins".  We are all doing fine.

DANTE IS ONE YEAR OLD TODAY!!!  August 2nd.  He had a dog meat cake - with candle - some new toys and a card.  He is delighted with himself.

Dali has gone to my son in France to commence her show career.  She will be away for a couple of months and will hopefully return with several European Championships.  Even if she doesn't, we will still love her!!

I have some photos taken on my camera but have not transferred them to the computer yet, but will do so in the coming week.

I am so chuffed that people like the photos as I am notorious for taking bad photos but even I have seen a little improvement since I got my new camera for Christmas.
Lovely to hear from you ANNOCA.
I'm sure we all wish Dali luck in her latest adventure.
Thanks for the news and - in spite of what you may think - the photos are great. (At least the ones you show us.)

I'm a few minutes late but "Happy birthday Dali."  Sounds like he's had a nice day.

Look forward to further news, as and when you feel you can share it.

Good wishes.
Thanks for bumping it Brisket.  I went looking for it and couldn't find it!!!

Dante and I are doing well and are happy.  Dali is very happy with my son in France and has already won her French Junior Title, The Belgian Junior Title and The Netherlands Junior title.  Now she will spread her wings and take on the best from more countries further afield.

I have the wedding of my second youngest son in three weeks time in Marbella and Dante is coming with me, of course, and he will be the ring bearer. I am very excited about it all as I have made the cake for them and have to bring it with me on the plane - so I hope it arrives in one piece.  I will take lots of photos and hope the little "Terror" stays still long enough to be caught in some of them - knowing him though, my guess is that he will be stuck to my little Grandson who he adores.

I still have to get something to wear for the wedding and haven't an iota of an idea of what to get as it will be extremely warm there.  Any and ALL advice would be gratefully received.  Bear in mind I am only 5'2" and veering a little to being on the chunky side.

I will post Dali's "Win" photos when I receive them from my son.

Dante sends lots of love and licks to all his Forum friends   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dali is very happy with my son in France and has already won her French Junior Title, The Belgian Junior Title and The Netherlands Junior title.
My goodness! I knew she looked aristocratic, but I never knew she was a supermodel too!

I'm picturing Dante marching up the aisle with the ring, that'll be wonderful! He needs a bow tie for the occasion.
I've just read this from the beginning again as I had internet problems and wasn't around for a while and it's made me cry both with sadness and happiness.  What a wonderful I hesitate to use the word story, but how else can you describe it?  Truly from heartbreak has come happiness.

Dante and Dali are beautiful ~ no other words for them.  Dali in a way reminds me of a tiny greyhound, the ears, and way she holds her head in some of the photos, I have a grey and they are the most lovely, loving dogs.

My dog is going on a PATS course next month (Pets as Therapy), she is so gentle and laid back although she is big, that she should be great at it, she's a kid magnet as it is, they love her and always want to make a fuss of her when she is being walked and next door's kids adore her, they stand for hours in their garden up the fence talking to and making a fuss of Roxy, that is when she is not asleep!!  Which is about 20 hours of the day!!  Will have to watch the "greyhound lean" though, anyone who has had a grey will know this, they lean against your legs and sometimes it is hard to keep your balance with them!!
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Well, as promised, I am giving you an update on Dali and her progress in the showring. She is really enjoying herself and has the true personality of a showoff!!  She has now added to her list of Championships having achieved her titles in Lithuania, Denmark, Malta and Luxemburg. My son is delighted with her and plans to hold on to her for quite some time!!

The wedding of another of my sons, in Marbella, was a fantastic affair and Bojangles, you are correct. . . . Dante was the star of the show. . . .after the Bride and Groom, of course.

He carried out his "ringbearing" duties as though he had been doing it all his life!!  We will have to wait for the official photographs to arrive before I can post any of him because the official photographer and the videographer were falling over themselves getting him on camera and because he is so tiny, no one else could manage to catch a shot of him!!

The Church was magnificent but had a very long aisle for him to walk down.  I would have found it very daunting but our little fellow took it all in his stride.  I let him off his lead when the priest asked for the rings and just told him to walk on.  He walked down the aisle, without faltering, and as soon as he saw my sons (two of my other sons were Best Man and Groomsman) he broke into a trot - went up the steps of the alter and sat between the Bride and Groom looking very pleased with himself.

Most of the people at the wedding knew and loved Remy and had she not had to leave us, she would have been the one bringing up the rings so as you can imagine, there were a lot of tears when Dante appeared.  I just know Remy would have been so proud of him - just as we all were.

Here are some photographs of the little tyke to keep you going.........


Images (7)
  • DSCF7305: Go away!!  It's mine!!
  • DSCF7309: This is his MA Service Dog Jacket.
  • DSCF7322: The things you make me do!!
  • DSCF7328: Hurry up!!  I need a nap.
  • DSCF7330: There are more roses out there!!
  • DSCF7334: This is MINE too!!
Thanks Brisket.   I wasn't too sure about agreeing to have Remy as ring bearer when my son asked if I would let her do it but I eventually agreed as she was a mature and steady lady.

When she passed away in January, everyone was devastated, but my son was adamant that Dante should take her place.  I admit I was very nervous about it as he is still so young.  I had visions of him bolting and galloping around the Church, looking for me - and the rings falling off and getting lost somewhere in that huge Church.

I was SO proud of him, making that long walk down the aisle, all by himself.  He never faltered - just kept walking and ignoring the people on either side AND the cameras in his face.

He did a wonderful job, and as I said before, there wasn't a dry eye in the Church and best of all, my son and his wife were absolutely thrilled to bits with him.

Monkey - Thank you for your kind words.

Ditty - Yes, Dali is doing brilliantly in the showring - already a multi champion and she is causing a stir wherever she goes.  All the judges seem to love her confirmation and her attitude.

Dante was fantastic the way he carried off his wedding duties.  He had no idea about any of the arrangements until he was dropped in at the deep end and we all hoped for the best!!  I had visions of trying to catch him and search the Church for the rings - but he was amazing.  I think that perhaps Remy had some input because he was just so perfect. . . . .AND SMUG when he got to the alter!!

Glad to see on FB that little Ditty is not stricken with GF.  That is such a relief.  xx
Glad to see on FB that little Ditty is not stricken with GF.  That is such a relief.
yeah.... it really is Annoca!    Three weeks ago she was filling out her university applications...  and her future was looking amazing...  then she got sick and all of a sudden it seemed like it might be cruelly snatched away from her!

Thankfully, the Glandular Fever tests have come back negative, so its all systems go again, and preparing to send her back to school (armed with multivitamins, red bull & strict instructions not to overdo things for a while)

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