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I tried to post earlier, with no luck.  Hopefully it will go through this time.

I have never had as many visitors as I have had since Dante arrived.  Nobody comes to see me - it is always to see Dante.

He is doing very well indeed and has his first assessment next Wednesday.  Hopefully he will pass with flying colours!!  I have a sneaky suspicion he will.

These photos were taken a couple of days ago when Dante had visitors!!  I hope you like them.


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It is his size that amazes everyone!!  He is only the size of his stuffed "rottweiler friend" and weighs just three and a half pounds.

To think that Remy - and now Dante - do such fantastic work is just wonderful.  Remy, when fully mature, and right up to the day she passed, only weighed just over five and a half pounds.

He is a HUGE dog - in a tiny body!!
This is a photo of Remy on the patio, taken just a few months before she passed, and shows just how small the Brabancons really are. Photos can be really deceptive with size.

Also attached is Remy's Valentine photo last year and the third photo is Dante, who is sending Valentine's Day love and kisses to all his Forum Mums and Dads.


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Boy have we had a grueling day!!

You can all be VERY proud of your boy, Dante!!  He passed his assessment with flying colours and was given his MA Service vest and validation card.

It is way too big for him, so I will have to alter it to fit him and as soon as I get it done, I will post a photo of him wearing it.

He is one tired little mite- but also very proud of himself!!
Brisket - You can ask me any questions you would like.

Yes.  Dante is very affectionate with me. He loves to snuggle in beside me in bed and when I am sitting on the couch and he delights in washing my face, paying special attention to my eyes and ears!!! He is, however, wary with strangers.  It is a breed specific thing. Once he gets to know a person - then it is okay and it is business as usual.

Brabancons have all got a wonderful sense of humour.  Dante is no different in that.  He likes to play tricks on me such as going right under the car seat and staying very still - I think he has somehow managed to get out of the car - so I go off calling his name frantically only to look around at the car and there he is standing up at the windscreen laughing at me.

He also likes to sneak into my bed, under the duvet and stays perfectly still, so at a glance, nothing appears to be out of place.  I can foil that one by making a cup of tea and sitting down on the couch.  Then he comes flying out as he thinks I am going to start playing with his stash of toys and bones which he keeps at the opposite end of the couch to where I sit.

He is a very happy little soul - though I have yet to hear him doing the Brabancon "mutter under the breath" bit.  But it will come.
Annonica, I'm so happy for you and well done Dante, he is a very special little dog and I'm sure that Remy is watching and is happy that his mum is being taken care of.  I also love the new title, because for you it is right, happiness has come out of heartbreak and I am very, very happy for you both.

I've noticed lately how intituave my dog Roxy (a greyhound) has become.  I have recently been diagnosed with asthma, and she seems to know that I am going to need my inhaler before I do as she will stand by the table I keep it on and wag her tail until I use it, she can be fast asleep and still wake up and do it, still she spends most of her time asleep ~ lazy dogs greyhounds!! 

Renton, Max (RIP) was gorgeous, a friend of mine had one of those called Gizmo and he was a lovely friendly dog, we really miss him.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Sorry Guys - I have been having some computer problems so I have been neglectful in updating Dante's progress.  I have lots of photos of him ready to send - but as Marguerite has lost her beloved Angus, I will wait a few more days before posting them.

Dante's Service vest has been adjusted, but it is still a little large on him - He doesn't seem to mind as he wears it very happily.

He has learned to retrieve to hand and knows that whatever it is he wants me to throw, won't be unless he brings it back and places it in my hand.

He loves going out to the supermarket and sits very quietly in the kiddies seat and takes in everything that is going on around him.

I promise I will post the photos in the next few days.
Hello Annoca  you must be over the moon Dante has passed what a clever little dog he is well done him how lovely you are and thoughtful you are not wanting to post Dante pictures because of what has happened to Angus,Annoca please do not wait any longer as I am so looking forward to seeing him in his lovely service jacket I know he will look so cute,thank you so much for your lovely poem in the other thread big hug for Dante  you must be so proud of him take care
I hope you will all forgive me.  I have had major computer problems and havent been able to get on here.

I am delighted to report that I was given an Easter pressie from my sons last night of a new computer!!!  I am over the moon as I have missed you all so much.

I have to get all my "bits and pieces" from the old computer transferred over to this one and I will then be able to bore you all witless with photos of Dante!!

We are doing well and every day he surprises me with his ability and intelligence.  He is one smart cookie!!  He just loves to please and impress.
I am the worst person to be left alone with a computer as I am not, in any way, computer literate.  I have been left to look for and find files and programmes etc from the old relic of a computer, put them on to pen sticks or CD's and transfer them over onto this new one.  I have managed to get most of that done.  Now all I have to do is to get my photographs and music and get them on here and I can then let you see the photos of Dante that you have all been waiting for, so patiently.

I promise I will get this done as quickly as I can and then I can let you see him as well as me bringing you up to date with his successes and the little phoibles that are there and have to be corrected.

I think of you all very often and yes, I do feel guilty!!  But I have managed to learn how to move things from one computer to another, so that has to be a plus for me!!

Won't be long now - I PROMISE!!!   xxx
Thank you Brisket.  I guess I am showing my age!!  I am almost there and the winning post is in sight - so I hope it will not be very long more before you see this wonderful Forum dog, doing what he loves most.  You would think that would be alerting me  -  he does that beautifully - BUT once I have seen to the meds - there is a price to pay!!!  He has three mice - one white, one brown and one grey.  He has a small soccer ball and a small rugby ball.  He has the stuffed Rottweiler that was given to me while judging in New Zealand , he has a raggy (which he loves).

DANTE decides which of his "stash comes into play after being such a good dog.  Not always do the expected stash appear.  It can be my slippers, my jacket etc. so I have to be very much on my toes so as I can meet him head on.

I am delighted to say that after many experiments, I have found his weakness.

Mature cheddar cheese!!!

He is a very caring little man and as soon as I say "That is MINE" he brings it to me, unharmed and gives a kiss as if to say he is sorry.

He is still only a baby at eight months and I have to strike the right balance between work and play. My beloved Remy had been booked to appear on a programme dealing with dogs of this nature.  Sadly she passed away before recording - but Dante received a request to appear in her place.  We have two weeks to make our decision.

Photos following SOON!!!
Hello Everyone.  I have spent hours and hours trying to get the photos from my defunct computer on to my new one - all to no avail.

However, I PROMISE that you will have photographs of the Forum Dog Dante - if not tomorrow night, then definitely Saturday morning.  There might well be a "surprise" in amongst them.

I am sorry for taking SO long but I am not at all computer literate.  Looking forward to hearing what you think of the Forum Dog now that he has grown up a little.

Thank you for being so patient with me and I promise I WILL do better!!  xx
I must apologise firstly for the quality of the photos - I am still trying to get used to this new computer and the software.

As you will see, Dante has matured a lot since the last photos and is quite the young man now.  He is wonderful and is working away like a veteran.  He has SO many of Remy's habits - it's amazing!!

He walks around, inside and outside, as though he owns the world, and yet he is the softest little fellow you could ever come across.

Now for the SURPRISE I promised you all!!

Dante has a special friend in his life - and it is not me!!  Meet DALI!!

Dali is a Chinese Crested (hairless).  She is six months old and she has come to live with us.  She is a little darling and Dante ADORES her!!

They both sleep in my bed, and they both follow me wherever I go.  I was amazed at how quickly Dante accepted her and now they are inseparable.


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  • DANTE & DALI 017
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  • DANTE & DALI 036
I sympathise about your computer problems. I too know very little about them.
Thanks for the pictures ANNOCA.
They are gorgeous. The pair of them look sweet together.
Your descriptions are very vivid, and I can almost see Dante's lovely character in the pictrures.
It is truly splendid that from those terribly sad days not long ago when poor Remy departed,  we have now travelled to these happy days with Dante proving his worth
and his love.
Lovely pictures. Thank you.
Dante is looking very grown up now (& very handsome)

love Dali!   I really like Chinese Crested's...  strange for me cos I am usually so besotted with terriers... but there is something about them!

I thought I was getting somewhere with my "I want a Chinese Crested" campaign to Mr Ditty last year... but he caught me looking at the Chinese Crested clothing site & said No!  (for the record...  I wouldn't dress my chinese crested in human clothes...  I was just researching jumpers for them ... for when its chilly)

Am dead chuffed for you Annoca...   you have a lovely little family there...  Remi will be pleased as punch xxx
I thought I should send you all some more photos of Dante and Dali.  These were taken today, and as you can see, they are very definitely, good friends.  They do everything together - play, eat, sleep etc.  Dante is very caring about Dali and can usually be found "holding her hand", as he is doing in a couple of these photos - even though Dali is almost twice the size and weight of Dante.

Hope you enjoy the photos.


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Hi Brisket.  If it hadn't been for the wonderful people on this forum, I can truthfully say that I would have been in a very different place now.

Thanks to them, I have a relative of my beloved Remy (and he has quite a lot of her mannerisms) but is also a terrific MA dog.

I am just so happy that he now has Dali in his life (and mine, of course) and that they have such a great relationship with each other.

As Dante is "On Duty" twenty four hours a day, every day, it is great to see him so happy at having a buddy all of his own to play with.
Beautiful photo's ANNOCA
I need to speak to you about alert dog's.

My puppy is fit, 7 months old and loves life and everything. I'm a heavy smoker, whenever I cough my puppy goes mental and jumps up and scratches the area of my liver and crys and goes mental. We replicated the scene of coughing with my husband & son and the pup ignores them. If I cough he gets really upset. Am I reading more into it then I should?
Hi Essie.  I wouldn't say you are reading the puppy's actions unnecessarily.  What it could be is that you have some fluid on your lung that shouldn't be there - and your puppy is picking up on it.

I would suggest getting your Doctor to send you for a chest and lung xray and see if there is anything there.  If there IS then your puppy is aware of it and is making you aware of it too.  If the xrays are clear, then the puppy has figured out that if I jump up after she coughs - she will make a fuss of me.

It would be nice to know, for your own peace of mind, if he is looking for attention or if, in fact, he is alerting.
t would be nice to know, for your own peace of mind, if he is looking for attention or if, in fact, he is alerting.
Thank you so much ANNOCA,
My little baby has to remain close to me. I've never owned a dog/puppy before so I don't know the procedure, he has to be touching me at all times, his little body has to be laying next to me. I even have to hand feed him (don't ask it's complicated) I think I've made a rod for my own back.
We all make rods for our own backs at times, Essie.  Feeding by hand is something you can gradually wean him away from and is not a huge problem.

ALL MA dogs stay close to their "patient" whether you like it or not and get very distraught if they are separated from them for any length of time, which is why they get carefully assessed.

If you can get an xray done, it will answer the main question regarding the dog - is there something there that needs attention, or, is this a way I can get more of my Mum's attention.

Let me know what you decide to do and how you get on.

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