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I really can't believe it has happened so quickly and that everything has gone so smoothly.  I just wasn't expecting it.

I will let you all know, as soon as I get the word about when our Forum puppy is arriving home!!!

None of this would have been possible if it were not for the unbelievable help, support, encouragement and love from you all.

That is something I can never, ever repay, no matter how hard I try.

Yes, Dante will be living with me - but he also belongs to each and every one of you, in a very special way.

Losing my little Earth Angel was devastating for me, but she has worked very hard since she left me, to make sure that I was looked after.

It seems she had two missions to complete - One: to bring Dante into my life and Two: to bring special people into my life who care and understand.

She completed both both - and she can rest in peace knowing that she did a wonderful job.

I hope you are all as excited as I am about the arrival of Dante and I hope that I don't drive you all scatty and bore you to tears with his exploits and training as he grows.
Don't be daft Annoca...  I think we all desperately wished there were some way to ease your pain when you first started this thread, I think we all expected it to be a long long time and alot of heart wrenching moments before we started to see you turn a corner.

 oops... I am presuming to speak for the others... which I shouldn't do, but I'm sure they all know what I mean.  

So its a huge relief to us that Dante came along.   If anyone were borderline in believing in fate... this thread would push them over into believing

And, in terms of the bigger picture, and Remy... now she can be remembered in the way she would want, without it being stained by the heartbreak.  

I just know she's out there... happy...   i just know it!
You can speak for me Ditty as i couldn't have said it better myself

ANNOCA, that's why I like it here, we have our own little community and 'know' each other....

I can't wait for Puppppyyyyyy to arrive, i feel like a child waiting for Christmas....yippeeeee!
The Devil In Diamante
I have everything ready for Dante's arrival.

I am giving him most of Remy's things; her travelling bed for the car, her bed in the living room (not that she ever used it much!!) - she was always up beside me on the couch - her snuggle blankets and her feeding bowls and water bowls.

I will get him some new toys for himself as it would not be fair to pass on Remy's to him.  He needs to have something that is new and "special", just for him.

I will get him some new toys for himself as it would not be fair to pass on Remy's to him.  He needs to have something that is new and "special", just for him.
I think that's a good idea Annoca.............fresh start.

I've no idea why , but I always thought of Dante as being a she dog

I really should have known by the name    I'm so pleased that you've turned the corner Annoca
AJ as a beany dog...  one of the kids donated it I think... though it was like new.   We'd read in the books that it would bring the puppy comfort if it smelled of us... so my daughter had it stowed in her dirty laundry basket for a fortnight before we picked him up!  (I dare not think what smells it picked up in there)...

Anyway...  "Sprocket" as the dog is called is his special toy.   Sprocket gets brought to bed every night.... Sprocket gets carried round the house by a whining AJ after he has had a particularly good meal... Sprocket gets groomed everyday....

Sprocket is more than a bit knackered now... his beans are long gone... and I have stitched him up so many times, he has a stitched nose, stitched eyes... but our dog loves him.

Sprocket was almost bigger than him when we got him...   


*whispers to Stoory*  when the kids are being orrible, when hubby is being grumpy, my parents are being strange & demanding... my dog is the one who is always there for me.. with a wag, & a lick.. or sometimes just to edge alongside me in silent solidarity!
I really can't believe it has happened so quickly and that everything has gone so smoothly.  I just wasn't expecting it.
Love always finds a way Annoca............there is unbroken continuity and when things go so smoothly without any hiccups you can be sure that the angels have stepped in to help Remy with her mission.  I am absolutely thrilled for you  
That's the problem Ditty.....I'd be the one out in all weathers , walking , feeding, and generally being the sap.        

The dog would be all over the men folk like a rash........... What's new

Sorry Annoca.......not trying to hi.jack the thread
Aw Ditty - that is adorable.  I love the name Sprocket.  I have a friend who has two dalmations - one is called Sprocket and the other is Spanner.

Remy had a little mouse, made of faux fur and leather and she, too, carried it everywhere - bed, couch, car, garden etc.

If anyone moved it, or kicked it by accident, they would get the "mutter under the breath" and the "look" and she would immediately go and get it and place it back exactly where she had originally left it.

She also had a weaved, multicoloured ball which a lady in New Zealand sent to her as a gift.  That also went everywhere with her but she always had to make two trips!!

I have a photo of her with the two articles in question.  I will go and root it out and post it for you.
quick aside to Stoory -  yeah, I am the one that does the walking in all weathers on weekdays.. but its good for me!  I do insist that one of the others does it at the weekend.

&.. the dog may be all over the menfolk sometimes... but if you're the one with the dog all day during the week... it will be you that the dog bonds with most!

(sorry Annoca.. I too don't mean to hijack the thread... but Stoory is so close to buckling to the pressure from the rest of her family... she just needs a nudge or two!  - I am thinking the Dante puppy pics may do the job!) xx
Stoory, you are not hijacking the thread!!  I think you would find that almost all dogs will share their love with the whole family - but the person who feeds, walks and generally is the care giver is the one who holds the key to their hearts.

CCM - You might regret asking for photos!!  I intend to keep you all involved with Dante through photos and updates on all he is getting up to!!

Ditty - I found the photo of Remy with the mouse and the ball.

You can see by her expression that she was not at all impressed that I had the "nerve" to actually "touch" HER mouse and ball in order to put them in the photo.


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ou can see by her expression that she was not at all impressed that I had the "nerve" to actually "touch" HER mouse and ball in order to put them in the phot
That is a lovely picture of Remy she looks so cute
I will root out a couple more of Remy tomorrow and post them for you to see.  She was such a sweet little soul.

I hope I won't get into trouble for posting photographs here.

I think when Dante does arrive home to Dublin we will have to start a new post- if that would be allowed.

Is there any way I could go about getting a copy of this thread that I could have and be able to look back at over the next few years.

This a litter of Brabancons I bred over ten years ago when I was living in the Netherlands.  They all became National Champions before they even reached one yeard old.


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As long as there is no nudity (presumably human nudity)... there's no problems posting pics in here Annoca.

And yes I think a new thread for Dante would be a fine idea.

In terms of printing this thread out to save I'm not sure what the easiest way to do that is...  I will track down Fluff and ask her how best to go about it... and post back when I have an answer.

You might regret asking for photos!! I intend to keep you all involved with Dante through photos and updates on all he is getting up to!!
Maybe you should start another thread when he arrives just for him?  One that you can keep updating for a long time come

Edit... oops just read your next post lol
oooh this is so exciting ... we have all been on the journey with you, remy and dante

thanks for sharing annoca i am sure you have helped a lot of people realise there are others out there who feel the same way about animals

when i lost my barney i felt i couldnt really talk about it to many people cos they just wouldnt understand - this thread has moved me to tears of sadness and now happiness
Reference: Annoca
something that is new and "special", just for him.
That would be "YOU"  the toys are his bonus!   Looking forward to him having his very own thread.  Won't be long until he's 'home'    
Is there any way I could go about getting a copy of this thread that I could have and be able to look back at over the next few years.
the only way is to copy and paste all the posts you want to keep and put them into Word or something.

my diary was started on C4 years ago and when C4 was going to close down i thought it would all be lost.

i asked the Mods if they could rescue it for me but they said it couldn't be done so I spent a couple of hours copying and pasting all the most important posts into Word (and then when we got settled here i copied and pasted them back.)

They're still in Word though and if there are any really good posts even now I add then to to the document file. I would hate to think that all the posts on my eventful life would be lost.

so sorry to hear about you losing your doggie.
i shall keep visiting this thread now to read about the new arrival.

Bye the way - if ypu DO copy it into Word it's best if you omit the smilies etc. as it seems to cause problems,
The Little Cat
Is there no a way of bookmarking each forum page and making them available offline? I'm thinking the fact you could access them while not connected to the net would mean they were saved to your computer somehow?
Reference: Jenstar
Is there no a way of bookmarking each forum page and making them available offline? I'm thinking the fact you could access them while not connected to the net would mean they were saved to your computer somehow?
sounds too technical for a little cat like me !  
if anyone could tell you the answer to your question then extremely fluffy fluffy thing could.
she's very clever at stuff like that.

Copying and pasting this wouldn't take too long though.
it's only 11 pages and you wouldn't want to keep every post.
The Little Cat
It doesn't sound stupid at all Annoca. It's perfectly understandable that your emotions are all mixed up. I'm sure when you finally get little Dante in your arms, your heart will be full of joy.
Thats not stupid at all ANNOCA You've been through so many emotions over the past couple of weeks you are bound to have mixed feeling about this. I have no doubts as soon as you see your new little friend you will both fall in love!
Thanks Yogi.  I got the phone call at 11.15 this morning and came here to let you all know - and feel really stupid for being this mixed up.

Think I had better go and make a cup of tea before I start blubbering all over the keyboard!!
Ah Annoca.... twas the same the day we got the pup...  as I said.. bittersweet.   smiling, but with tears behind eyes & that horrible lump in chest!

It is totally natural, as the others have said.

its also a really really weird feeling.    But its better than the desperate feeling... anything is better than that.

You'll be ok.....  your emotions will settle down eventually, in the meantime your grieving will be balanced by smiles... it really does help

Now this is freaking me out!!!

Remy died, in my arms on Tuesday, January 5th. at 4pm.

From the information I received yesterday, Dante will be in my arms on Tuesday, January 25th at 4pm.

God Bless Remy - It has only taken her 20 days to achieve the impossible.
Now this is freaking me out!!! Remy died, in my arms on Tuesday, January 5th. at 4pm. From the information I received yesterday, Dante will be in my arms on Tuesday, January 25th at 4pm. God Bless Remy - It has only taken her 20 days to achieve the impossible.

from what you've told us about her...  it sounds like its typical Remy!  

Bless her... before I first spoke to you (way way back... in a doggy thread I do believe!)... I had never heard of her breed.  Because of her... I ,and probably others too... have now heard of her breed.. and what a fab representative she is! 

you've done her proud Annoca xx

p.s. I get how freaky it is... I didn't know her properly but I feel a bit shakey too when I think about all this...  xxx
I know it is most unlikely to happen - but what IF, when Dante arrives and he decides he doesn't like me?

I know I have to work hard on myself when he gets here, and keep reminding myself that he is NOT Remy.

It should make for an interesting couple of weeks!!
I don't have any doubts, Yogi.  And I do truly believe that Remy made all this happen - but it has been known for a dog to take a dislike to a person for no apparent reason and this little guy has done a lot of traveling and had lots of needles stuck in him etc.

Let's just all hope and pray that he doesn't blame me for all of it.

he is going to LOVE you... big time!!!      There is no way on earth that something as fateful as this could happen... so many hurdles overcome.. for it to be one of those million to one cases where the dog doesn't like the owner (I did see this once... on Dog Borstal)...  But.. you are experienced with dogs, and his breed.

And... you weren't the nasty peeps that put him on planes trains n automobiles... you're his rescuer (for all he knows).

I think that as the days go by you are going to be moved by the similarities in Dante compared to Remy, and amused by the differences.

This was always gonna be the hard bit... after the frantic meeting of the deadline... the lull in activity.. the waiting...  for what its worth... You're doing better than I think I would xxx
Ditty, If he comes in, he will naturally run around checking the place out and will then check where it is that I am sitting and hop up beside me.

If he then proceeds to do what all Brabancons do, which is insist on washing my face (it's a nice feeling as they have quite a small tongue) and then lie down beside me and wash his own face.

Brabancons wash their own faces very much like a cat.  They lick their two front paws and rub them all over their face and ears and then repeat the whole process a second time.  At this stage they turn over on their back and I have to use a flannel to simulate the tongue and wash his chest, tummy and dangly bits. and then he wil be a happy camper.

This has to be done every night without fail as they are a breed of dog that insists on being clean.  He should then adopt what Brabancon people call the VELCRO position - which is they get as close as possible to you along your leg, thren go to sleep and snore.

If he does have any Remyisms then I will have to accept those and try not to cry or get upset and it will get easier as the days go by.
Annoca, he is going to love you.
Think about it - he's just spent the past couple of weeks travelling, being fussed, poked and prodded by strangers. shut into small travel boxes and waking up in strange places.
You and your home (his too, now) will be the welcome haven at the other end of it all!
HE IS HERE!!!!  I hope you all like the new Forum puppy.

He is a real snuggler!!  He has been here about half an hour now and has made his "inspection"!!  He seems pleased with himself and has eaten and had a drink of water and gone and done his business in the garden - so he is making himself at home already.  He loves to be cuddled and YES - he has washed my face!!

He is not too sure of the camera - and I am not good at taking photos - so this is the best I could do, to start with.

I don't know which end of me is up right now - but it is WONDERFUL to have Dante here and have all the cuddles and kisses again.


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oh Annoca!

I am soooo happy for you!

the pictures are fab to say he doesn't like the camera!!!   I am lucky if I get a shot of AJs earhole he turns from it that quick.

Don't worry about photos & stuff yet....   you're gonna have your hands full for a while.

I am sitting here with proper smile on my face!!!  
Brilliant! Splendid news. Some of us are feeling stressed.
Your description is lovely - and so are the pictures.
Look at those lovely big (brown?) eyes.
And he looks so silky.
I bet your emotions are bursting right now.
Thanks for the news. Am delighted.
I just can't believe he is here.  I am in a right state - laughing and crying all at the same time.

He is following me everywhere, which is fantastic.  He has also hopped into Remy's little bed here, beside the computer, and, for such a small little fellow, he can manage to jump up onto the couch.

We are going to have some fun watching him grow up!!  There is devilment in those eyes of his.  What will he be like when he is rested!!
Annoca, it's wonderful - I'm so happy for you. He really does look a proper character!
I know it will still take a while to come to terms with losing Remy, but having that inquisitive little soul around is definitely going to help.

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