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I am soooo pleased for you Annoca, this was truly meant to be!!

The pictures are lovely, and I can't wait to see the ones when he finally comes home to you.  This has gone from being heartbreaking to heartwarming and uplifting and I am so happy for you, Remy knew and sent you the little one, love his name Dante as well, she could not leave you alone.  Will have to stop now as I am really filling up here.

Can't wait to see the forum puppy! xxx
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
ANNOCA offline 154 Forum Posts Yesterday at 13:54 (Edited: ) Reference: I'm sure you'll share a friendship that most of us can only dream of.... It will be a friendship that I will share with all of you
Absolutely Brilliant
Annoca said: "They have one special breed specific trait which is referred to as the "zoom".  They tend to do it if there is some excitement going on OR if they feel you are feeling a bit down.  They will catch your eye, drop down on their elbows with their tail in the air and then take off galloping around the room, finishing up in the same position as they started, with a big, wide grin on their face.  You can't help but laugh when they do it."

OK, a less chokey poem in that case:

A flash of tawny fur shoots round the room.
I've come to raise your spirits, banish gloom.
And help to smooth your worried brow of care
Wherever there is trouble, I'll be there.
Don't fret, my pet
For I am always near-o
My name is Dante
Oh blimey! Annoca! I haven't posted with you before but started off reading this thread and the tears are rolling down my cheeks (and it takes a lot to do that) I couldn't read the middle of it and scrolled to near the end. I'm so glad things have 'relatively' worked out for you
Reference: Deman 
ZOOOOOM! A flash of tawny fur shoots round the room.
I've come to raise your spirits, banish gloom.
And help to smooth your worried brow of care
Wherever there is trouble, I'll be there.
Don't fret, my pet
For I am always near-o
My name is Dante
Deman, that's brill
The Devil In Diamante
Oh Demon - Another fantastic poem - and one, I expect, is very true to "Dante" life""

I am SO sorry, but I don't know what is wrong with me today.  I have been crying non stop.

I don't know whether it is joy, knowing that Dante is coming or whether it is I feel that I am being disloyal to my beloved Remy.

I KNOW, deep in my heart that Remy "organised" some of this to some extent.

I am going to stop now - I know I am not making sense and that I should be jumping for joy.  The best way I can describe it is, that right now, I feel as though I am two separate people - one who is heartbroken at losing a soulmate and the other who is over the moon about Dante coming into my life.

It is okay - you can all sent for the men in the white coats!!!
been crying non stop.
Annocca  so much has happened in the last week your head has been all over the place, you have lost your lovely Remy and now you have got lovely Dante, it has all happened so quickly your emotions are on overdrive,if anything was ever meant to be it is you and Dante and I truely believe Remy has helped make this happen for both of you
Tis ok Annoca...     as others have said its normal to feel like this.

I think its gonna be an emotional rollercoaster waiting for Dante...   but hopefully that "desperate" feeling has lessened... that "what now, whats the point" feeling.

the day we got the new pup ... was bittersweet...   was the day I first really understood the meaning of that word.   it was happy day... I was happy, but with the lead ache in my chest  & tears regularly brimming over.

You are going to be fine....  Dante will help you grieve for Remy in a handleable way, and remember her in a more postitive way, not just with overwhelming loss & hurt.

we're here... you know that.    

You've been busy bee for last few days....  you were bound to slump once the Thurs deadline had been met...

will be ok...  pupppeeeeyyyy...   the puppy Remy is sending...  xxxx
My God!!  I never could have imagined that I would have ever felt this way.

I have been "at sea" with my emotions yesterday/today. . .  (it is almost 5am now) and I have been trying to get a grip on things and as a result, can't sleep.

I wish, with all my heart, that the person who met me in the village yesterday (Friday), had access to this forum and could see what Remy meant to so many people.  People who have never met her.

He greeted me with "Where's your little shadow today".  I told him that she had passed away.

His reply. . . . . . ."Well it was only a dog". 

awww Annoca

it is him you have to pity cos he will never experience the love you, I and lots of others on this forum have experienced

we all know they are not just dogs, cats, rabbits, horses ...whatever .... they are a big part of our family, our life and what we are

how you have described your emotions is perfectly natural, when i have lost pets in the past it has taken me a long time to want another, you dont have that choice, you need little Dante and because of this, I also believe Remy has found him for you, just think ... he is on the other side of the world and he was found within days ... amazing !

you will get there, it is still early days
Reference:  Annoca
His reply. . . . . . ."Well it was only a dog".
Aw Annoca

Some people don't get it.    Even family sometimes.   It was my brother that made this kind of comment.. shocking considering he was brought up with our childhood dog who's passing (at the grand old age of 16) many years ago had hurt my mum so much she hadn't dare get another dog for 20 yrs.

A few weeks after we lost the pup my brother and his wife came up to my house after seeing our parents and started bitching about "mum & dad still moping, it was weeks ago"

I was "still moping" myself... and at that time unable to put forward an argument or explanation of the loss that we were all feeling.

In my desperation when I was where you are I did post on a doggie forum (first forum I had ever posted on)... got lots of people who understood reply back.... but after I came offline I felt embarrassed and it took me a couple of weeks to go back and check on any more replies.    of course... there were loads.

I printed them out for my mum.   She showed no interest when I gave her them to read (along with login details ... I was trying to encourage her to talk to people about things).

Months & months later, after they got Chuffley, she read them...  she wishes she'd read them earlier. 

I wish I'd been on this forum back then...  its good to feel you're not insane feeling this way when faced with "it was only a dog" type people.   I think it would have helped me to see so many people come through this kind of grief.

And we have Annoca...  all of us that have posted here, that have experienced this, we have come through the other side, and you will too.  

In the meantime, we're here to help you when it all gets too much.

His reply. . . . . . ."Well it was only a dog".
To him maybe, but not to you. Don't let that upset you (although I know you probably wanted to rearrange his dentures for him). You know what Remy meant to you and that will never leave you, ignorant attitudes are a pointless waste of energy to think about. The memories are yours forever, and Remy will never leave you either. xxx
Reference: Annoca
His reply. . . . . . ."Well it was only a dog".
I can only presume that this man has never known the unconditional love of a wonderful dog. I actually feel a little sorry for him, he doesn't know what he's missing.
His reply. . . . . . ."Well it was only a dog".
I have loved and lost dogs and cats and I know how much it hurts, infact, I prefer animals to alot of people Unconditional love is what they give you along with companionship, laughter and fun.

I know that I could not have loved any of my furry friends anymore than I did, each and everyone of them with a different personality, and each of them unique in their own way

Dante was chosen by Remy to be there to be your friend, I truly believe that, and though the feeling is bittersweet, Remy will always be with you, and I have no doubt guiding Dante along the way until satisfied Dante is ready to take the reins

They are different dogs with different personalities, so Remy will never be replaced, Dante's just taking over and Remy will let him know what to do  

As for the Man who passed 'that' comment, I pity him as he has never experienced that kind of love...
The Devil In Diamante
Thank you everyone for your posts.  They have made me feel so much better.

That remark really threw me but you are all correct when you say he should be pitied as he has never known real, unconditional love.

Well, I waited to post until I got the phone call from Boston.


Safe journey Little Man!!
What a lovely gift, DID.  Thank you.

I will have to take them back to the shop though, because little Dante would have a hard time getting his mouth around those ones.  I will exchange them for the mini sized ones.
Just got word that Dante has safely landed in Washington.  He will rest overnight and then set out on the second leg of his journey tomorrow morning.  So far, he is happy in himself and is eating and drinking well.

This second flight will bring him to London where he will be kept in quarantine while he gets his bloods done and his microchip.  Then they must wait for the results to come back together with the titre counts.  Once they have those, he can get his rabies vaccination and then he will be ready to make the final flight to Dublin.

It's getting really exciting now.

Poor little mite. He must be wondering what is going on.
Annoca It wont be long now what an incredible journey for you and Dante, shame on the person who said to you "its only a dog" obvously not an animal lover, sad really  he has never experienced unconditional love given to us by our pets .. his loss our gain,Dante looks so cute in his photographs small dog ..big heart..cant wait for the day you post and say he has arrived this thread will go into overdrive I am so excited for you,take care
Aww I'm so pleased he's on his way!  I can't bring myself to get another dog at the moment.

So in two weeks time you will have your little Dante to cuddle and love!! I'm so pleased things are getting better for you, you were so down at the start of this thread, and you do seem to have gotten a little better..... seems Dante has sarted his good work already eh?
Annoca, thinking of you still and please take no notice of this stupid unfeeling comments that you still get from people who don't know any better.  They have not experienced the love, joy, companionship that a pet brings into our lives and the hole that they leave when they leave our lives, 20 years on and I still mourn my cat.  My husband dreads the time I lose one of my beloved cats or dog as they are family simple as.  That person who made that unfeeling comment has obviously never felt the pleasure of owning and loving a pet and should really be felt sorry for.

I can't wait to see the photos of Dante and know that Remy is somewhere warm and comfortable knowing that it is job done, mum will have someone to take care of her again and knowing she will see you again one day.  Good luck and please let us all know how it is going. xxxxx
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
I don't quite know what to say Annoca.
So much has happened in a short time.
Some beautiful thoughtsa have been expressed in this thread. Such a sense of community here.
The warmest of wishes are sent to you.
Thanks for the news, the pictures and the openness.
Jen - I know how you feel.  If I wasn't in need of a MA dog, I would find it hard to even think of getting another dog.

What makes Dante SO special is that he is related to little Remy and she seems to have dropped him into my life so that he can continue her fantastic work - and in the process, a little bit of her will live on in Dante.
Annoca - so glad I've found this thread again and to hear that Dante is on his way

I just want to echo what everyone else has said - best of luck with your new friend and keep us all informed as to how things are going
Thank you Pink.  As Dante is "The Forum" dog too, you can be sure I will keep you all up to date on what he is up to and how he is behaving.

I will send photos too so as we can all watch him growing up together.
Well my dog died several years ago - and prompted by this thread we were really thinking we shud have got another dog immediately
Now my Mum aint well its too late for her to enjoy another
Now my Mum aint well its too late for her to enjoy another
Renton... my mum was the same, when we lost our childhood cairn.  She'd got him the day she finished work, 7 months pregnant with me....   we lost him 16 years later... and it devastated my mum.   

She couldn't face it again either.

Twas only when 20 odd years later, I found myself taking a career break, and in a position to get a puppy that she took the plunge and came to the breeders with us, and they got a puppy.

She now knows she shouldn't have thought she couldn't face it...  she'd forgotten the joy & companionship having a dog brought.

Getting another dog breathed a new lease of life into both my parents, they looked ten years younger...  still do!
Renton - I looked up the little cat diary.  I am not a writer!!!  I couldn't write a book on Dante.

I think we should keep Dante here in the Forum where he can make friends with all these lovely people.  |He might make strange if he was out of his comfort zone.

I don't think it is too late to get your Mum another dog.  It is most likely she will love to gave one and, in the medical profession, it is widely acknowledged that having a pet prolongs life.

|Have a good think about it and if you do go ahead then get a small dog - not a puppy - who will sit on her lap and snuggle with your Mum.  It could make all the difference in the world to her.
I am just thinking about poor Dante.  He will have been on a plane where everybody speaks the same dialect - gets off that plane and onto another - where therse people speak a different dialect. 

Then he arrives in England tomorrow where the dialects there will be so strange to his ears.

God help him when he gets here to Ireland!!  He will be one confused little soul.
Annoca I'm so pleased Dante is coming home to you I didn't want to post this earlier for fear I would upset you. This was my Christmas present, but we didn't get him until the 9th of January, I was supposed to get him on the 12th but what with the snow etc. we picked him up earlier. His name is Monet. I wanted to shout it from the rooftop's but delayed until I knew that you were OK and would be getting Dante. Thats my youngest son's shirt behind Monet, he flies around my house at 300 miles an hour.My son was laying on the floor so we could get the photo.


Images (1)
  • Monet 17-01-2010
Last edited {1}
Dear Annoca, from personal experience it's not language that animals relate to but, in general,  the tone of voice. More importantly though is animals don't communicate with each other through words, but visuals. Since knowing this for quite a few years it been of help many times to me under certain circumstances when I've applied it.

Love to you and Dante for many happy years of companionship together  and Love to Remy for her unconditional love and service while here....not all humans can achieve that xxxxx
Yellow Rose
Oh Essie, just saw your pic of Monet,  he's absolutely gorgeous!!!! I want to cuddle him  loooove cuddling animals although it's so much easier with the small ones lol. Wishing you all lots of smiley happiness with Monet in your life
Yellow Rose
Yellow Rose,

It was a total suprise, never in a million year's would I have expected him, my hubby did good. Love at 1st sight. He's a little Yorkie I've been staying up most nights just gazing at him.
10/10 for hubby for being so thoughtful and bringing so much joy into all your lives   How could anyone not love him at first sight lol, he's so beautiful. but to me all pets are  Wishing you many happy times and many years with Monet 
Yellow Rose
Essie  -  What an adorable little Yorkie Monet is!!!  Such a sweet face.

You are so kind to have thought of me - but I feel as though I have spoiled it for you not being able to let everyone know.

Enjoy him, love him and cherish him as I know you will and he will repay all of that and more unconditionally.

I am so happy for you Essie.

Essix.... he's so lovely!  Mr D has just had an ooooh & an ahhhhh at his pic.  But still managed a stern "no" when I wailed I wanted one!

Annoca - He'll be fine, we were all geared up for traumatised pup,  all confused & pining for his litter mates and stuff (as it says in the books) when we got AJ.

He couldn't have given a stuff.   He didn't look back, and spent his first night at home stealing strips of doner kebab meat off my sons plate when he wasn't looking.

Dante looks like a brave 'un plus he has Remy looking out for him!

Thank you Annoca +DPGirlthing
Well sadly my mum decided long ago that Max (RIP) was her last "I just couldn't face having another"
So be it - i won't push it cos she is failing quite fast
Suppose i will have my own later on wen Mum is gone and i live elsewhere

Best luck for 10.35am ANNOCA
Annoca I'm so pleased Dante is coming home to you I didn't want to post this earlier for fear I would upset you. This was my Christmas present, but we didn't get him until the 9th of January, I was supposed to get him on the 12th but what with the snow etc. we picked him up earlier. His name is Monet. I wanted to shout it from the rooftop's but delayed until I knew that you were OK and would be getting Dante. Thats my youngest son's shirt behind Monet, he flies around my house at 300 miles an hour.My son was laying on the floor so we could get the photo.
awwwww how cute! So THATS the Monet your hubby got you for xmas!
Suzybean - He has to have all his blood work done and tested, vaccinations topped up as per the outcome of his titre results and get his EU chip.

Ireland has been rabies free since 1912 so with him coming from the US, all this has to be done so as his paperwork is correct, in order for him to be allowed into the country.

He is being held in isolation - not quarantine, and will be allowed to come to me when all the work is completed.
Thank you MArguerita and Annoca - much appreciated
Its easy to look back and regret but at least our Shih Tzu (Max) was a wonderful dog (more like my brother to be honest)
Better to have loved and lost, eh?
Gosh losing him was such a nightmare - i totally understand this thread

Me too. My family's Jack Russell, Spike, had to be put to sleep just before Christmas. My parents and brother, who still lives with them, are still upset about it.
I don't feel as bad, because I had a bit more perspective - every time I visited, I could tell he was going down hill (very old dog), but they couldn't see it until it got so obvious they couldn't ignore it.
He was such a lovely little thing though. My mum's on the mend though, because now says it's much too quiet in the house and she's thinking of getting another. I hope she does!
Dante's first set of bloods were done yesterday afternoon so everything is on track.

He is in great form and he seems to have taken the flights in his stride.

According to the Vet Tech I spoke to, Dante is just like Remy - He is a "talker" and chats away when he is being carried.

It is hard to describe this talking - they do it all in their throat and nose.  It is not at all loud - just very endearing and comforting.

Can't wait to hear that wonderful "chatter" again.

I thought he looked like a brave boy!

my dog doesn't chatter...  I am curious about this talking noise that Remy & Dante's breed does... (may see if you tube has anything on them)

my dog just makes throaty noises that sound like a kettle almost on the boil!    that, or ear splitting barks, yowls, or if he is loved up.. he moo's!

I got a phone call this afternoon to say that Dante's titre results are back and are fine.

He will receive the necessary vaccinations and his chip later today and the final paperwork will be completed.


They will call me tomorrow or Saturday and let me know.

ANNOCA, that is fantastic news, it all seems to have happened so fast and so smoothly, it's almost as if Remy had Dante waiting in the wings and picked him just at the right time.....I can't wait, lol, I'm so excited for you

I know you two will get along just fine...
The Devil In Diamante

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