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We were dealt a bitter pill two years ago - we lost our old timer and six weeks later the youngster died suddenly while in the vets care - we had the youngster who was just 6 when he died so that we would never be in such a lonely position again when anything happened to the older one   they were both black labs - the young one wasnt actually ours - he was on long term care for a neighbour who because of illness couldnt look after him - he visited her very frequently though - imagine my sorrow at having to go and tell her what had happened to him - I cant begin to explain what this did to the family unit and me in particular being home alone all day losing both so quick together - but in the meantime our only remaining cat turned over a new leaf - she took over where the dogs had been - she guards us all in different ways - she sees us all to bed  and the list goes on  she is such a changed character as she didnt like the dogs - we have decided not to have another one till we no longer have her around 

rightfully or wrongfully that is our decision but no matter who visits the subject of dogs comes up and  lengthy debates and chastising that we need one where we live etc etc etc  *sighs* one day we will but not at the moment
We had a fatal blow about 4 years ago now . Our Goldie Sam was diagnosed with cancer at the mere age of 7.He had one round of chemotherapy. He went into remission and was looking good. But , as well always knew it would , it came back and eventually got into his brain. He was having regular fits the day he was put down. I will never forget that day. He got bad really fast. In the morning , on his walk you could not tell he was ill , he looked amazing! 

Mum took to him to vet and he was put to sleep in the boot of the car as he could not get out , she came back and we all just cried and felt numb. Him not being there felt really odd! He was part of us.  

My mum at the time did not want another dog. Could not face it. But eventually time healed the pain and we are now the proud owners of Dylan , our gorgeous 2 and half year old Goldie ( pics in the snow pic thread

We will never forget Sam tho , he was our first dog and totally devoted to all of us! 
He was so brave to go through what he did,

Christmas Chicken
Reference: Queenie baby
she now admits that it was the best thing I could have done for her.
Your mum is like mine as well Queenie...  admitting this kind of thing is not something they do as a rule..   by the same reckoning I can imagine how hard the forcing bit was...  my mum said some shocking things to me, which I do put down to grief...  but even so... is a hard thing to do.

MrsH - your cat stepped up though...  your reasons for not getting another dog are not fear of disloyalty or fear of being hurt again... they are out of consideration for the cat.   Thats a 100% valid reason in my opinion.

Chicken -  Its horrible isn't it... we lost ours to cancer too... if money could have saved him both our families would have remortgaged our homes...  I am glad you found Dylan.xx
Gosh I'm so sorry for you Annoca

I don't have animals but I can imagine it must be like losing a member of your family , especially in your situation.

Everyone in this thread has been great supporting you and I'm not really sure what to say (everyone else has said it so much better than I ever could).

But please remember you have an outlet for your grief on here and the support of loads! Never feel alone. Sometimes you just need to ramble on about memories to help the healing process.

I don't know what I have done to deserve such good friends on here.  Thank you ALL for your concern and good wishes.

I am still struggling to come to terms with the loss of Remy.  It is not helped by the fact that I am totally snowed in.  I can't get out and no one can get in.  My boys are desperately upset that they can't get to me.  They loved Remy so much too and they could always be sure that I was okay with her by my side.

Living in the foothills of the mountains has it's pleasures but it also has it's drawbacks.

Can anyone tell me how to correct when I am/am not online?  I seem to be showing I am online when I am not and I don't understand it.

I am trying to keep on top of the diabetes but the stress and upset has made it fluctuate.  Remy was so wonderful at keeping it in check.  It will take a lot of getting used to coping without her.

I apologise for my garbled writing - everything is just a fog of tears and heartbreak.
ok... take your curser to the top of this page and at the top when your cursor is in position you will get a menu bar show itself... hover over 'Manage' then click on 'My Settings' from the drop down box that appears.

On the My settings page.... on the left hand side is a heading in bold "Privacy".

Under that heading is an option box with the text "Keep me invisible for Online Now List"  If you tick that box you will not show when you are online.

Sorry those instructions are a bit messy... I'm not as good at is as Fluff is.
Annoca hun, I don't know what to say in the face of your obvious grief apart from to say you must take your tablets and do your bloods regularly.  My SIL is hypo unaware and I know how quickly a hypo can creep up on you, if you are stressed and upset.  Please, please check your bloods and keep your insulin intake regular (if you are not on a pump), hun, it will get a little easier, the loss and devastation that you are feeling, Remy would want you to carry on and to be happy.  You won't ever forget her and you have something very precious, your memories of her - no one can ever take those away from you and you will be able to make new memories soon, but you will never lose Remy, she will always be there watching over you - that's what I believe anyway.

Take care hun xxx
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Reference:  Ditty
 I don't really know much about having to work hard at hour to hour diabetic control.... hubby is a type 2 DM but its not severe.    What is it you have to do to try and keep it stable?
OH is a type 1 insulin dependant -  controlled by a slow acting insulin jab at bedtime - plus another jab with  fast acting insulin at every mealtime - normally 2-3 times a day - blood is tested first thing - mid morning - before lunch jab - mid afternoon - before tea time jab - mid evening and last thing before bedtime jab - on sick days or bad reading days - too high or too low is tested more approx every hour - if the level is allowed to run too high it can cause serious other problems over a period of time - if the level is allowed to run too low for a period of time it can effect the brain and also your awareness level as to knowing when you have a hypo 

quite an interesting subject and not as complicated as it sounds - is something you learn to live with TBH but as everything in life it can get you down sometimes when a little problem sets in  
I found it really complicated MrsH... when I tried to learn more about it.. first time when I worked in the labs (one of my first jobs was monitoring HbA1c blood requests.. making sure they were not done any more frequently than every 3 months)... second time when hubby got his diagnosis.

Actually... maybe its the whole ambiguity around the type 2 DM stuff that confused me...  I suppose with Type 1 insulin dependent... that ambiguity has gone...  

Is scary stuff though...
is scary stuff though..
Yes I think the type has a lot to do with it - OH was diagnosed 2 weeks before our Son was born - type 1 - get on with it - he coped very well   no fear of testing before three months here - OH had paperwork posted to him today for his and is the first one in 12 months  and only because the diabetic consultants office called last week and I mentioned it  things are getting very lax
Reference: Annoca
 I am Type 1 insulin dependant too, Mrs. H. and you have described my regime exactly.  I have to get a blood panel taken every three months.
thank you Annoca   I dont really like talking medical in case I dont quite get it right - glad I was though   3 months is the norm - our area are getting a bit lax and need sorting out
Oh god I'm not good at explaining this stuff Annoca

If you scroll up to the very top you will see livecloud........move your cursor over it , and you will see on that ,and you should see my message.

If you can't find it just come back and chat Annoca   Sorry, but I'm really crud at at explaining stuff.
 I'll hang around a while  x
Yellow Rose 5582 Forum Posts05 January 2010 16:03 (Edited: ) Dear Annoca, I don't know your story or that you had such a wonderful companion because of circumstances I also don't know about. To lose such devoted companions is devastating, so painful, and yes they are Earth Angels with their unconditional love. Amidst all the sadness you're so rightfully feeling I'm sure you will also feel gratitude she was in your life and you both shared so much together and have many happy memories that will make you smile again when the time is right for you. You loved each other, the bond cannot be broken even now it's become time for her to rest elsewhere now without earthly health conditions. Love to you both xxxx

 cannot put this any better!
Hello Annoca, i know a little of your pain as i had to have my dog of 14yrs put to sleep yesterday I'd had her since she was 6months and i was 13. Only got her back (left her at home when i moved out) 7months ago when my mom died....... 7months .... just enough time for the kids love for her to grow and now shes gone

Hope you are feeling even the slightest bit better and your health steadies itself out again soon xx
I am SO sorry everyone.  One of my sons tried to log in as me - but it wouldn't let him post.

Firstly, Jen - you have my heartfelt sympathy.

It is 03.45 here and I have just been returned home. by ambulance and a long walk on a chair stretcher, after things went pear shaped with the control of my diabetes.

I did everything I was supposed to do - to no avail.  Had my beloved Re,y been here, this would not have happened.

They wanted to keep me in hospital - but, under the circumstances, there was NO way I could agree, so I asked to be sent home.

I am very groggy and have been provided with a load of syringes to use in various situations.  Coming back in the door was the worst feeling ever - as there was no Remy.  Normally, Remy would have been with me if I had needed to go to hospital.

I am not going to stay on for too long as I don't know if all this even makes sense.

I haven't been able to stop crying since I got home.  Even the nurses and Doctors were asking where Remy was - and they were all visably upset when I told them what happened.

Please excuse spelling and grammar mistakes.  It was a priority to let you all know what happened.   I didn't want you to think I had done something stupid - though right this minute, |I wish I had - then I would be together with Remy.

Oh! You were writing this as I signed on!
Annoca... you've dealt with so much it's not surprising the diabetes went uncontrollable. The most difficult thing for you probably being going home and no Remy. But you did it. That is a huge achievement in itself.

You made great sense, and as you can tell, we're all so concerned for you.

Remy would be really cross with you for wanting to be with her. It would make all the fantastic work and wonderful times together you had count for nothing. You owe it to her to hang on in there... talk to us, share your memories and your terrible grief. We are good like that! 

Oh! You must be exhausted! 

But you're OK at the moment, and have the meds you need, yeah? And you will take them meticulously now, especially as you are so vulnerable, yeah?

And as regards your son not being able to post as you, ask him to just contact Live Cloud direct and explain what's happening so he or they can tell us.
Xochie - You are such a rock of sense - the exact opposite to what I am right now.  I know Remy would not want me to do anything stupid and deep down I know I would be failing her for all her years of dedication.

The problem seems to be that the shock of Remy's sudden passing has just hit me and as a result, I have not been able to keep anything down - not even water.

Being snowed in has it's own problems and the ambulance men have had a terrible time getting to me and also bringing me home.  I feel so guilty.  They must have carried me well over half a mile on foot on a chair stretcher.  They wouldn't even come in and have a coffe to warm them up.
Don't you worry about the ambulance men Annoca. But there is deal to be made between your guilt and what is right for you. If you need to get care in hospital for a little while you must consider it. And if, as it seems, you are not even able to eat or drink that is a very dangerous situation for you. You owe it to Remy, your family and all of us here who care so much about you.
I am eating and drinking but it is just not staying down.  They have given me all sorts of labeled potions in syringes to take - which I will.

I have always known the expression "heartache" before now and regarded it as a descriptive word.  NOW I know the true meaning of it.  My heart IS aching and sore.

I am going to go and see if I can manage to get a couple of hours rest now.  I still cannot sleep in my bed because Remy's absence from the crook of my knees is so noticeable, I just can't sleep there yet.

Sorry to be such a wuss but had you known Remy and seen her work and dedication, you would understand that not only have a lost a loyal friend, but a little soul who worked her tiny butt off, all her life with me, and saved my life on at least two occasions.
Dear Annoca, have just read your latest posts. No words of mine will take away your pain even though I understand it so well. Just as your dearest Remi was an Earth Angel so are many others like the Ambulance crew, there are human Earth Angels as well as animal ones, well that's my belief and observation of certain situations and certain people.

Please take good care of yourself, both Remy and all your loved ones want that for you. I've been in pain through loss of much loved family and dear friends and much loved pets so many times, it's so hard to get through I know but what I constantly learn is we are so much stronger than we can think we are. I wish you strength.
Yellow Rose
Annoca I haven't been here for ages but logged in today for some reason and the first post I saw was yours. I'm so sorry for your loss sweetheart, it is truly heartbreaking to lose a beloved pet. My cat Rosie B who had been my little companion for 15 years died in my arms about 2 and a half years ago. I still miss her so much but time does heal the heartbreak, now I smile when I remember her quirky ways. Pets are not like members of the family, they ARE members of the family.

Look after yourself, keep well for Remy's sake and have the hugest cyber hug from me.
you would understand that not only have a lost a loyal friend, but a little soul who worked her tiny butt off, all her life with me
Annoca its understandable that you think that way right now.........and thinking "that way" IS truly painful and heartbreaking because it feels as if you've been abandoned.......but the true reality is you haven't "lost" her at all.....she is still with you and will continue to look after you and work her tiny butt off but she needs you to play your part by taking good care of yourself and loving yourself as much as you loved her.  I know this is easy to say and much more difficult to do but if you can try and take things moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day without looking ahead to the future then it will become more bearable.  Have faith Annoca that all the love you share for each other will not and cannot keep you apart
OMG Annoca just seen this thread

i feel for you, i really do, and the comments in this thread have really made me realise what a lovely, supportive bunch of FMs we have here

be proud of the relationship you had with Remy, it was truly special and whether or not it can be repeated, you both sound like you have been blessed to have found each other

they say time is a healer and I am sure with time you will not forget, but will learn how to cope without having Remy around - thinking of you and RIP dear Remy
Sorry if I worried you - I didn't mean to.

All the regulated syringes I was sent home with, together with all the instructions on how and when to take have certainly worked.  Whatever meds I need for diabetes is in them but they must also have contained something else to make me sleep because I have been asleep for almost the whole day - waking only twice (this being one of those times).  I have to go and eat something now again, then inject again, after which I will go off to sleep again.

This has helped me as I was trying to carry on with everything as normal.  I even noticed when I woke up last time, that in my grief and heartbreak, I had automatically filled Remy's waterbowl and put food out in her dish.

I have received an email from a lady in the USA telling me that she has tracked down a Petit Brabancon with a breeder who lives close to her, and they believe that this little dog is related to Remy through the maternal side.  Judy told her about Remy and they are discussing if it would be feasable to send this dog to me in Ireland.

Judy knows that I don't have tuppence to jingle on a tombstone so what she is hoping to do is to persuade this breeder to put up half the cost of flying her to Ireland and Judy will try and raise the rest.

I am not allowing myself to get excited about this as so many things could go wrong, right up to the last minute.  BUT if it did come to pass I would be over the moon as this little dog would also be a Medical Alert dog.  So we will just have to wait and see.  It could take months to arrange.

I am going off now to eat something and do the injection.  If anyone feels like saying a few prayers in the hope that this wonderful thing might actually happen - then I would by extremely grateful.

I just wish there was something the doctors could do about the heartache and pain and the crying.

As I type this, there is more snow engulfing us outside so everything will be at a standstill again in the morning.  We are supposedly going to have to endure this for another eleven days!!
Annoca I haven't been on here for a while so this is my first post to you and like everyone else, this thread has moved me to tears

As I say on every thread that is posted like this, unless someone has suffered the loss of a beloved pet,as I have on more than one occasion, they cannot begin to understand the heartache it causes - and it stays with you for the rest of your life although it will get easier and you can begin to remember all the good times with a smile.

Of course your loss is perhaps much worse as Remy was your guide and helper too.

Remy will be at peace now together with all our lost little ones.
Sorry I have not been in to speak with you all.  I had another "incident" and had to go to the hospital again and this time they kept me in overnight to get things back on an even keel.  I was brought home the next day to find that the power was gone.  It only came back tonight.

Well the word on the new puppy would appear to be good.  He will have to be flown to England and stay there two weeks before he can enter Ireland. All I have to do now is to see if I can raise ÂĢ500 to cover his rabies shots, the blood tests and the issue of his Pet Passport.

I know it is not much in the greater scheme of things as all his flights are being paid for and he is being given to me free of charge, but I live on a small disability pension out of which I have to pay everything - rent - food - clothes - utility bills - petrol for car etc. so there is precious little left when all that is done.

I have to decide by next thursday whether I can manage to raise the money
- If I can't, then it just won't happen.

This is a photo of the little guy which I thought you might all like to see.  I can't allow myself to feel any hope or excitement until I can see if I can come up with the money.

Thank you all for your lovely posts and for your encouragement.  I truthfully don't think I would be here, typing this, if it wasn't for all your help and kindness.  I will never forget all you have done for me.


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