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Originally posted by Mazzystar:
A friend is someone you trust but have no romantic/sexual interest in.

An f buddy is something I dont understand.I dont think you could have no strings sex with someone you thought of as a good friend...or maybe its a more casual thing?

But friends sometimes cuddle up, and sometimes friends become lovers, 'cos you didn't fancy them at first.....I will not comment on f buddy- works for some Laugh
Tis very simple Soops...

Just friends = one of the couple in question does NOT fancy the other... therefore fiddling of any kind is a big no no (with the exception of drunken happenings... which will be denied come daylight!)

GF/BF = requires a cringey convo at some point in the dating process to ascertain that you are of this status (once established it is usual for monogamy to be introduced.... and you get upgraded to the front passenger seat staus of the others car!)

Fbuddies = aka booty calls/friends with benefits = not really friends.... just someone who you can go round for sex AFTER a night out. FBuds don't go out together. FBuds don't usually want to be together. There is often a hidden reason why they are this status.... an unusually large penis for example Ninja
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Fbuddies = aka booty calls/friends with benefits = not really friends.... just someone who you can go round for sex AFTER a night out. FBuds don't go out together. FBuds don't usually want to be together. There is often a hidden reason why they are this status.... an unusually large penis for example Ninja

*stares at posters location...wonders if she has mutual friends...slowly backs out of thread*
Originally posted by Pip*:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Fbuddies = aka booty calls/friends with benefits = not really friends.... just someone who you can go round for sex AFTER a night out. FBuds don't go out together. FBuds don't usually want to be together. There is often a hidden reason why they are this status.... an unusually large penis for example Ninja

*stares at posters location...wonders if she has mutual friends...slowly backs out of thread*

Big Grin Twas HUGE!!!
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Tis very simple Soops...

Just friends = one of the couple in question does NOT fancy the other... therefore fiddling of any kind is a big no no (with the exception of drunken happenings... which will be denied come daylight!)

GF/BF = requires a cringey convo at some point in the dating process to ascertain that you are of this status (once established it is usual for monogamy to be introduced.... and you get upgraded to the front passenger seat staus of the others car!)

Fbuddies = aka booty calls/friends with benefits = not really friends.... just someone who you can go round for sex AFTER a night out. FBuds don't go out together. FBuds don't usually want to be together. There is often a hidden reason why they are this status.... an unusually large penis for example Ninja

quite the expert aren't we Wink
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Tis very simple Soops...

Just friends = one of the couple in question does NOT fancy the other... therefore fiddling of any kind is a big no no (with the exception of drunken happenings... which will be denied come daylight!)

GF/BF = requires a cringey convo at some point in the dating process to ascertain that you are of this status (once established it is usual for monogamy to be introduced.... and you get upgraded to the front passenger seat staus of the others car!)

LOL! Hi Ditty wavey

Fbuddies = aka booty calls/friends with benefits = not really friends.... just someone who you can go round for sex AFTER a night out. FBuds don't go out together. FBuds don't usually want to be together. There is often a hidden reason why they are this status.... an unusually large penis for example Ninja

LOL, Hi Ditty wavey I think that my problem is that, at various stages, one can become the other, backwards and forwards if you know what I mean? (Not speaking from any personal experience of course Laugh)
Well Soops... from personal experience...

NEVER UPGRADE THE FBUDDY TO BF.... doesn't work!!!

Friend to BF/GF can work.... though once you're in the 'Friend' category... it can be hard to get out!

GF/BF to friend - I have heard rumours of this working... but have not experienced it!

One night stands.... if anything at all happens after the night in question... then it shouldn't be in the one night stand category


(oh and Ta Schmurf!!)

(and Pip..... it did smart!!)
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Oops... forgot ..

One Night Stand.... usually alcohol induced. It is something that is usually cringed about and regretted. Usually followed with the 'walk of shame!'

Laugh what about, 'just seeing'?

A sub category of GF/BF..... it means that the cringy convo is about to happen!
Originally posted by Pip*:
Just seeing is tricky, it can be a number of things
1. The bit before gf/bf status
2. They don't want anything too serious, would prefer to have the perks of the relationship without the pressure of status
3. Are keeping their options open for other people

So sex is/isn't allowed at this stage?
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Pip*:
Just seeing is tricky, it can be a number of things
1. The bit before gf/bf status
2. They don't want anything too serious, would prefer to have the perks of the relationship without the pressure of status
3. Are keeping their options open for other people

So sex is/isn't allowed at this stage?

Sex IS allowed at this stage!
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Pip*:
Just seeing is tricky, it can be a number of things
1. The bit before gf/bf status
2. They don't want anything too serious, would prefer to have the perks of the relationship without the pressure of status
3. Are keeping their options open for other people

So sex is/isn't allowed at this stage?

Depends who you are and what your limits are, if you feel comfortable enough to then why not? If you don't then why so? You know what I mean? It's all about personal preference Smiler
Originally posted by Pip*:
Gf/Bf does work, it took 3months for me to accept my ex as my friend but now we are as close as we were before without the benefits, still sometimes look and think 'i wonder if..' but I know its not going to happen Wink

That's part of my problem, unless they're of the 'wrong' sexual orientation there's more often than not always one of the two who wants something different...hence the confusion!
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Pip*:
Gf/Bf does work, it took 3months for me to accept my ex as my friend but now we are as close as we were before without the benefits, still sometimes look and think 'i wonder if..' but I know its not going to happen Wink

That's part of my problem, unless they're of the 'wrong' sexual orientation there's more often than not always one of the two who wants something different...hence the confusion!

True, but again it all depends on the person.
For me a cheeky glance isn't going to materialise, but we'll see how my feelings change once he gets a new gf Disappointed that will be the real test. To be fair I think I will be fine, I'm looking elsewhere Nod
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Once again I am appreciating being married... and how simple that has made my life! Laugh

Mmmmm when I was married it wasn't simple at all...hence no longer being married BlushLaugh

But as my posts show Soops.... I kissed ALOT of frogs, in all of the above categories before meeting THE ONE!

I was the person that no one thought would ever settle down! And my hubby is NOTHING like any of my previous men!

He IS my happy ever after! Blush

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