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Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Why are they still twisting it at this late stage, I hope it's not a unanimous they have to do this face to face as well

I am desperate for this series to finish but this latest twist has really annoyed me I have got to the stage I dont care anymore.

I've been there a while now Erin.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Why are they still twisting it at this late stage, I hope it's not a unanimous they have to do this face to face as well

I am desperate for this series to finish but this latest twist has really annoyed me I have got to the stage I dont care anymore.

Probably the best way to be lol, it saves getting annoyed at an hm or BB also you've put in so much time here with LUTing and research I'm not at all surprised you want it to end, not long now

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Why are they still twisting it at this late stage, I hope it's not a unanimous they have to do this face to face as well

I've got a bad feeling about this, as it's bringing back memories of BB11. Josie got a free pass to the final, then they did that dreadful quadruple eviction that wiped out all opposition.

If Sam gets the pass, and BB then announces a double evcition on Friday (with potentially Gina and Dexter both going) I will not be pleased...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Why are they still twisting it at this late stage, I hope it's not a unanimous they have to do this face to face as well

I've got a bad feeling about this, as it's bringing back memories of BB11. Josie got a free pass to the final, then they did that dreadful quadruple eviction that wiped out all opposition.

If Sam gets the pass, and BB then announces a double evcition on Friday (with potentially Gina and Dexter both going) I will not be pleased...

I'd forgotten about that. Their perspective of the hm's can be different to ours because we see/hear things they're not always aware of. Just hope this latest twist fails.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by justafriend:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I don't like the fact they keep meddling I don't think they will all agree, however, if Eugene is right I will be one happy bunny When is the twist supposed to take place ? Before or after noms ? If the latter , perhaps the free pass will be given to one of those nomm'd ?

task today Baz 

Oh it's happening today is it and are they nominating after or before?

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by justafriend:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I don't like the fact they keep meddling I don't think they will all agree, however, if Eugene is right I will be one happy bunny When is the twist supposed to take place ? Before or after noms ? If the latter , perhaps the free pass will be given to one of those nomm'd ?

task today Baz 

Oh it's happening today is it and are they nominating after or before?

From what Erin posted earlier they're nominating Live tomorrow

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by erinp:

Announced on Rylan show today (just read it on another forum)

And if the decision isn't unanimous, no one will get it.

That takes someone out of the face to face noms tomorrow.

They really want Gina /Dexter gone

Yep said it all along, really can't be arsed anymore..The only two people who have been worth watching, are getting royally shafted...

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Baz:
I think you're wrong SeÃąora ...sadly, I think if they do decide to give anyone a free pass then it will be Dexter Then I guess the whole twist thing will be OK

Do you really think they'll give it to Dexter? You have more faith than me, I'd be more than happy to be wrong on this one, but those selfish gits will never consider Dexter's feelings, they haven't done so in the past, so why would they start now?

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I think you're wrong SeÃąora ...sadly, I think if they do decide to give anyone a free pass then it will be Dexter Then I guess the whole twist thing will be OK

Do you really think they'll give it to Dexter? You have more faith than me, I'd be more than happy to be wrong on this one, but those selfish gits will never consider Dexter's feelings, they haven't done so in the past, so why would they start now?

I don't think they give it to Dex either, he's been saved every time so he must be a threat to them.


I've tried but I honestly can't see why Sam is so popular with many viewers.. It can't be because he's entertaining as he doesn't do anything, it can't be because he's funny - his jokes are pretty lame. His lewd comments about women seem to go unnoticed by his fans - why don't more women find it objectionable? So what is it that others see that I don't

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

In all honesty Dexter deserves a free pass, he's been up every week, and what's more he's dealt with it, with pure dignity and class. Bet the HM's give it to Sam or the FatTw*ts..Hell they might as well split the cheque and give it to them..So pissed off with this series now.

You never know, the HM's might see Dexter as a threat to their place in the final if he's up for eviction, so they might think get out of the way and a free pass to the final.

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I think you're wrong SeÃąora ...sadly, I think if they do decide to give anyone a free pass then it will be Dexter Then I guess the whole twist thing will be OK

Do you really think they'll give it to Dexter? You have more faith than me, I'd be more than happy to be wrong on this one, but those selfish gits will never consider Dexter's feelings, they haven't done so in the past, so why would they start now?

I don't think they give it to Dex either, he's been saved every time so he must be a threat to them.


I've tried but I honestly can't see why Sam is so popular with many viewers.. It can't be because he's entertaining as he doesn't do anything, it can't be because he's funny - his jokes are pretty lame. His lewd comments about women seem to go unnoticed by his fans - why don't more women find it objectionable? So what is it that others see that I don't

I don't see the Sam love either, I find him rude, arrogant and totally lewd and smutty with a very 1970's outlook on women..I can't stand him..And what's more I still have yet to speak to a BB fan who does like him..So where are all his so called fans?

Senora Reyes

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