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Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by stonks:

Nothing like home grown carrots....

If I had the space for it I'd be growing my own. 


I don't think anyone on telly has ever said you can have your 5 a day from a window box 

There's nothing like it and cos we have so much space we plant alot and share it out for family and friends....

Originally Posted by Prometheus:

Free carrot seeds? Well that will be handy then if you fancy carrots with your dinner tomorrow night. Not! Free tin of carrots I might have considered it...

Maybe it's an incentive to get us off our lazy butts and instead of sitting in front of a telly or computer.....get out there and get active 

Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Prometheus:

Free carrot seeds? Well that will be handy then if you fancy carrots with your dinner tomorrow night. Not! Free tin of carrots I might have considered it...

Maybe it's an incentive to get us off our lazy butts and instead of sitting in front of a telly or computer.....get out there and get active's a good promotion   


 Who wants a free bet on the National?


 Your horse falls at the second or free carrots in six months?


 No brainer really.


I am not impressed with the results when I have grown carrots..   it seems I have a choice between bland carrot fly resistant ones, or tasty ones that the carrot fly larvae get to enjoy...  not us.


and as for all this bollocks about carrot flies not flying higher than 12 inches above the ground.. (so putting up a barrier of more than 12 inches around your planted carrots should protect them)..  ours must be pole vaulters or something... 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

.... and I can't stand Monty 


I thought we'd got shot of him last year...   there was a nice bloke instead, and they gave out proper gardening advice, not arty farty green colour only gardens & visits to historical gardeners gardens to see the 580 different species of box hedging. do you feel about Topiary?


actually I quite fancied trying my hand at a bit of topiary..  


I wanted to do a lion like this lying in the middle of my parents lawn...



So..  I got me a starter box hedge plant thingy..     and went for the basic cube to begin with... 


I ended up wittling it down to something that could really only be described as a die (as in singular dice)..  


and that was the end of that fad 


Well I've got my seeds and am well chuffed cos I can;t do the going out shopping thing to get my own. .and I have my TV guide for the week and as usual the paper has gone straight into the recycle bin..


but why I feel I have to say I don't read the paper any more I dunno cept on here I feel that if I even admitted I did I'd feel an outcast due to the continual generalisations made about people who get the DM. .am getting a bit sick of it tbh. .


wonders which paper is ok to read   and will be approved of by the judgementals.. and also doesn't rub news ink onto your fingers too,, not that I read papers any more cos I can't be assed and only get a Saturday delivery for my TV guide and of course my Carrot seeds today as well 

Mount Olympus *Olly*

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