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Good morning peeps - I hope it's slightly cooler there than it is here *glows profusely*

DH and I were discussing Freddie's tactics over the last couple of days and we think he's decided on a new way of playing it.

He knows that whatever he does, he's up for eviction every week anyway so I think he's trying to get Lisa and Kris to basically hoist themselves by their own petards.

Last night in the HL show we saw Freddie start a discussion with Kris that was basically definitely going to turn into an argument - and so it happened. Kris was ruse and abusive to Freddie before running off to his mummny Lisa and the rest of Team Vulture and complaining about what a nasty man Freddie is, exaggerating how cool and fabulous he was whereas it was Freddie who had remained calm for the argument and the viewers will have seen this.

Yesterday, Freddie made the comment about Lisa not liking him - and she was in earshot. She was so close he didn't do it accidentally in my eyes and again, it was a guaranteed argument with Lisa. She turned hostile and aggressive and Team Vulture circling around and again Kris showing himself up.

Karly did the same later on.

I think that this is a tactic by Freddie to show the other floating HMs, especially Rod & Marcus and to some degree Charlie, how bad the situation is and how badly Team Vulture behave towards him to try and get a couple more nominations for Kris and Lisa next week and so get at least one of them up.

He also knows that the arguments get airtime and also that the public really don't like bitiching and backstabbing e.g. Jen and Grace. I think he's gambling that the HL shows are showing the whole scenario, which they are, and so he'll be seen as calm and reasonable and honest for trying to tackle these issues whereas Team Vulture will be seen as bitchy and horrible.

Anyways, that's about the end of my thinking but I do think this is a deliberate thing by Freddie and so he won't walk while it's happening.

Sorry for the essay and I do hope you take time to read it Hug

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Hiya foxy wavey

Very good post and I think you may be right there.

I think Siavash and Marcus have definitely noticed how Freddy is being spoken to and treated, so it will be interesting to see who they nominate next week.

I fear it may be too late though, because I reckon it will be Freddy v Marcus next week, so if Marcus goes Freddy loses another ally.

Siavash and Marcus seem to be the only two "floaters" or "individuals". The others will never see Freddy's side to anything and will continue to nominate him each week.
i don't think he has a game plan, he seems genuinely pissed off that everyone noms him, he's not seeing how much freedom that can give him, he tries to have one on ones with those who nominate him, and last night with kris, much as i hate to say it, he came across as whiney and a bit pathetic.
kris came across as tired of it all,and honest about his dislike of fred.
no winners on that one.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Cheers, squigs Thumbs Up

As for Freddie's gameplan, he may have played it just in time. He now has two allies, and his and their votes could be enough to force one of team nasty into the frame next week. Hope so Nod

Yeah I thought it was interesting that Lisa got several nominations this week. I don't think it would take a lot to tip the balance and if Rodrigo, Siavash, Marcus, Freddie and just one other was to vote for Lisa there could be an upheaval. Well you can always hope!
Freddy isn't perfect though. He is trying his best to survive in a house full of people that dislike him and treat him like dirt. It would hurt anyone, if they were enduring that every day. Some say he is coming across as whiney and pathetic, I don't see it as that. I think he is coming across as rational and calm and showing the others up to be the uneducated oafs they are.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Hiya foxy wavey

Very good post and I think you may be right there.

I think Siavash and Marcus have definitely noticed how Freddy is being spoken to and treated, so it will be interesting to see who they nominate next week.

I fear it may be too late though, because I reckon it will be Freddy v Marcus next week, so if Marcus goes Freddy loses another ally.

Siavash and Marcus seem to be the only two "floaters" or "individuals". The others will never see Freddy's side to anything and will continue to nominate him each week.

Hi Lovely xxx

Next week is a bit of a key week. Like I've said elsewhere, I think that you'll need three votes to be up next week and I think we could see quite a few people up. BB are making rumblings about the 13th and 'big surprises' and if that's new HM's then that will change the dynamic all over again and it's possible that BB will use a nomination twist next week.

But I've said before I think there's hope - there's no way that Karly/Dogface/Lisa/Kris are going to nominate each other but although he's an orange smirking twat Charlie does at least have a conscience and I think it was deliberate that he was there when Freddie stirred it up with Lisa. Noirin can't see outside of Noirin-world and so I doubt she'll be influenced by anything that's going on that doesn't directly affect her but sometimes Rod does come up with astute observations and I think he notices more than we give the little guy credit for so he may yet help us out Smiler
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Cheers, squigs Thumbs Up

As for Freddie's gameplan, he may have played it just in time. He now has two allies, and his and their votes could be enough to force one of team nasty into the frame next week. Hope so Nod

Yeah I thought it was interesting that Lisa got several nominations this week. I don't think it would take a lot to tip the balance and if Rodrigo, Siavash, Marcus, Freddie and just one other was to vote for Lisa there could be an upheaval. Well you can always hope!

rodrigo is coming across as more of a pillock each day
Charlies vote is the one to watch cos he has seemed very uncomfortable with everyone picking on Freddie the last couple of days...whilst he has not actually stood up for him against the others (not that Freddie needs help he makes them look stupid on his own) he has not actively joined in with all the bitching and backstabbing that has been going on around him.
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Hiya foxy wavey

Very good post and I think you may be right there.

I think Siavash and Marcus have definitely noticed how Freddy is being spoken to and treated, so it will be interesting to see who they nominate next week.

I fear it may be too late though, because I reckon it will be Freddy v Marcus next week, so if Marcus goes Freddy loses another ally.

Siavash and Marcus seem to be the only two "floaters" or "individuals". The others will never see Freddy's side to anything and will continue to nominate him each week.

Hi Lovely xxx

Next week is a bit of a key week. Like I've said elsewhere, I think that you'll need three votes to be up next week and I think we could see quite a few people up. BB are making rumblings about the 13th and 'big surprises' and if that's new HM's then that will change the dynamic all over again and it's possible that BB will use a nomination twist next week.

But I've said before I think there's hope - there's no way that Karly/Dogface/Lisa/Kris are going to nominate each other but although he's an orange smirking twat Charlie does at least have a conscience and I think it was deliberate that he was there when Freddie stirred it up with Lisa. Noirin can't see outside of Noirin-world and so I doubt she'll be influenced by anything that's going on that doesn't directly affect her but sometimes Rod does come up with astute observations and I think he notices more than we give the little guy credit for so he may yet help us out Smiler

I hope BB don't disappoint us with these "surprises" and I hope if there is a nomination twist, it doesn't put Freddy in danger.

I don't think Rod will be of any help, atm, his dislike of Freddy is very obvious and I cannot see him changing his mind soon.

Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Charlies vote is the one to watch cos he has seemed very uncomfortable with everyone picking on Freddie the last couple of days...whilst he has not actually stood up for him against the others (not that Freddie needs help he makes them look stupid on his own) he has not actively joined in with all the bitching and backstabbing that has been going on around him.

very good point croc, i agree, charlie isn't happy with the freddie slagfest going on, now he just neds to grow some balls and say so
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Hiya foxy wavey

Very good post and I think you may be right there.

I think Siavash and Marcus have definitely noticed how Freddy is being spoken to and treated, so it will be interesting to see who they nominate next week.

I fear it may be too late though, because I reckon it will be Freddy v Marcus next week, so if Marcus goes Freddy loses another ally.

Siavash and Marcus seem to be the only two "floaters" or "individuals". The others will never see Freddy's side to anything and will continue to nominate him each week.

Hi Lovely xxx

Next week is a bit of a key week. Like I've said elsewhere, I think that you'll need three votes to be up next week and I think we could see quite a few people up. BB are making rumblings about the 13th and 'big surprises' and if that's new HM's then that will change the dynamic all over again and it's possible that BB will use a nomination twist next week.

But I've said before I think there's hope - there's no way that Karly/Dogface/Lisa/Kris are going to nominate each other but although he's an orange smirking twat Charlie does at least have a conscience and I think it was deliberate that he was there when Freddie stirred it up with Lisa. Noirin can't see outside of Noirin-world and so I doubt she'll be influenced by anything that's going on that doesn't directly affect her but sometimes Rod does come up with astute observations and I think he notices more than we give the little guy credit for so he may yet help us out Smiler

I hope BB don't disappoint us with these "surprises" and I hope if there is a nomination twist, it doesn't put Freddy in danger.

I don't think Rod will be of any help, atm, his dislike of Freddy is very obvious and I cannot see him changing his mind soon.


I don't think it's going to make Rod like Freddie and I don't for a second think Rod isn't going to nominate Freddie - but it's where his second vote goes that counts and if Lisa or Kris are making the house an unpleasant place to live because of the arguing and the nastiness then that could well be where his second vote goes - he has little particular loyalty to anyone as far as I can see and so that second vote that went on Sree could go anywhere.
didn't freddie tell Marcus or Siavash last week ( I forget who ti was now), after Angel went, that he was going to expose the Wolves this week?

I think he missed one out tho when he was sayign who was sheep/wolves etc ..that Charlie is a sneaky bugger and trying to, falsely imo, be the friend of all. .there's something not quite right about him and when he and that gonk kris are together they get really bitchy/nasty/sneaky .. especially when booze is involved

I wanna slap them all very hard.. nasty bunch of ignorant planks.. Laugh
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Charlies vote is the one to watch cos he has seemed very uncomfortable with everyone picking on Freddie the last couple of days...whilst he has not actually stood up for him against the others (not that Freddie needs help he makes them look stupid on his own) he has not actively joined in with all the bitching and backstabbing that has been going on around him.

very good point croc, i agree, charlie isn't happy with the freddie slagfest going on, now he just neds to grow some balls and say so
I think I must eb the only one that sees that differently. .

I kinda see a smirk on his face as he hovers out of harms way in the background of everything. . I doubt he cares two hoots about what the others are doing to Freddie. . I think he's just staying out of it to keep in the game.. Big Grin
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Morning - yes I reckon you`re right LLF - Freddie said as much in the diary room, that he was going to bring all their nasty behaviour out in the open.

And I think it has given him strength to know that he has witnesses (the whole viewing public) and that he can go in the diary room and talk to the world about his plans.

He`s unwinding the rope for them - well done Freddie - hee hee Clapping
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
On Friday Freddie said he was going to be more 'risky' in the coming week. His gameplan now is to expose and highlight to the other HMs, but more particularly us the viewers, what it really going on. Bringing it out into the open and confronting the people who are instigating his exclusion from the group, is his main plan. He doesn't give a toss any more. His sense of fair play has been tweaked and he is going to start playing dirty.

The two most important people in next week's noms are Noirin and Rodrigo. Noirin is a total individual and will not be swayed because her own self-interest will always come first. She will nominate Freddie of course and her second will be the person she sees as most of a threat to her gameplan. Rodrigo is a prig. He is so self-righteous and so lacking in a sense of humour (even allowing for the language barrier) that he will vote for Freddie again but his all-important second vote will be the clincher.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
On Friday Freddie said he was going to be more 'risky' in the coming week. His gameplan now is to expose and highlight to the other HMs, but more particularly us the viewers, what it really going on. Bringing it out into the open and confronting the people who are instigating his exclusion from the group, is his main plan. He doesn't give a toss any more. His sense of fair play has been tweaked and he is going to start playing dirty.

The two most important people in next week's noms are Noirin and Rodrigo. Noirin is a total individual and will not be swayed because her own self-interest will always come first. She will nominate Freddie of course and her second will be the person she sees as most of a threat to her gameplan. Rodrigo is a prig. He is so self-righteous and so lacking in a sense of humour (even allowing for the language barrier) that he will vote for Freddie again but his all-important second vote will be the clincher.

Originally posted by JacksonB:
i don't think he has a game plan, he seems genuinely pissed off that everyone noms him, he's not seeing how much freedom that can give him, he tries to have one on ones with those who nominate him, and last night with kris, much as i hate to say it, he came across as whiney and a bit pathetic.
kris came across as tired of it all,and honest about his dislike of fred.
no winners on that one.

Yep Thats how I see it. Freddy goes round with the "I don't know why they don't like me look" on his face the whole time and asks them, to which they reply "Your annoying". I like Freddy I do but maybe not as much as I used too.
Originally posted by Moonbeams:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
i don't think he has a game plan, he seems genuinely pissed off that everyone noms him, he's not seeing how much freedom that can give him, he tries to have one on ones with those who nominate him, and last night with kris, much as i hate to say it, he came across as whiney and a bit pathetic.
kris came across as tired of it all,and honest about his dislike of fred.
no winners on that one.

Yep Thats how I see it. Freddy goes round with the "I don't know why they don't like me look" on his face the whole time and asks them, to which they reply "Your annoying". I like Freddy I do but maybe not as much as I used too.
there are so many in the house that are fed up with him, maybe we are missing something.....oops wait a minute yes we are LF, this is where we would know what really was going on instead of having to guess with the editied version.
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Charlies vote is the one to watch cos he has seemed very uncomfortable with everyone picking on Freddie the last couple of days...whilst he has not actually stood up for him against the others (not that Freddie needs help he makes them look stupid on his own) he has not actively joined in with all the bitching and backstabbing that has been going on around him.

Plus the fact Charlie knows Freddy is popular on the outside!!!!!!
Plus the fact Charlie knows Freddy is popular on the outside!!!!!!

maybe Charlie is the really clever one who has twigged on, and the rest have to catch up. I always think that Charlie is not as daft as he likes to portray but goes along with the group by becoming the group clown. He is not as nasty as the rest that's for sure, although he is always in the mix somewhere. But I think it's too early for him to break away atm and he will continue to nominate in the block. He is definitely one to watch in the future though.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Plus the fact Charlie knows Freddy is popular on the outside!!!!!!

maybe Charlie is the really clever one who has twigged on, and the rest have to catch up. I always think that Charlie is not as daft as he likes to portray but goes along with the group by becoming the group clown. He is not as nasty as the rest that's for sure, although he is always in the mix somewhere. But I think it's too early for him to break away atm and he will continue to nominate in the block. He is definitely one to watch in the future though.

Yep.When any new people come in Charlie will be the one to take them under his arm, protect them, whisper and joke but all the time watching his back.

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