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Originally posted by brisket:
I do hope you are wrong strike.
He certainly is having a lot to cope with, but I hope he has inner strength to stick it out.
It must be extremely difficult for him. (Perhaps it is good that he does not actually know how many nominations he got.)

if he stays the distance, i can see him making lots and lots of diary room visits Big Grin
Originally posted by Marguerita:
I think he is much tougher than we think I dont think he will walk especially when he gets kept in friday, it will give him a big boost and annoy the others Thumbs Up Laugh

i think the turnaround will have to come from the HMs margy, hopefully some of them will see what's going on and they'll change sides, evening things up a bit.
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
I think his confidence boost each week when he survives another eviction is all he needs to hang in there. Eventually as the Team Lisa fall one by one, they'll reaslise the folly of their ways but it will be far too late by then.Smiler

i would put 99% of the blame for all this on Lisa alone.
Originally posted by strike:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
I think his confidence boost each week when he survives another eviction is all he needs to hang in there. Eventually as the Team Lisa fall one by one, they'll reaslise the folly of their ways but it will be far too late by then.Smiler

i would put 99% of the blame for all this on Lisa alone.

That creature is disgusting and terrible, but it's her two kids Kris and orange man that are doing the nasty work, always picking away at him.

All 3 of them have to be out very soon or im going to need a new TV.
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
I really don't understand why he's nominated, but then without LF how can we understand the prog and nominations etc. If Cairon goes, and I hope he does, maybe the HM's will realise they're picking on the wrong HM as far as the public's concerned.

Think now that Ch4 are penny pinching they won't want to hire a translater for Cairon for the next nominations so will edit him badly
Originally posted by Videostar:
Normally I might agree but most of this abuse and braindead hate coming from the chavs seem to be going right over his head.

I think he'll stay, and I think Siavash will be good for him when the thug leaves on friday. Thumbs Up

don't know whether anyone notice freddie doing a body language sign in the diary room, open palm hand towards the camera/bb, i think he's very strong and intellectual person and he will stay until voted out.

i am so glad ciaron is up for eviction, the only weak spot for siavash, cos they bonded earlier and i worried it might bring siavash down to his level.

At the moment all is good in the hood for me...everyone has a game plan.

one more thing...angel nominates based on the reason that they are not good enough opponents in the bb competition whilst freddie nominates to eliminate competition...go figure
I like freddy he makes me laugh all the time...i love his gestures plus heavy lidded eyes
Freddie may well be tougher than he seems - I bet he was sent to a posh boarding school as a kid so he's probably survived worse.

I'm sure he'll survive on Friday but may be up again as team nasty but dim don't seem to realise that their behaviour is making Freddie more popular. The penny will drop eventually I guess, hopefully when he's up against one of them and survives.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by hal:
one more thing...angel nominates based on the reason that they are not good enough opponents in the bb competition whilst freddie nominates to eliminate competition...go figure

Angel wants a part in the next Bond movie.

Big Grin
poor angel, she's actually quite innocent about the ways of big brother imo...tough yet soft in the middle without realising it herself perhaps..
Originally posted by Hollygolightly:
I love Freddie but can someone tell me why he got 9 nominations. Confused Is he doing something that we aren't being shown or is it as I suspect, Lisa and her co-horts not undetstanding him. Even Rodrigo nominated him. Confused

Hiya Holly wavey

I was thinking the same thing last night. I cannot believe that he got 9. I think it is because they just find him annoying. He is far more intelligent than any of them and alot more decent. They can't handle that and would rather have HM's of their own ilk i.e idiots.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Hollygolightly:
I love Freddie but can someone tell me why he got 9 nominations. Confused Is he doing something that we aren't being shown or is it as I suspect, Lisa and her co-horts not undetstanding him. Even Rodrigo nominated him. Confused

Hiya Holly wavey

I was thinking the same thing last night. I cannot believe that he got 9. I think it is because they just find him annoying. He is far more intelligent than any of them and alot more decent. They can't handle that and would rather have HM's of their own ilk i.e idiots.

Thats it LL, he's too decent for them.Nod

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