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Watching Freddie in the DR on the HL show he seemed quite certain that he'd be up again. No surprises there really.

Just wondering if he's getting a bit cocky because he was itching to be up against Sree (which is quite possible actually). He seemed to relish the thought of the pair of them being up for the public vote. And there didn't seem to be any question from him that Sree would leave.

Obviously we know that Sree would leave in that scenario but Freddie seems to be getting a little too sure of his popularity on the outside.

I just hope it doens't change his character too much because he would end up turning the public against him.

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Originally posted by Towno Smiler:
Thing is Cold Sweat, when rations are low you need something for a bit of flavour. Laugh

I think anyone who's up against Freddie this week will pack their bags straight away won't they?! Sree would be funny to watch, but I'd prefer for Lisa or Kris to face him. (fat chance I know).

SmilerLisa would be the ideal to be against freddie...then her whole team know they are following the wrong'un.
Originally posted by fz:
Originally posted by Towno Smiler:
Thing is Cold Sweat, when rations are low you need something for a bit of flavour. Laugh

I think anyone who's up against Freddie this week will pack their bags straight away won't they?! Sree would be funny to watch, but I'd prefer for Lisa or Kris to face him. (fat chance I know).

SmilerLisa would be the ideal to be against freddie...then her whole team know they are following the wrong'un.

id love to see that happen! even better than sree, lets go for the leader first, all sorted
Originally posted by Towno Smiler:
Watching Freddie in the DR on the HL show he seemed quite certain that he'd be up again. No surprises there really.

Just wondering if he's getting a bit cocky because he was itching to be up against Sree (which is quite possible actually). He seemed to relish the thought of the pair of them being up for the public vote. And there didn't seem to be any question from him that Sree would leave.

Obviously we know that Sree would leave in that scenario but Freddie seems to be getting a little too sure of his popularity on the outside.

I just hope it doens't change his character too much because he would end up turning the public against him.

I hope Freddie fans are not that fickle. As for everybody else, well, it's up to them but I think if you are looking for true cockiness it really doesn't manifest itself in Freddie.

No, I don't think Freddie is going to get cocksure, in fact his fans will probably warm to him even more. It isn't just himself who is irritated by Sree, many people watching have also lost their tellies through violence being inflicted on it during one of Sree's "scenes".

Sree's illogic would drive most people bonkers and I can quite see why Freddie would relish being up against him in an eviction, just to see which way the public sway went. It would either confirm Freddie's feelings/ideas or totally blow them out of the water. Whichever way it went it would be a good outcome as far as he is concerned and it's a competition after all they are bound to get competitive.
He feels certain Sree would be the one leaving and I don't see anything wrong in that, it's his opinion and of course he wants to express it.

The issue of the garlic clove as another poster points out is really the tip of the ice berg and isn't the sole reason Freddie has a problem with Sree.
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Originally posted by Towno Smiler:
Watching Freddie in the DR on the HL show he seemed quite certain that he'd be up again. No surprises there really.

Just wondering if he's getting a bit cocky because he was itching to be up against Sree (which is quite possible actually). He seemed to relish the thought of the pair of them being up for the public vote. And there didn't seem to be any question from him that Sree would leave.

Obviously we know that Sree would leave in that scenario but Freddie seems to be getting a little too sure of his popularity on the outside.

I just hope it doens't change his character too much because he would end up turning the public against him.

I hope Freddie fans are not that fickle. As for everybody else, well, it's up to them but I think if you are looking for true cockiness it really doesn't manifest itself in Freddie.

No, I don't think Freddie is going to get cocksure, in fact his fans will probably warm to him even more. It isn't just himself who is irritated by Sree, many people watching have also lost their tellies through violence being inflicted on it during one of Sree's "scenes".

Sree's illogic would drive most people bonkers and I can quite see why Freddie would relish being up against him in an eviction, just to see which way the public sway went. It would either confirm Freddie's feelings/ideas or totally blow them out of the water. Whichever way it went it would be a good outcome as far as he is concerned and it's a competition after all they are bound to get competitive.
He feels certain Sree would be the one leaving and I don't see anything wrong in that, it's his opinion and of course he wants to express it.

The issue of the garlic clove as another poster points out is really the tip of the ice berg and isn't the sole reason Freddie has a problem with Sree.

I agree. Freddie didn't care much for Sree right from the beginning and told him so in a couple of conversations. They've since had some less combative contact, but I think Freddie feels vindicated after Sree's antics last week.
cologne 1
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Originally posted by Towno Smiler:
Watching Freddie in the DR on the HL show he seemed quite certain that he'd be up again. No surprises there really.
Just wondering if he's getting a bit cocky because he was itching to be up against Sree (which is quite possible actually). He seemed to relish the thought of the pair of them being up for the public vote. And there didn't seem to be any question from him that Sree would leave.
Obviously we know that Sree would leave in that scenario but Freddie seems to be getting a little too sure of his popularity on the outside.
I just hope it doens't change his character too much because he would end up turning the public against him.

I hope Freddie fans are not that fickle. As for everybody else, well, it's up to them but I think if you are looking for true cockiness it really doesn't manifest itself in Freddie.
No, I don't think Freddie is going to get cocksure, in fact his fans will probably warm to him even more. It isn't just himself who is irritated by Sree, many people watching have also lost their tellies through violence being inflicted on it during one of Sree's "scenes".
Sree's illogic would drive most people bonkers and I can quite see why Freddie would relish being up against him in an eviction, just to see which way the public sway went. It would either confirm Freddie's feelings/ideas or totally blow them out of the water. Whichever way it went it would be a good outcome as far as he is concerned and it's a competition after all they are bound to get competitive.
He feels certain Sree would be the one leaving and I don't see anything wrong in that, it's his opinion and of course he wants to express it.
The issue of the garlic clove as another poster points out is really the tip of the ice berg and isn't the sole reason Freddie has a problem with Sree.

I agree. Freddie didn't care much for Sree right from the beginning and told him so in a couple of conversations. They've since had some less combative contact, but I think Freddie feels vindicated after Sree's antics last week.

Did anyone else notice how Sree went running to Kris for back up as soon Freddie confrunted him about the garlic
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Originally posted by Towno Smiler:
Watching Freddie in the DR on the HL show he seemed quite certain that he'd be up again. No surprises there really.
Just wondering if he's getting a bit cocky because he was itching to be up against Sree (which is quite possible actually). He seemed to relish the thought of the pair of them being up for the public vote. And there didn't seem to be any question from him that Sree would leave.
Obviously we know that Sree would leave in that scenario but Freddie seems to be getting a little too sure of his popularity on the outside.
I just hope it doens't change his character too much because he would end up turning the public against him.

I hope Freddie fans are not that fickle. As for everybody else, well, it's up to them but I think if you are looking for true cockiness it really doesn't manifest itself in Freddie.
No, I don't think Freddie is going to get cocksure, in fact his fans will probably warm to him even more. It isn't just himself who is irritated by Sree, many people watching have also lost their tellies through violence being inflicted on it during one of Sree's "scenes".
Sree's illogic would drive most people bonkers and I can quite see why Freddie would relish being up against him in an eviction, just to see which way the public sway went. It would either confirm Freddie's feelings/ideas or totally blow them out of the water. Whichever way it went it would be a good outcome as far as he is concerned and it's a competition after all they are bound to get competitive.
He feels certain Sree would be the one leaving and I don't see anything wrong in that, it's his opinion and of course he wants to express it.
The issue of the garlic clove as another poster points out is really the tip of the ice berg and isn't the sole reason Freddie has a problem with Sree.

I agree. Freddie didn't care much for Sree right from the beginning and told him so in a couple of conversations. They've since had some less combative contact, but I think Freddie feels vindicated after Sree's antics last week.

Did anyone else notice how Sree went running to Kris for back up as soon Freddie confrunted him about the garlic

That was so funny. When he doesn't run to Lisa for support, he just seems to grab the nearest member of the gang to help him. Big Grin
cologne 1
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Originally posted by Towno Smiler:
Watching Freddie in the DR on the HL show he seemed quite certain that he'd be up again. No surprises there really.
Just wondering if he's getting a bit cocky because he was itching to be up against Sree (which is quite possible actually). He seemed to relish the thought of the pair of them being up for the public vote. And there didn't seem to be any question from him that Sree would leave.
Obviously we know that Sree would leave in that scenario but Freddie seems to be getting a little too sure of his popularity on the outside.
I just hope it doens't change his character too much because he would end up turning the public against him.

I hope Freddie fans are not that fickle. As for everybody else, well, it's up to them but I think if you are looking for true cockiness it really doesn't manifest itself in Freddie.
No, I don't think Freddie is going to get cocksure, in fact his fans will probably warm to him even more. It isn't just himself who is irritated by Sree, many people watching have also lost their tellies through violence being inflicted on it during one of Sree's "scenes".
Sree's illogic would drive most people bonkers and I can quite see why Freddie would relish being up against him in an eviction, just to see which way the public sway went. It would either confirm Freddie's feelings/ideas or totally blow them out of the water. Whichever way it went it would be a good outcome as far as he is concerned and it's a competition after all they are bound to get competitive.
He feels certain Sree would be the one leaving and I don't see anything wrong in that, it's his opinion and of course he wants to express it.
The issue of the garlic clove as another poster points out is really the tip of the ice berg and isn't the sole reason Freddie has a problem with Sree.

I agree. Freddie didn't care much for Sree right from the beginning and told him so in a couple of conversations. They've since had some less combative contact, but I think Freddie feels vindicated after Sree's antics last week.

Did anyone else notice how Sree went running to Kris for back up as soon Freddie confrunted him about the garlic

yes kelly i did, then sree got brave and started coming out with some nasty things to try and get them all to laugh at freddie.
Yes, when Sree is in a losing battle he resorts to mimicking and rallies everyone around so they can watch his display of baiting and piss taking, confident that it will score many brownie points with the others confident that they will all laugh at Freddie's expense and bond together over it, pushing Freddie out further whilst drawing Sree in.
However they just stood around watching and Lisa under the guise of making tea kept one watchful eye on the proceedings. Freddie did not take the bait and just allowed Sree's shrill and illogical ranting to expose himself for the tw*t he is.
Did anyone else notice how Sree went running to Kris for back up as soon Freddie confrunted him about the garlic

That was so funny. When he doesn't run to Lisa for support, he just seems to grab the nearest member of the gang to help him.

I did notice how little backup Kris gave him about the garlic.
Kris is not one to stick his neck out for a hopeless cause (or any cause that doesn't benefit himself)
Oh that was so pathetic. Freddie WAS going on and on about it, so I can almost see why Sree was getting stressed BUT Freddie WAS right and Sree should have just shut up and ignored him rather than rnning to the bedroom like a little child to get the others to help him... asking Kris to 'sort it out'! Good Grief! Kris didn't even do anything when went into the kitchen anyway.

I don't think Freddie is being cock-sure. He has every right to expect Sree to go before him.
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
I'm loving Freddie - he's such a refreshing change to the usual HMs. There's no fake humility, no arrogance, he just stated the facts as he sees them - and he's right. I'm sure he WOULD love to be up against Sree... just to see if he's right.

I agree kaffy. What you see is what you get.
cologne 1
I think you would have to put yourself in Freddie's psychological space to understand how he is thinking and reacting just now. He is offended by the injustice. The injustice and resentment he is feeling atm is because there is an obnoxious social pariah who seems to be getting away with the most awful social faux pas and, yet he (Freddie) is being forced to the periphery of the social group simply by being kind good mannered and posh. He is being marginalised simply because he doesn't fit into the social scheme of absolute chavdom. No wonder he wants to whopp Sree's arse. It is Sree who is getting away with bad behaviour and being championed for it. I even noticed Noirin on the HL show last night was exasperated by him, though she has told him to leave her alone. He is like a buzzy fly that wont go away.

The only thing Kris and Sophie have in common is their utter dislike and contempt for Freddie. It's the glue keeping their romance together. Kris loves it when she starts imitating Freddie's accent and she gets an extra kiss for being a good girl.

Freddie needs to prove to the group that he is staying because we like him, and the only way to do that is go up against Sree and let the GBP remind the HMs that it is us who decides their fate, and not Lisa.
Twee Surgeon
I haven't seen what Freddie said, but I'm not sure that it's cockiness to want to go up against Sree. He knows he's probably going to be nominated, it makes sense that he would want to go up against a weaker opponent. I'm sure he probably thinks that after being saved three times he's pretty popular, but I don't think he'd want to go up against someone who he perceives as a stronger competitor in the house like Lisa, or Kris. Sree would be a safe bet since he annoys everyone in the house, even the people who protect him.
ty deman Hug

Suzi, Lisa's power base is quite strong atm, with or without Sree. The maths are in her favour. It is likely that Kris, Sophie, Charlie, Sree, Lisa, Rodrigo, and Karly will all nomm Freddie. They will also probably nomm one other of Lisa's choice (the one she really wants to go). Even if Fred, Siavash, Marcus or indeed Noirin vote for Sree, he most likely will escape again. Annoying, but the most likely scenario.
Twee Surgeon
I don't think Freddie is being cocky - he realises he will be up every week he's in the house and is trying to stay positive.

For me the real cockiness is displayed by the smirks on the faces of the gang when Angel and Freddie were up. Also Karly and Lisa talking about how hard it will be for them to nominate towards the end. Obviously very confident they'll be there - now that's cocky.
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
I think you would have to put yourself in Freddie's psychological space to understand how he is thinking and reacting just now. He is offended by the injustice. The injustice and resentment he is feeling atm is because there is an obnoxious social pariah who seems to be getting away with the most awful social faux pas and, yet he (Freddie) is being forced to the periphery of the social group simply by being kind good mannered and posh. He is being marginalised simply because he doesn't fit into the social scheme of absolute chavdom. No wonder he wants to whopp Sree's arse. It is Sree who is getting away with bad behaviour and being championed for it. I even noticed Noirin on the HL show last night was exasperated by him, though she has told him to leave her alone. He is like a buzzy fly that wont go away.

The only thing Kris and Sophie have in common is their utter dislike and contempt for Freddie. It's the glue keeping their romance together. Kris loves it when she starts imitating Freddie's accent and she gets an extra kiss for being a good girl.

Freddie needs to prove to the group that he is staying because we like him, and the only way to do that is go up against Sree and let the GBP remind the HMs that it is us who decides their fate, and not Lisa.

Very very well said, spot on Twee Surgeon Thumbs Up

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