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He wasn't being cocky at all. He'd finally had enough of her and it was time she saw he's no longer going to put up with being her whipping boy! She sunk her claws in again, even though she could have let fly at Siavash or Marcus, but she didn't. She's been gunning for him and she showed herself up good and proper, for the thug she always has been. AND she threatened him by saying "if we was on the outside"....BB should have seen that direct threat!
Originally posted by tupps:
It was maybe a tad over theatrical for my tastes but I can't blame him. She had a taste of her own medicine.

If people think him doing that ONCE is ganging up then maybe they should re-visit some of the earlier footage and see what ganging up and nasty really is... WEEKS of Lisa et al's constant harassment.

Yes someone had posted some good video links last night which was a good (if small) reminder of just how vicious Lisa was toward Freddie at the beginning.

I think we saw the result of him having bottled all that up.

Even then, as I have already said, I dont think Fred is naturally vindictive and will probably at some point apologise.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Freddie was awful last night! Crazy

I wish he'd stop listening to Marcus. Glance

And Bea Glance BUT he is responsible for his own behaviour, said it before on here today, Freddie can't 'catch' nasty behaviour/ argumentiveness from them like you catch a cold and can't believe so many fms blaming them for his behaviour....The only role they played was to give him the confidence that he'd have 'back-up'- that's what made him so unusually courageous
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Freddie was awful last night! Crazy

I wish he'd stop listening to Marcus. Glance

And Bea Glance BUT he is responsible for his own behaviour, said it before on here today, Freddie can't 'catch' nasty behaviour/ argumentiveness from them like you catch a cold and can't believe so many fms blaming them for his behaviour....The only role they played was to give him the confidence that he'd have 'back-up'- that's what made him so unusually courageous

I blamed Freddie for being awful and Freddie for listening to Marcus!

And Bea (I agree)! Nod
Originally posted by Jenny:
The worst bit was when they were in the living area. That's when he really rubbed her nose in it. Wish he hadn't done it, as he did himself no favours there with the voting public.

"Ner, ner Lisa's up for eviction".... "The public like me".....Seen more mature behaviour in a primary school playground
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
I just watched it again and..

Yes, it's not the Freddie we're used to seeing but..

I think he couldn't resist the temptation to give Lisa a taste of her own medicine and who can blaim him.

I wouldn't be suprised if he eventually apologises, I don't think he is a naturally vindictive person.
Flapping gums Lisa had it coming, and she was totally owned by Freddie last night. She looked such a fool. Laugh
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Jenny:
The worst bit was when they were in the living area. That's when he really rubbed her nose in it. Wish he hadn't done it, as he did himself no favours there with the voting public.

"Ner, ner Lisa's up for eviction".... "The public like me".....Seen more mature behaviour in a primary school playground
Well, theyre more on his wavelength I think!
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by WILDER X:
Sayling the public love me and I won't get evicted is being cocky.

I think that was for Lisas benefit though, she accused him of being cocky so I think he decided to show her cocky behaviour is actually like.

OFGS Comrade- the lengths some folk will go to try and excuse his behaviour!
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Let him grow a pair and have it out with Lisa.....

Lee, he'd run a bliddy mile without his 'bodyguards' Marcus and Bea

Probably Super...Targeting David and hurling accusations at him is nasty and could well have cost him very dearly....Lisa I have no time whatsoever for but Freddy I expected better from and have been badly disappointed.
I thought Freddie was great.
I can well understand the pent-up emotions.
I don`t forget how vile Lisa has been.
It was great to see Lisa and David have the wind taken out of their sails.
Lisa is very poor at arguing/debating. (I`m surprised she didn`t finger-poke him, wiggle her ears shouting "nah-na-na-nah-nah".
I still believe that viewers (and people on forums) appear to take the whole thing much more seriously than the housemates do.
She got what she deserved. I have just been watching some of the old vids on Ch 4 site, and how she has spoken to him in the past and treated him! He is dead right she has had a game plan all along!

Anyone remember Lisa running and answering the phone to become a housemate? And then picking Kris tobe one aswell?

Kris and Charlie started thepicking on Freddie remember that as well. THey thought he was an easy target.

What goes around and all that!
Originally posted by BristolGirl:
She got what she deserved. I have just been watching some of the old vids on Ch 4 site, and how she has spoken to him in the past and treated him! He is dead right she has had a game plan all along!

Anyone remember Lisa running and answering the phone to become a housemate? And then picking Kris tobe one aswell?

Kris and Charlie started thepicking on Freddie remember that as well. THey thought he was an easy target.

What goes around and all that!

As David is the easy target for Freddy Bea and Marcus now.
I found Freddie very hypocritical considering he, marcus and bea had done the exact same thing this week by having a plan to evict lisa and david.

He showed himself up to be the arrogant, snidey little scrote that he is..You're all blinded by his uniquness as a housemate.

The chaps a total moron, a snob, who turns his nose up at people he feels are beneath him.

I have worked with many people like him during my time and believe me, they are all arrogant pish bags who need a good old fashioned kicking.
Originally posted by cheerio:
I found Freddie very hypocritical considering he, marcus and bea had done the exact same thing this week by having a plan to evict lisa and david.

He showed himself up to be the arrogant, snidey little scrote that he is..You're all blinded by his uniquness as a housemate.

The chaps a total moron, a snob, who turns his nose up at people he feels are beneath him.

I have worked with many people like him during my time and believe me, they are all arrogant pish bags who need a good old fashioned kicking.
agree, agree, agree! Well said Cheerio.
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by ~LEE~:

As David is the easy target for Freddy Bea and Marcus now.

Yup, largely based on their superior intelligence, educational opportunities, command of the English language and associated ability to keep their cool whilst having a barney. Don't care for David but arguments based on IQ etc. should have the same 'weight' rules as boxing, not a fair fight with a heavy weight v a flyweight
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by BristolGirl:
She got what she deserved. I have just been watching some of the old vids on Ch 4 site, and how she has spoken to him in the past and treated him! He is dead right she has had a game plan all along!

Anyone remember Lisa running and answering the phone to become a housemate? And then picking Kris tobe one aswell?

Kris and Charlie started thepicking on Freddie remember that as well. THey thought he was an easy target.

What goes around and all that!

As David is the easy target for Freddy Bea and Marcus now.

Senora Reyes

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