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Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Mary Valentine Hug, did you have a good time at your friends lol?.

Darlo Valentine Hug

Yeah thanks, had a very nice in depth chat and bonded lots, it was nice.

What happened on the HLs?

The housemates had a sports day task where they had to do things like egg and spoon race, skipping etc they was in teams. They also had to nominate, Sree was his usual irritating self.

Glad you had fun then Smiler Thumbs Up.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by joyron:
Originally posted by mary_bee:

Check us out nearly at 200 pages and nearly 100 fans.

I don't have a number but I AM a big fan of Freddie. I will be supporting him all the way.

Yayay! Big Grin

Let's just hope he's there for the long run Big Grin

I'm sure he WILL be. I hope he wins; but he should certainly be there at the end.

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