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What is it with some of the lads in the Big Brother House? A girl gives them a knockback, and their brain and egos respond with a signal of does-not-compute. Give them some time to think about it, and they soon start blaming Big Brother.

Marcus is always convincing himself about some Big Brother conspiracy or another, Siavash started doing it today about Noirin, and now Halfwit can't get his head around the fact that Bea isn't interested in him. And it's all Big Brother's fault, apparently.

"I feel a conflict internally," Halfwit whimpered from the bed. "I can feel thoughts that are my own and some that are BB-enduced. It's not very nice."

"Mmm," nodded Marcus.

"I have my own way of thinking and the way Big Brother wants me to think. I don't know what to do," he continued.

"Do neither," suggested Marcus. But Halfwit was just warming up.

"The BB brain is quite a negative path. It's more being a negative way than doing negative. But I guess being negative is doing negative."

It's a nice day Halfwit. Maybe go out, get some sun.

"I feel... manipulated," continued Halfwit, before Marcus agreed that Big Brother was probably picking on him and that he shouldn't show it. "Otherwise, it'll rub off on everyone else and no-one will want to be near you, like it was in the first few weeks."

That's it. Kick a man when he's down, Marcus.

The pair talked about it for ages, not really saying anything except that they thought Big Brother was probably playing with their minds in some way. But without ever really explaining how.

"I think the only way is to shut down my emotions," decided Halfwit at last. "I really want to get to where it's understanding an awareness."

Come on mate, she just doesn't fancy you, that's all.

More like Bea is Mad Wink.

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Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Does she still sleep with him every night?

She's in the bed next to him. Glance

The two beds have been pushed together, so for all intents and purposes it is now one large bed. Ideal for all the snuggling and spooning they get up to on a nightly basis.
Just Good Friends:

Halfwit's been having quite a morning of it. He's having a hard time dealing with his knockback from Bea. But rather than give his overworked brain a rest, he's decided the best way to tackle things is to have a heart to heart with Bea - whether she wants one or not.

Coming into the Bathroom earlier today Halfwit interrupted Bea when she couldn't escape - while she was having a bath, in her bikini. Settling himself beside her, he began to try explain why last night he'd asked her if she 'fancied' him.

"You put me on the spot," she told him.

"I didn't intend that," said Halfwit. Although, surely, what else could that question do?

"I didn't appreciate it. It came out of the blue," she said. But did it? Really?

"My real attitude is the genuine, easy-going attitude," said Halfwit. "Sorry. It's played on your insecurities too."

"Can you pass the soap?" asked Bea, instigating some diversion tactics. "You sounded so serious. You were saying things and I was like, what do you mean? It feels like you're probing.
Honestly, I haven't been asked that question since I was fourteen."

Halfwit shifted uncomfortably, saying: "The reason I said that word was because you said, come on, say it."

"I think I've made you quite aware of my mindset and my attitude," continued Bea. "So I was like, surely he's not asking me that. And you were! And it's not the best time to be having that conversation, with the lights off while we're in bed."

Halfwit started to talk again but Bea'd had enough. Clearly bathtime wasn't the right time to be having this conversation either.

"Can we have this conversation in ten minutes?" she asked.

"Yeah! Cool mate! Enjoy your bath!" said Halfwit, uneasily breezy all of a sudden, and left the Bathroom.

"For ****'s sake!" sighed Bea, settling back into her bath.

A bit later on the pair reconvened at the bus stop and Bea spelt it out for Halfwit, once and for all. "I'm you're friend," she stressed. "We have things in common. I'm affectionate with everyone. But that's it."

"I know Bea, I know," stressed Halfwit uncomfortably.

"I don't want to have this talk again. It all feels a bit intense."

Wonder if Halfwit will get the message this time?.

Hope he understands now Smiler.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
What is it with some of the lads in the Big Brother House? A girl gives them a knockback, and their brain and egos respond with a signal of does-not-compute. Give them some time to think about it, and they soon start blaming Big Brother.

Marcus is always convincing himself about some Big Brother conspiracy or another, Siavash started doing it today about Noirin, and now Halfwit can't get his head around the fact that Bea isn't interested in him. And it's all Big Brother's fault, apparently.

"I feel a conflict internally," Halfwit whimpered from the bed. "I can feel thoughts that are my own and some that are BB-enduced. It's not very nice."

"Mmm," nodded Marcus.

"I have my own way of thinking and the way Big Brother wants me to think. I don't know what to do," he continued.

"Do neither," suggested Marcus. But Halfwit was just warming up.

"The BB brain is quite a negative path. It's more being a negative way than doing negative. But I guess being negative is doing negative."

It's a nice day Halfwit. Maybe go out, get some sun.

"I feel... manipulated," continued Halfwit, before Marcus agreed that Big Brother was probably picking on him and that he shouldn't show it. "Otherwise, it'll rub off on everyone else and no-one will want to be near you, like it was in the first few weeks."

That's it. Kick a man when he's down, Marcus.

The pair talked about it for ages, not really saying anything except that they thought Big Brother was probably playing with their minds in some way. But without ever really explaining how.

"I think the only way is to shut down my emotions," decided Halfwit at last. "I really want to get to where it's understanding an awareness."

Come on mate, she just doesn't fancy you, that's all.

More like Bea is Mad Wink.

Oh dear! Are any of 'em going to make it to the final week? Big Grin
As a woman, I hate to admit this ( through gritted teeth) but I am not sure it is totally the men in the house fault. They are complete muppets, but frankly, I would also find it confusing if some guy jumped into bed with me on a regular basis, snogged me, cuddled me, and then told me no sorry he didn't actually fancy me. Confused But maybe it's a generation thing Big Grin
Originally posted by Baz:
As a woman, I hate to admit this ( through gritted teeth) but I am not sure it is totally the men in the house fault. They are complete muppets, but frankly, I would also find it confusing if some guy jumped into bed with me on a regular basis, snogged me, cuddled me, and then told me no sorry he didn't actually fancy me. Confused But maybe it's a generation thing Big Grin

I think, in Freddie's case, he decided that she was sent in by BB FOR him. He persuaded her to sleep in the bed next to his, on the first night.

I have never seen her snog anyone in the house either! Glance
Originally posted by Baz:
As a woman, I hate to admit this ( through gritted teeth) but I am not sure it is totally the men in the house fault. They are complete muppets, but frankly, I would also find it confusing if some guy jumped into bed with me on a regular basis, snogged me, cuddled me, and then told me no sorry he didn't actually fancy me. Confused But maybe it's a generation thing Big Grin

I am glad that you can see how upsetting it would be Baz. I feel for Freddie and just wish he would see her for what she is.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Baz:
As a woman, I hate to admit this ( through gritted teeth) but I am not sure it is totally the men in the house fault. They are complete muppets, but frankly, I would also find it confusing if some guy jumped into bed with me on a regular basis, snogged me, cuddled me, and then told me no sorry he didn't actually fancy me. Confused But maybe it's a generation thing Big Grin

I think, in Freddie's case, he decided that she was sent in by BB FOR him. He persuaded her to sleep in the bed next to his, on the first night.

I have never seen her snog anyone in the house either! Glance

Sorry, I was talking in a general sense, but including Noirin in the mix Blizzie. Hug I guess it may be an age thing, but I do find it strange to see almost total strangers readily jumping into each others beds Big Grin But like I said I think the men in there are, with the exception of Rodrigo, all total muppets. And it seems when it comes to women, they don't have a sensible brain cell amongst them Laugh
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Baz:
As a woman, I hate to admit this ( through gritted teeth) but I am not sure it is totally the men in the house fault. They are complete muppets, but frankly, I would also find it confusing if some guy jumped into bed with me on a regular basis, snogged me, cuddled me, and then told me no sorry he didn't actually fancy me. Confused But maybe it's a generation thing Big Grin

I am glad that you can see how upsetting it would be Baz. I feel for Freddie and just wish he would see her for what she is.

Hi there Squiggle.. how you doing? Hug I can't say I feel sorry for Freddie, or Marcus, or even Siavash, but I can understand their confusion. I just wish they would let their heads and not their trousers do the thinking Roll Eyes Big Grin
One thing nearly all HMs have in common is the perception that anything that happens is for their benefit and not for that of the audience.

Any new HM is viewed along the terms of who they were put in there for as if that were the sole purpose for them existing.

Another example David the other night talking with Lisa and later in the DR criticising Marcus' attitude toward "biting the hand that feeds them" BB. His view that they should be grateful to be there and not to disrespect BB who is there for their benefit.

I am no psychologist but even I would know how to manipulate people that gullible into thinking there might be something where there isnt by asking some leading questions in the DR Wink
Originally posted by Baz:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Baz:
As a woman, I hate to admit this ( through gritted teeth) but I am not sure it is totally the men in the house fault. They are complete muppets, but frankly, I would also find it confusing if some guy jumped into bed with me on a regular basis, snogged me, cuddled me, and then told me no sorry he didn't actually fancy me. Confused But maybe it's a generation thing Big Grin

I am glad that you can see how upsetting it would be Baz. I feel for Freddie and just wish he would see her for what she is.

Hi there Squiggle.. how you doing? Hug I can't say I feel sorry for Freddie, or Marcus, or even Siavash, but I can understand their confusion. I just wish they would let their heads and not their trousers do the thinking Roll Eyes Big Grin

Hi there Baz Valentine yeah all OK thanks, hows you? Not taken to anyone in the house this year?
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Baz:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Baz:
As a woman, I hate to admit this ( through gritted teeth) but I am not sure it is totally the men in the house fault. They are complete muppets, but frankly, I would also find it confusing if some guy jumped into bed with me on a regular basis, snogged me, cuddled me, and then told me no sorry he didn't actually fancy me. Confused But maybe it's a generation thing Big Grin

I am glad that you can see how upsetting it would be Baz. I feel for Freddie and just wish he would see her for what she is.

Hi there Squiggle.. how you doing? Hug I can't say I feel sorry for Freddie, or Marcus, or even Siavash, but I can understand their confusion. I just wish they would let their heads and not their trousers do the thinking Roll Eyes Big Grin

Hi there Baz Valentine yeah all OK thanks, hows you? Not taken to anyone in the house this year?

I'm good thanks hun. No, not like last year, it's more a case of who I don't like Big Grin Although I have liked Rodrigo from the start, and I think Hira and Sophie are harmless enough. Big Grin I did quite like Freddy, but over last couple weeks or so I have gone right off him. As for the rest........... Shake Head

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