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Sorry people have not been on here in ages and couldnt see anything relating to this! Have loved CBB this time and thought there would have been a lot more threads given it was such a good show this year, anyway stopped off given its final night


Anyway has anyone got to the bottom of what Jims comment about Frank Carsons Dressing room was all about? Saw the article posted by Liz where she mentions this again and seems to know what it was about...any rumours here?!


Its the only bit that i'm still  about!

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Its all a bit complicated


Several years ago, Linda's husband pleaded gulity to taking ÂĢ20 out of Frank Carson's wallet in his dressing room, while Frank was onstage. Apparently Jim had an argument with Linda's husband [now deceased] in which he brought up the theft. Due to the row Linda had Jim thrown out of the club, according to some sources  


However, Colleen Nolan on BOTS claimed Linda had him thrown out for sexist remarks.


Now. In the house, after Linda had really been badgering Jim, he snapped and said to Luisa... ask her about FC's dressing room. Luisa did and Linda implied her husband only pleaded guilty under pressure as reporters were hounding him. Leaving out the fact that CCTV had caught the theft.


So Linda went on a Kicking-a widow-when-she's-down tirade etc...


Jim i.m.o. genuinely regretted bringing it up and apologised. But honestly he'd been pushed to breaking point.


This is probably clear as mud  


Last edited by Former Member



Not too clear what happened in the dressing room ..Jim Davison was supposed to be on Cbb before and the things I had heard put me off ,but I give everyone a go the past is behind ,how they interact in the house Is my choice .


Personally I  think he was pushed to the limit and retaliated badly and should not have brought that up ,


If someone Is constantly on my back making digs trying to turn people against me I'm human a year of bad press got to him I'm sure



good luck too them all to-night and I hope they all come out to cheers no booing on the final I hope 


only my opinion     I hope Jim wins 


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by frodo:



Not too clear what happened in the dressing room ..Jim Davison was supposed to be on Cbb before and the things I had heard put me off ,but I give everyone a go the past is behind ,how they interact in the house Is my choice .


Personally I  think he was pushed to the limit and retaliated badly and should not have brought that up ,


If someone Is constantly on my back making digs trying to turn people against me I'm human a year of bad press got to him I'm sure



good luck too them all to-night and I hope they all come out to cheers no booing on the final I hope 


only my opinion     I hope Jim wins 


Exactly. Well put Frodo 


Hope they all get cheered tonight too 


Originally Posted by Trollop:

Also I suppose this answers why she was so hostile towards him...*penny drops* 

Linda also claimed [ can't remember if it was in the house or on BOTS] that Jim once said something to her and her 16 yr old sister when they were in the wings waiting to go on stage, and that he wouldn't remember as he was drunk]

Who knows Trollop?   Jim won and alls well that ends well.


Linda was still attempting to slag him on BOTs but her comment fell flat with the audience. Then Jim came on and was nice to her... and she came over and hugged him  





Last edited by Former Member

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