how dare that guy say that just because a bloke has tattoos that he's homophobic
Yes..... a bit presumptious!
how dare that guy say that just because a bloke has tattoos that he's homophobic
Yes..... a bit presumptious!
both the starter and the main looked lovely of course flowery shirt didn't like it
now because a guy has his hair the colour of the English flag he's racist
Oooo she's got a hubbly jubbly or what ever they are called and a belly dancer
Oooo she's got a hubbly jubbly or what ever they are called and a belly dancer
I know what you mean.....
the others seem to have liked her meal but I don't think flowery shirt man is going to approve of anyone's meal
Oooo all tactical - 6's all round
the others seem to have liked her meal but I don't think flowery shirt man is going to approve of anyone's meal
Oooo all tactical - 6's all round
I agree.....
I lubs lychees - piles them on my plate I does
I lubs lychees - piles them on my plate I does
I lubs them too
this guys meal sounds quite nice - I'm impressed as he knows what he's doing
what a surprise - Alan doesn't like it
this guys meal sounds quite nice - I'm impressed as he knows what he's doing
Yes, it makes a change.....
what a surprise - Alan doesn't like it
He's a pain!
I wouldn't want to eat it with my fingers either...
no I must admit that's an Eastern thing and allowances should be made but Alan is still a pain
and did you notice his face and how annoyed he was that they'd made assumptions of him
my old dear - could just imagine if I called my mammy that although my brother jokingly used to call her the old crow
Sorbet is supposed to be cold!! Good marks from all of them , except guess who!!!
Sorbet is supposed to be cold!! Good marks from all of them , except guess who!!!
Sorbet cold! gerroutofit
I wouldn't want to eat it with my fingers either...
no I must admit that's an Eastern thing and allowances should be made but Alan is still a pain
and did you notice his face and how annoyed he was that they'd made assumptions of him
`Yes.... pot and kettle spring to mind!
salmon cakes!!! fine dining at Alan's then - although to be fair they might be very nice
his garden is gorgeous
salmon cakes!!! fine dining at Alan's then - although to be fair they might be very nice
They do sound nice....... and look OK...
I think last night's guy is also going to mark him down in a tit for tat way....
If he's so comfortable as he says he is in his life (I hope he is) why does he feel the need to unburden to 3 strangers he hardly knows
He tells them all that personal stuff... and then says he doesn't want to be analysed
15 he's not going to like that
I remember years ago watching a Delia Smith cooking programme where she said she had a fantastic new way to open a coconut. I nearly pmsl when she put it in a plastic bad and started bashing it on the side of a wall
still makes me laugh today
15 he's not going to like that
No, and much as I don't like him , that seems a bit unfair....
I remember years ago watching a Delia Smith cooking programme where she said she had a fantastic new way to open a coconut. I nearly pmsl when she put it in a plastic bad and started bashing it on the side of a wall
still makes me laugh today
15 he's not going to like that
No, and much as I don't like him , that seems a bit unfair....
the food did look fairly bland though and considering Bihari only got 6s I think he got off lightly
I think Danny should win
He's really nice and I think his food is lovely.
Surprise surprise Alan doesn't like Thai green curry for being too green
What a miserable chap he is.... massive chip on his shoulder methinks!
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