@Baz posted:Another reason to underpay
I think that brekkie looked really good.
@Baz posted:Another reason to underpay
I think that brekkie looked really good.
@*mollie* posted:hooray
hope you are more relaxed now x
Yes , I am …cos it is looking calm for next few days 🤣🤣🤣🤣
that guy has those 2 blokes sussed out
surprised he paid in full
he must fancy her, as she looks good in that low cut frock
@*mollie* posted:surprised he paid in full
he must fancy her, as she looks good in that low cut frock
Yes 🤣🤣🤣🤣
and another low cut frock
and I don't think they are fake ones either
@*mollie* posted:and another low cut frock
and I don't think they are fake ones either
No, defo,real ones
@Baz posted:Yes , I am …cos it is looking calm for next few days 🤣🤣🤣🤣
good and it looks like it will be dry too, thankfully
@*mollie* posted:good and it looks like it will be dry too, thankfully
Yes, and it’s going to be warm too
aaww he is last and he is so nice too
good show but bad result!
but glad we chose to watch it
@*mollie* posted:aaww he is last and he is so nice too
Yes, all because of those nasty guys underpayment !
@Baz posted:Yes, all because of those nasty guys underpayment !
yes a big shame
/another pay day ...hope its a good one
oooeerr someone can't face payday comments, so have dropped out.
did you watch the beginning of this show ?
@*mollie* posted:oooeerr someone can't face payday comments, so have dropped out.
Have they 😱😱😱
bit petty saying furniture doesn't match, its not the blooming Hilton!
she is a game old bird to have done all that decorating
@*mollie* posted:did you watch the beginning of this show ?
I’ve watched the first couple of episodes ….I recorded them ….so will see why they dropped out 🤣🤣🤣
@Baz posted:Have they 😱😱😱
well he said they had dropped out of Payday due to "illness", so if you watched the show, I wondered if you noticed comments they didn't like?
@Baz posted:I’ve watched the first couple of episodes ….I recorded them ….so will see why they dropped out 🤣🤣🤣
great, see if you suspect anything that might be due to more than "illness"
Just read the blurb ….and when they stayed at the couple who have dropped outs place one couple apparently slept in their car rather than staying in the room 😱😱😱😱
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